use crate::{Callabler, GuiState, MainWindow}; use czkawka_core::common::{get_dynamic_image_from_raw_image, IMAGE_RS_EXTENSIONS, RAW_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS}; use image::DynamicImage; use log::{debug, error}; use slint::ComponentHandle; use std::path::Path; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; pub type ImageBufferRgba = image::ImageBuffer, Vec>; pub fn connect_show_preview(app: &MainWindow) { let a = app.as_weak(); |image_path| { let app = a.upgrade().unwrap(); let path = Path::new(image_path.as_str()); let res = load_image(path); if let Some((load_time, img)) = res { let start_timer_convert_time = Instant::now(); let slint_image = convert_into_slint_image(img); let convert_time = start_timer_convert_time.elapsed(); let start_set_time = Instant::now();; let set_time = start_set_time.elapsed(); debug!( "Loading image took: {:?}, converting image took: {:?}, setting image took: {:?}", load_time, convert_time, set_time );; } else {; } }); } fn convert_into_slint_image(img: DynamicImage) -> slint::Image { let image_buffer: ImageBufferRgba = img.to_rgba8(); let buffer = slint::SharedPixelBuffer::::clone_from_slice(image_buffer.as_raw(), image_buffer.width(), image_buffer.height()); slint::Image::from_rgba8(buffer) } fn load_image(image_path: &Path) -> Option<(Duration, image::DynamicImage)> { if !image_path.is_file() { return None; } let image_name = image_path.to_string_lossy().to_string(); let image_extension = image_path.extension()?.to_string_lossy().to_lowercase(); let extension_with_dot = format!(".{}", image_extension); let is_raw_image = RAW_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS.contains(&extension_with_dot.as_str()); let is_normal_image = IMAGE_RS_EXTENSIONS.contains(&extension_with_dot.as_str()); if !is_raw_image && !is_normal_image { return None; } let load_img_start_timer = Instant::now(); // TODO this needs to be run inside closure let img = if is_normal_image { match image::open(image_name) { Ok(img) => img, Err(e) => { error!("Error while loading image: {}", e); return None; } } } else if is_raw_image { if let Some(img) = get_dynamic_image_from_raw_image(image_name) { img } else { error!("Error while loading raw image - not sure why - try to guess"); return None; } } else { panic!("Used not supported image extension"); }; Some((load_img_start_timer.elapsed(), img)) }