# Czkawka CLI CLI frontend, allows to use Czkawka from terminal. ## Requirements Precompiled binaries should work without any additional dependencies with Linux(Ubuntu 20.04+), Windows(10+) and macOS(10.15+). If you decide to compile the app, you probably will be able to run it on even older versions of OS, like Ubuntu 16.04 or Windows 7. On linux it is even possible with eyra to avoid entirely libc and using fully static rust binary. If you want to use similar videos tool, you need to install ffmpeg(optional feature, only needed when running). - mac - `brew install ffmpeg` - https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/ffmpeg - linux - `sudo apt install ffmpeg` - windows - `choco install ffmpeg` - or if not working, download from https://ffmpeg.org/download.html#build-windows and unpack to location with `czkawka_cli.exe` ## Compilation For compilation, you need to have installed Rust via rustup - https://rustup.rs/ and compile it e.g. via ```shell cargo run --release --bin czkawka_cli ``` on linux to build fully static binary you need to use ```shell rustup default nightly-2023-11-16 # or any newer nightly that works fine with eyra cd czkawka_cli cargo add eyra --rename=std echo 'fn main() { println!("cargo:rustc-link-arg=-nostartfiles"); }' > build.rs cd .. cargo build --release --bin czkawka_cli ``` ## Limitations Not all available features in core are available in CLI. List of not available features: - Ability to use/choose referenced directories - See progress of scanning ## LICENSE MIT