[package] name = "czkawka_gui" version = "4.1.0" authors = ["RafaƂ Mikrut "] edition = "2021" description = "GTK frontend of Czkawka" license = "MIT" homepage = "https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka" repository = "https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka" [dependencies] czkawka_core = { path = "../czkawka_core", version = "4.1.0"} gdk = "0.15.4" glib = "0.15.10" humansize = "1.1.1" chrono = "0.4.19" # Used for sending stop signal across threads crossbeam-channel = "0.5.4" # To get informations about progress futures = "0.3.21" # For saving/loading config files to specific directories directories-next = "2.0.0" # For opening files open = "2.1.1" # To get image preview image = "0.24.1" # To be able to use custom select regex = "1.5.5" # To get image_hasher types image_hasher = "1.0.0" # Move files to trash trash = "1.3.0" # For moving files(why std::fs doesn't have such features) fs_extra = "1.2.0" # Language i18n-embed = { version = "0.13.4", features = ["fluent-system", "desktop-requester"] } i18n-embed-fl = "0.6.4" rust-embed = "6.4.0" once_cell = "1.10.0" [target.'cfg(windows)'.dependencies] winapi = { version = "0.3.9", features = ["combaseapi", "objbase", "shobjidl_core", "windef", "winerror", "wtypesbase", "winuser"] } [dependencies.gtk] version = "0.15.4" default-features = false # just in case features = ["v3_24_9"]