extern crate gtk; use crate::gui_data::GuiData; use crate::help_functions::*; use crate::notebook_enums::*; use czkawka_core::duplicate::make_hard_link; use gtk::prelude::*; use gtk::{TreeIter, TreePath}; use std::fs; use std::path::PathBuf; pub fn connect_button_hardlink(gui_data: &GuiData) { let gui_data = gui_data.clone(); let buttons_hardlink = gui_data.bottom_buttons.buttons_hardlink.clone(); let notebook_main = gui_data.main_notebook.notebook_main.clone(); let tree_view_duplicate_finder = gui_data.main_notebook.tree_view_duplicate_finder.clone(); let tree_view_similar_images_finder = gui_data.main_notebook.tree_view_similar_images_finder.clone(); let tree_view_same_music_finder = gui_data.main_notebook.tree_view_same_music_finder.clone(); let image_preview_similar_images = gui_data.main_notebook.image_preview_similar_images.clone(); buttons_hardlink.connect_clicked(move |_| match to_notebook_main_enum(notebook_main.current_page().unwrap()) { NotebookMainEnum::Duplicate => { hardlink_symlink( tree_view_duplicate_finder.clone(), ColumnsDuplicates::Name as i32, ColumnsDuplicates::Path as i32, ColumnsDuplicates::Color as i32, ColumnsDuplicates::ActiveSelectButton as i32, true, &gui_data, ); } NotebookMainEnum::SameMusic => { hardlink_symlink( tree_view_same_music_finder.clone(), ColumnsSameMusic::Name as i32, ColumnsSameMusic::Path as i32, ColumnsSameMusic::Color as i32, ColumnsSameMusic::ActiveSelectButton as i32, true, &gui_data, ); } NotebookMainEnum::SimilarImages => { hardlink_symlink( tree_view_similar_images_finder.clone(), ColumnsSimilarImages::Name as i32, ColumnsSimilarImages::Path as i32, ColumnsSimilarImages::Color as i32, ColumnsSimilarImages::ActiveSelectButton as i32, true, &gui_data, ); image_preview_similar_images.hide(); } e => panic!("Not existent {:?}", e), }); } pub fn hardlink_symlink(tree_view: gtk::TreeView, column_file_name: i32, column_path: i32, column_color: i32, column_selection: i32, hardlinking: bool, gui_data: &GuiData) { let text_view_errors = gui_data.text_view_errors.clone(); reset_text_view(&text_view_errors); let model = get_list_store(&tree_view); #[derive(Debug)] struct SymHardlinkData { original_data: String, files_to_symhardlink: Vec, } let mut vec_tree_path_to_remove: Vec = Vec::new(); // List of hardlinked files without its root let mut vec_symhardlink_data: Vec = Vec::new(); let current_iter: TreeIter = match model.iter_first() { Some(t) => t, None => return, // No records }; let mut selected_rows = Vec::new(); if let Some(iter) = model.iter_first() { loop { if model.value(&iter, column_color).get::().unwrap() == MAIN_ROW_COLOR && model.value(&iter, column_selection).get::().unwrap() { selected_rows.push(model.path(&iter).unwrap()); } if !model.iter_next(&iter) { break; } } } let mut current_symhardlink_data: Option = None; let mut current_selected_index = 0; loop { if model.value(¤t_iter, column_color).get::().unwrap() == HEADER_ROW_COLOR { if let Some(current_symhardlink_data) = current_symhardlink_data { if !current_symhardlink_data.files_to_symhardlink.is_empty() { vec_symhardlink_data.push(current_symhardlink_data); } } current_symhardlink_data = None; if !model.iter_next(¤t_iter) { panic!("HEADER, shouldn't be a last item."); } continue; } if model.path(¤t_iter).unwrap() == selected_rows[current_selected_index] { let file_name = model.value(¤t_iter, column_file_name).get::().unwrap(); let path = model.value(¤t_iter, column_path).get::().unwrap(); let full_file_path = format!("{}/{}", path, file_name); if current_symhardlink_data.is_some() { vec_tree_path_to_remove.push(model.path(¤t_iter).unwrap()); let mut temp_data = current_symhardlink_data.unwrap(); temp_data.files_to_symhardlink.push(full_file_path); current_symhardlink_data = Some(temp_data); } else { current_symhardlink_data = Some(SymHardlinkData { original_data: full_file_path, files_to_symhardlink: vec![], }); } if current_selected_index != selected_rows.len() - 1 { current_selected_index += 1; } else { if let Some(current_symhardlink_data) = current_symhardlink_data { if !current_symhardlink_data.files_to_symhardlink.is_empty() { vec_symhardlink_data.push(current_symhardlink_data); } } break; // There is no more selected items, so we just end checking } } if !model.iter_next(¤t_iter) { if let Some(current_symhardlink_data) = current_symhardlink_data { if !current_symhardlink_data.files_to_symhardlink.is_empty() { vec_symhardlink_data.push(current_symhardlink_data); } } break; } } if hardlinking { dbg!(&vec_symhardlink_data); for symhardlink_data in vec_symhardlink_data { dbg!(&symhardlink_data); for file_to_hardlink in symhardlink_data.files_to_symhardlink { match make_hard_link(&PathBuf::from(&symhardlink_data.original_data), &PathBuf::from(&file_to_hardlink)) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => { add_text_to_text_view(&text_view_errors, format!("Failed to hardlink {}, reason {}", file_to_hardlink, e).as_str()); continue; } } } println!(); } } else { for symhardlink_data in vec_symhardlink_data { for file_to_symlink in symhardlink_data.files_to_symhardlink { match fs::remove_file(&file_to_symlink) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => { add_text_to_text_view(&text_view_errors, format!("Failed to remove file {} when creating symlink, reason {}", file_to_symlink, e).as_str()); continue; } }; #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] { match std::os::unix::fs::symlink(&symhardlink_data.original_data, &file_to_symlink) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => { add_text_to_text_view(&text_view_errors, format!("Failed to remove file {} when creating symlink, reason {}", file_to_symlink, e).as_str()); continue; } }; } #[cfg(target_family = "windows")] { match std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file(&symhardlink_data.original_data, &file_to_symlink) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => { add_text_to_text_view(&text_view_errors, format!("Failed to remove file {} when creating symlink, reason {}", file_to_symlink, e).as_str()); continue; } }; } } println!(); } } for tree_path in vec_tree_path_to_remove.iter().rev() { model.remove(&model.iter(tree_path).unwrap()); } // Remove only child from header if let Some(first_iter) = model.iter_first() { let mut vec_tree_path_to_delete: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut current_iter = first_iter; if model.value(¤t_iter, column_color).get::().unwrap() != HEADER_ROW_COLOR { panic!(); // First element should be header }; let mut next_iter; let mut next_next_iter; 'main: loop { if model.value(¤t_iter, column_color).get::().unwrap() != HEADER_ROW_COLOR { panic!(); // First element should be header }; next_iter = current_iter.clone(); if !model.iter_next(&next_iter) { // There is only single header left (H1 -> END) -> (NOTHING) vec_tree_path_to_delete.push(model.path(¤t_iter).unwrap()); break 'main; } if model.value(&next_iter, column_color).get::().unwrap() == HEADER_ROW_COLOR { // There are two headers each others(we remove just first) -> (H1 -> H2) -> (H2) vec_tree_path_to_delete.push(model.path(¤t_iter).unwrap()); current_iter = next_iter.clone(); continue 'main; } next_next_iter = next_iter.clone(); if !model.iter_next(&next_next_iter) { // There is only one child of header left, so we remove it with header (H1 -> C1 -> END) -> (NOTHING) vec_tree_path_to_delete.push(model.path(¤t_iter).unwrap()); vec_tree_path_to_delete.push(model.path(&next_iter).unwrap()); break 'main; } if model.value(&next_next_iter, column_color).get::().unwrap() == HEADER_ROW_COLOR { // One child between two headers, we can remove them (H1 -> C1 -> H2) -> (H2) vec_tree_path_to_delete.push(model.path(¤t_iter).unwrap()); vec_tree_path_to_delete.push(model.path(&next_iter).unwrap()); current_iter = next_next_iter.clone(); continue 'main; } loop { // (H1 -> C1 -> C2 -> Cn -> END) -> (NO CHANGE, BECAUSE IS GOOD) if !model.iter_next(&next_next_iter) { break 'main; } // Move to next header if model.value(&next_next_iter, column_color).get::().unwrap() == HEADER_ROW_COLOR { current_iter = next_next_iter.clone(); continue 'main; } } } for tree_path in vec_tree_path_to_delete.iter().rev() { model.remove(&model.iter(tree_path).unwrap()); } } }