import { Button, VerticalBox ,TextEdit, HorizontalBox, TabWidget, ListView, StandardListView, StandardTableView, CheckBox, LineEdit} from "std-widgets.slint"; import {SelectableTableView} from "selectable_tree_view.slint"; import {LeftSidePanel} from "left_side_panel.slint"; import {MainList} from "main_lists.slint"; import {CurrentTab, ProgressToSend} from "common.slint"; import { ActionButtons } from "action_buttons.slint"; import { Progress } from "progress.slint"; import {MainListModel, SelectMode, SelectModel} from "common.slint"; import {Settings} from "settings.slint"; import {Callabler} from "callabler.slint"; import { BottomPanel } from "bottom_panel.slint"; import {ColorPalette} from "color_palette.slint"; import {GuiState} from "gui_state.slint"; import { Preview } from "preview.slint"; export component PopupDelete inherits Rectangle { out property popup_width: 350px; out property popup_height: 150px; callback show_popup(); popup_window := PopupWindow { width: popup_width; height: popup_height; close-on-click: true; Rectangle { width: parent.width; height: parent.height; border-radius: 5px; background: ColorPalette.popup_background; VerticalLayout { Text { vertical-stretch: 0.0; text: "Delete items"; vertical-alignment: center; horizontal-alignment: center; font-size: 13px; padding: 10px; } Text { vertical-stretch: 1.0; text: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"; vertical-alignment: center; horizontal-alignment: center; font-size: 13px; padding: 10px; } HorizontalLayout { Button { text: "Yes"; clicked => { popup_window.close(); Callabler.delete_selected_items(); } } Rectangle { } Button { text: "No"; clicked => { popup_window.close(); } } } } } } show_popup() => {; } }