use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::fs::Metadata; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; use std::{fs}; use crossbeam_channel::Receiver; use rayon::prelude::*; use crate::common::{prepare_thread_handler_common}; use crate::common_directory::Directories; use crate::common_extensions::Extensions; use crate::common_items::ExcludedItems; use crate::flc; use crate::localizer_core::generate_translation_hashmap; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ProgressData { pub checking_method: CheckingMethod, pub current_stage: u8, pub max_stage: u8, pub entries_checked: usize, pub entries_to_check: usize, } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, Copy)] pub enum CheckingMethod { None, Name, SizeName, Size, Hash, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct FileEntry { pub path: PathBuf, pub size: u64, pub modified_date: u64, pub hash: String, pub symlink_info: Option, } // Symlinks const MAX_NUMBER_OF_SYMLINK_JUMPS: i32 = 20; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct SymlinkInfo { pub destination_path: PathBuf, pub type_of_error: ErrorType, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy)] pub enum ErrorType { InfiniteRecursion, NonExistentFile, } // Empty folders /// Enum with values which show if folder is empty. /// In function "`optimize_folders`" automatically "Maybe" is changed to "Yes", so it is not necessary to put it here #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub(crate) enum FolderEmptiness { No, Maybe, } /// Struct assigned to each checked folder with parent path(used to ignore parent if children are not empty) and flag which shows if folder is empty #[derive(Clone)] pub struct FolderEntry { pub(crate) parent_path: Option, // Usable only when finding pub(crate) is_empty: FolderEmptiness, pub modified_date: u64, } // Collection mode (files / empty folders) #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum Collect { EmptyFolders, InvalidSymlinks, Files, } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] enum EntryType { File, Dir, Symlink, Other, } pub struct DirTraversalBuilder<'a, 'b, F> { group_by: Option, root_dirs: Vec, stop_receiver: Option<&'a Receiver<()>>, progress_sender: Option<&'b futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender>, minimal_file_size: Option, maximal_file_size: Option, checking_method: CheckingMethod, max_stage: u8, collect: Collect, recursive_search: bool, directories: Option, excluded_items: Option, allowed_extensions: Option, } pub struct DirTraversal<'a, 'b, F> { group_by: F, root_dirs: Vec, stop_receiver: Option<&'a Receiver<()>>, progress_sender: Option<&'b futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender>, recursive_search: bool, directories: Directories, excluded_items: ExcludedItems, allowed_extensions: Extensions, minimal_file_size: u64, maximal_file_size: u64, checking_method: CheckingMethod, max_stage: u8, collect: Collect, } impl<'a, 'b> Default for DirTraversalBuilder<'a, 'b, ()> { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl<'a, 'b> DirTraversalBuilder<'a, 'b, ()> { #[must_use] pub fn new() -> DirTraversalBuilder<'a, 'b, ()> { DirTraversalBuilder { group_by: None, root_dirs: vec![], stop_receiver: None, progress_sender: None, checking_method: CheckingMethod::None, max_stage: 0, minimal_file_size: None, maximal_file_size: None, collect: Collect::Files, recursive_search: false, directories: None, allowed_extensions: None, excluded_items: None, } } } impl<'a, 'b, F> DirTraversalBuilder<'a, 'b, F> { #[must_use] pub fn root_dirs(mut self, dirs: Vec) -> Self { self.root_dirs = dirs; self } #[must_use] pub fn stop_receiver(mut self, stop_receiver: Option<&'a Receiver<()>>) -> Self { self.stop_receiver = stop_receiver; self } #[must_use] pub fn progress_sender(mut self, progress_sender: Option<&'b futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender>) -> Self { self.progress_sender = progress_sender; self } #[must_use] pub fn checking_method(mut self, checking_method: CheckingMethod) -> Self { self.checking_method = checking_method; self } #[must_use] pub fn max_stage(mut self, max_stage: u8) -> Self { self.max_stage = max_stage; self } #[must_use] pub fn minimal_file_size(mut self, minimal_file_size: u64) -> Self { self.minimal_file_size = Some(minimal_file_size); self } #[must_use] pub fn maximal_file_size(mut self, maximal_file_size: u64) -> Self { self.maximal_file_size = Some(maximal_file_size); self } #[must_use] pub fn collect(mut self, collect: Collect) -> Self { self.collect = collect; self } #[must_use] pub fn directories(mut self, directories: Directories) -> Self { self.directories = Some(directories); self } #[must_use] pub fn allowed_extensions(mut self, allowed_extensions: Extensions) -> Self { self.allowed_extensions = Some(allowed_extensions); self } #[must_use] pub fn excluded_items(mut self, excluded_items: ExcludedItems) -> Self { self.excluded_items = Some(excluded_items); self } #[must_use] pub fn recursive_search(mut self, recursive_search: bool) -> Self { self.recursive_search = recursive_search; self } #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] #[must_use] pub fn exclude_other_filesystems(mut self, exclude_other_filesystems: bool) -> Self { match self.directories { Some(ref mut directories) => directories.set_exclude_other_filesystems(exclude_other_filesystems), None => panic!("Directories is None"), } self } pub fn group_by(self, group_by: G) -> DirTraversalBuilder<'a, 'b, G> where G: Fn(&FileEntry) -> T, { DirTraversalBuilder { group_by: Some(group_by), root_dirs: self.root_dirs, stop_receiver: self.stop_receiver, progress_sender: self.progress_sender, directories: self.directories, allowed_extensions: self.allowed_extensions, excluded_items: self.excluded_items, recursive_search: self.recursive_search, maximal_file_size: self.maximal_file_size, minimal_file_size: self.minimal_file_size, collect: self.collect, checking_method: self.checking_method, max_stage: self.max_stage, } } pub fn build(self) -> DirTraversal<'a, 'b, F> { DirTraversal { group_by: self.group_by.expect("could not build"), root_dirs: self.root_dirs, stop_receiver: self.stop_receiver, progress_sender: self.progress_sender, checking_method: self.checking_method, max_stage: self.max_stage, minimal_file_size: self.minimal_file_size.unwrap_or(0), maximal_file_size: self.maximal_file_size.unwrap_or(u64::MAX), collect: self.collect, directories: self.directories.expect("could not build"), excluded_items: self.excluded_items.expect("could not build"), allowed_extensions: self.allowed_extensions.unwrap_or_default(), recursive_search: self.recursive_search, } } } pub enum DirTraversalResult { SuccessFiles { start_time: SystemTime, warnings: Vec, grouped_file_entries: BTreeMap>, }, SuccessFolders { start_time: SystemTime, warnings: Vec, folder_entries: BTreeMap, // Path, FolderEntry }, Stopped, } fn entry_type(metadata: &Metadata) -> EntryType { let file_type = metadata.file_type(); if file_type.is_dir() { EntryType::Dir } else if file_type.is_symlink() { EntryType::Symlink } else if file_type.is_file() { EntryType::File } else { EntryType::Other } } impl<'a, 'b, F, T> DirTraversal<'a, 'b, F> where F: Fn(&FileEntry) -> T, T: Ord + PartialOrd, { pub fn run(self) -> DirTraversalResult { let mut all_warnings = vec![]; let mut grouped_file_entries: BTreeMap> = BTreeMap::new(); let mut folder_entries: BTreeMap = BTreeMap::new(); let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now(); // Add root folders into result (only for empty folder collection) let mut folders_to_check: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(1024 * 2); // This should be small enough too not see to big difference and big enough to store most of paths without needing to resize vector if self.collect == Collect::EmptyFolders { for dir in &self.root_dirs { folder_entries.insert( dir.clone(), FolderEntry { parent_path: None, is_empty: FolderEmptiness::Maybe, modified_date: 0, }, ); } } // Add root folders for finding folders_to_check.extend(self.root_dirs); let progress_thread_run = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); let atomic_entry_counter = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let progress_thread_handle = prepare_thread_handler_common( self.progress_sender, &progress_thread_run, &atomic_entry_counter, 0, self.max_stage, 0, self.checking_method, ); let DirTraversal { collect, directories, excluded_items, allowed_extensions, recursive_search, minimal_file_size, maximal_file_size, stop_receiver, .. } = self; while !folders_to_check.is_empty() { if stop_receiver.is_some() && stop_receiver.unwrap().try_recv().is_ok() { // End thread which send info to gui, Ordering::Relaxed); progress_thread_handle.join().unwrap(); return DirTraversalResult::Stopped; } let segments: Vec<_> = folders_to_check .par_iter() .map(|current_folder| { let mut dir_result = vec![]; let mut warnings = vec![]; let mut fe_result = vec![]; let mut set_as_not_empty_folder_list = vec![]; let mut folder_entries_list = vec![]; // Read current dir children let read_dir = match fs::read_dir(current_folder) { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { warnings.push(flc!( "core_cannot_open_dir", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("dir", current_folder.display().to_string()), ("reason", e.to_string())]) )); return (dir_result, warnings, fe_result, set_as_not_empty_folder_list, folder_entries_list); } }; // Check every sub folder/file/link etc. 'dir: for entry in read_dir { let entry_data = match entry { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { warnings.push(flc!( "core_cannot_read_entry_dir", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("dir", current_folder.display().to_string()), ("reason", e.to_string())]) )); continue 'dir; } }; let metadata: Metadata = match entry_data.metadata() { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { warnings.push(flc!( "core_cannot_read_metadata_dir", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("dir", current_folder.display().to_string()), ("reason", e.to_string())]) )); continue 'dir; } }; match (entry_type(&metadata), collect) { (EntryType::Dir, Collect::Files | Collect::InvalidSymlinks) => { if !recursive_search { continue 'dir; } let next_folder = current_folder.join(entry_data.file_name()); if directories.is_excluded(&next_folder) { continue 'dir; } if excluded_items.is_excluded(&next_folder) { continue 'dir; } #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] if directories.exclude_other_filesystems() { match directories.is_on_other_filesystems(&next_folder) { Ok(true) => continue 'dir, Err(e) => warnings.push(e.to_string()), _ => (), } } dir_result.push(next_folder); } (EntryType::Dir, Collect::EmptyFolders) => { atomic_entry_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let next_folder = current_folder.join(entry_data.file_name()); if excluded_items.is_excluded(&next_folder) || directories.is_excluded(&next_folder) { set_as_not_empty_folder_list.push(current_folder.clone()); continue 'dir; } #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] if directories.exclude_other_filesystems() { match directories.is_on_other_filesystems(&next_folder) { Ok(true) => continue 'dir, Err(e) => warnings.push(e.to_string()), _ => (), } } dir_result.push(next_folder.clone()); folder_entries_list.push(( next_folder.clone(), FolderEntry { parent_path: Some(current_folder.clone()), is_empty: FolderEmptiness::Maybe, modified_date: match metadata.modified() { Ok(t) => match t.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) { Ok(d) => d.as_secs(), Err(_inspected) => { warnings.push(flc!( "core_folder_modified_before_epoch", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("name", current_folder.display().to_string())]) )); 0 } }, Err(e) => { warnings.push(flc!( "core_folder_no_modification_date", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("name", current_folder.display().to_string()), ("reason", e.to_string())]) )); 0 } }, }, )); } (EntryType::File, Collect::Files) => { atomic_entry_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let file_name_lowercase: String = match entry_data.file_name().into_string() { Ok(t) => t, Err(_inspected) => { warnings.push(flc!( "core_file_not_utf8_name", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("name", entry_data.path().display().to_string())]) )); continue 'dir; } } .to_lowercase(); if !allowed_extensions.matches_filename(&file_name_lowercase) { continue 'dir; } if (minimal_file_size..=maximal_file_size).contains(&metadata.len()) { let current_file_name = current_folder.join(entry_data.file_name()); if excluded_items.is_excluded(¤t_file_name) { continue 'dir; } #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] if directories.exclude_other_filesystems() { match directories.is_on_other_filesystems(¤t_file_name) { Ok(true) => continue 'dir, Err(e) => warnings.push(e.to_string()), _ => (), } } // Creating new file entry let fe: FileEntry = FileEntry { path: current_file_name.clone(), size: metadata.len(), modified_date: match metadata.modified() { Ok(t) => match t.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) { Ok(d) => d.as_secs(), Err(_inspected) => { warnings.push(flc!( "core_file_modified_before_epoch", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("name", current_file_name.display().to_string())]) )); 0 } }, Err(e) => { warnings.push(flc!( "core_file_no_modification_date", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("name", current_file_name.display().to_string()), ("reason", e.to_string())]) )); 0 } }, hash: String::new(), symlink_info: None, }; fe_result.push(fe); } } (EntryType::File | EntryType::Symlink, Collect::EmptyFolders) => { #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] if directories.exclude_other_filesystems() { match directories.is_on_other_filesystems(current_folder) { Ok(true) => continue 'dir, Err(e) => warnings.push(e.to_string()), _ => (), } } set_as_not_empty_folder_list.push(current_folder.clone()); } (EntryType::File, Collect::InvalidSymlinks) => { atomic_entry_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } (EntryType::Symlink, Collect::InvalidSymlinks) => { atomic_entry_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let file_name_lowercase: String = match entry_data.file_name().into_string() { Ok(t) => t, Err(_inspected) => { warnings.push(flc!( "core_file_not_utf8_name", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("name", entry_data.path().display().to_string())]) )); continue 'dir; } } .to_lowercase(); if !allowed_extensions.matches_filename(&file_name_lowercase) { continue 'dir; } let current_file_name = current_folder.join(entry_data.file_name()); if excluded_items.is_excluded(¤t_file_name) { continue 'dir; } #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] if directories.exclude_other_filesystems() { match directories.is_on_other_filesystems(current_folder) { Ok(true) => continue 'dir, Err(e) => warnings.push(e.to_string()), _ => (), } } let mut destination_path = PathBuf::new(); let type_of_error; match current_file_name.read_link() { Ok(t) => { destination_path.push(t); let mut number_of_loop = 0; let mut current_path = current_file_name.clone(); loop { if number_of_loop == 0 && !current_path.exists() { type_of_error = ErrorType::NonExistentFile; break; } if number_of_loop == MAX_NUMBER_OF_SYMLINK_JUMPS { type_of_error = ErrorType::InfiniteRecursion; break; } current_path = match current_path.read_link() { Ok(t) => t, Err(_inspected) => { // Looks that some next symlinks are broken, but we do nothing with it - TODO why they are broken continue 'dir; } }; number_of_loop += 1; } } Err(_inspected) => { // Failed to load info about it type_of_error = ErrorType::NonExistentFile; } } // Creating new file entry let fe: FileEntry = FileEntry { path: current_file_name.clone(), modified_date: match metadata.modified() { Ok(t) => match t.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) { Ok(d) => d.as_secs(), Err(_inspected) => { warnings.push(flc!( "core_file_modified_before_epoch", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("name", current_file_name.display().to_string())]) )); 0 } }, Err(e) => { warnings.push(flc!( "core_file_no_modification_date", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("name", current_file_name.display().to_string()), ("reason", e.to_string())]) )); 0 } }, size: 0, hash: String::new(), symlink_info: Some(SymlinkInfo { destination_path, type_of_error }), }; // Adding files to Vector fe_result.push(fe); } (EntryType::Symlink, Collect::Files) | (EntryType::Other, _) => { // nothing to do } } } (dir_result, warnings, fe_result, set_as_not_empty_folder_list, folder_entries_list) }) .collect(); // Advance the frontier folders_to_check.clear(); // Process collected data for (segment, warnings, fe_result, set_as_not_empty_folder_list, fe_list) in segments { folders_to_check.extend(segment); all_warnings.extend(warnings); for fe in fe_result { let key = (self.group_by)(&fe); grouped_file_entries.entry(key).or_insert_with(Vec::new).push(fe); } for current_folder in &set_as_not_empty_folder_list { set_as_not_empty_folder(&mut folder_entries, current_folder); } for (path, entry) in fe_list { folder_entries.insert(path, entry); } } } // End thread which send info to gui, Ordering::Relaxed); progress_thread_handle.join().unwrap(); match collect { Collect::Files | Collect::InvalidSymlinks => DirTraversalResult::SuccessFiles { start_time, grouped_file_entries, warnings: all_warnings, }, Collect::EmptyFolders => DirTraversalResult::SuccessFolders { start_time, folder_entries, warnings: all_warnings, }, } } } fn set_as_not_empty_folder(folder_entries: &mut BTreeMap, current_folder: &Path) { // Not folder so it may be a file or symbolic link so it isn't empty folder_entries.get_mut(current_folder).unwrap().is_empty = FolderEmptiness::No; let mut d = folder_entries.get_mut(current_folder).unwrap(); // Loop to recursively set as non empty this and all his parent folders loop { d.is_empty = FolderEmptiness::No; if d.parent_path.is_some() { let cf = d.parent_path.clone().unwrap(); d = folder_entries.get_mut(&cf).unwrap(); } else { break; } } }