import { Button, VerticalBox , HorizontalBox, TabWidget, ListView, StandardListView, StandardTableView, CheckBox, ScrollView, LineEdit, SpinBox, ComboBox, TextEdit, Slider} from "std-widgets.slint"; import { Settings } from "settings.slint"; import { Callabler } from "callabler.slint"; import { GuiState } from "gui_state.slint"; export component About inherits VerticalLayout { preferred-height: 300px; preferred-width: 400px; img := Image { source: @image-url("../icons/logo.png"); image-fit: ImageFit.contain; } Text { text: "7.0.0"; horizontal-alignment: center; font-size: max(min(img.width / 20, 17px), 10px); } VerticalLayout { spacing: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; Text { text: "2020 - 2024 RafaƂ Mikrut(qarmin)"; horizontal-alignment: center; font-size: 15px; } Text { text: "This program is free to use and will always be.\nSee the The MIT/GPL License for details."; horizontal-alignment: center; font-size: 13px; } Text { text: "You may not look at unicorn, but unicorn always looks at you."; horizontal-alignment: center; font-size: 13px; } } HorizontalLayout { spacing: 5px; Button { text: "Repository"; clicked => { Callabler.open_link(""); } } Button { text: "Instruction"; clicked => { Callabler.open_link(""); } } Button { text: "Donation"; clicked => { Callabler.open_link(""); } } Button { text: "Translation"; clicked => { Callabler.open_link(""); } } } }