use crate::common::Common; use crate::common_directory::Directories; use crate::common_items::ExcludedItems; use crate::common_messages::Messages; use crate::common_traits::{DebugPrint, PrintResults, SaveResults}; use bk_tree::BKTree; use crossbeam_channel::Receiver; use directories_next::ProjectDirs; use humansize::{file_size_opts as options, FileSize}; use image::GenericImageView; use img_hash::HasherConfig; use rayon::prelude::*; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use std::fs::{File, Metadata}; use std::io::Write; use std::io::*; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; use std::{fs, mem, thread}; /// Type to store for each entry in the similarity BK-tree. type Node = [u8; 8]; const CACHE_FILE_NAME: &str = "cache_similar_image.txt"; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ProgressData { pub current_stage: u8, pub max_stage: u8, pub images_checked: usize, pub images_to_check: usize, } #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug)] pub enum Similarity { None, Minimal, VerySmall, Small, Medium, High, VeryHigh, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct FileEntry { pub path: PathBuf, pub size: u64, pub dimensions: String, pub modified_date: u64, pub hash: Node, pub similarity: Similarity, } /// Distance metric to use with the BK-tree. struct Hamming; impl bk_tree::Metric for Hamming { fn distance(&self, a: &Node, b: &Node) -> u64 { hamming::distance_fast(a, b).unwrap() } } /// Struct to store most basics info about all folder pub struct SimilarImages { information: Info, text_messages: Messages, directories: Directories, excluded_items: ExcludedItems, bktree: BKTree, similar_vectors: Vec>, recursive_search: bool, minimal_file_size: u64, image_hashes: HashMap>, // Hashmap with image hashes and Vector with names of files stopped_search: bool, similarity: Similarity, images_to_check: HashMap, use_cache: bool, } /// Info struck with helpful information's about results #[derive(Default)] pub struct Info { pub number_of_removed_files: usize, pub number_of_failed_to_remove_files: usize, pub gained_space: u64, } impl Info { pub fn new() -> Self { Default::default() } } /// Method implementation for EmptyFolder impl SimilarImages { /// New function providing basics values pub fn new() -> Self { Self { information: Default::default(), text_messages: Messages::new(), directories: Directories::new(), excluded_items: Default::default(), bktree: BKTree::new(Hamming), similar_vectors: vec![], recursive_search: true, minimal_file_size: 1024 * 16, // 16 KB should be enough to exclude too small images from search image_hashes: Default::default(), stopped_search: false, similarity: Similarity::High, images_to_check: Default::default(), use_cache: true, } } pub fn get_stopped_search(&self) -> bool { self.stopped_search } pub const fn get_text_messages(&self) -> &Messages { &self.text_messages } pub const fn get_similar_images(&self) -> &Vec> { &self.similar_vectors } pub const fn get_information(&self) -> &Info { &self.information } pub fn set_use_cache(&mut self, use_cache: bool) { self.use_cache = use_cache; } pub fn set_recursive_search(&mut self, recursive_search: bool) { self.recursive_search = recursive_search; } pub fn set_minimal_file_size(&mut self, minimal_file_size: u64) { self.minimal_file_size = match minimal_file_size { 0 => 1, t => t, }; } pub fn set_similarity(&mut self, similarity: Similarity) { self.similarity = similarity; } /// Public function used by CLI to search for empty folders pub fn find_similar_images(&mut self, stop_receiver: Option<&Receiver<()>>, progress_sender: Option<&futures::channel::mpsc::Sender>) { self.directories.optimize_directories(true, &mut self.text_messages); if !self.check_for_similar_images(stop_receiver, progress_sender) { self.stopped_search = true; return; } if !self.sort_images(stop_receiver, progress_sender) { self.stopped_search = true; return; } // if self.delete_folders { // self.delete_empty_folders(); // } self.debug_print(); } // pub fn set_delete_folder(&mut self, delete_folder: bool) { // self.delete_folders = delete_folder; // } /// Function to check if folder are empty. /// Parameter initial_checking for second check before deleting to be sure that checked folder is still empty fn check_for_similar_images(&mut self, stop_receiver: Option<&Receiver<()>>, progress_sender: Option<&futures::channel::mpsc::Sender>) -> bool { let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now(); let mut folders_to_check: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(1024 * 2); // This should be small enough too not see to big difference and big enough to store most of paths without needing to resize vector // Add root folders for finding for id in &self.directories.included_directories { folders_to_check.push(id.clone()); } //// PROGRESS THREAD START const LOOP_DURATION: u32 = 200; //in ms let progress_thread_run = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); let atomic_file_counter = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let progress_thread_handle; if let Some(progress_sender) = progress_sender { let mut progress_send = progress_sender.clone(); let progress_thread_run = progress_thread_run.clone(); let atomic_file_counter = atomic_file_counter.clone(); progress_thread_handle = thread::spawn(move || loop { progress_send .try_send(ProgressData { current_stage: 0, max_stage: 1, images_checked: atomic_file_counter.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as usize, images_to_check: 0, }) .unwrap(); if !progress_thread_run.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { break; } sleep(Duration::from_millis(LOOP_DURATION as u64)); }); } else { progress_thread_handle = thread::spawn(|| {}); } //// PROGRESS THREAD END while !folders_to_check.is_empty() { if stop_receiver.is_some() && stop_receiver.unwrap().try_recv().is_ok() { // End thread which send info to gui, Ordering::Relaxed); progress_thread_handle.join().unwrap(); return false; } let current_folder = folders_to_check.pop().unwrap(); // Read current dir, if permission are denied just go to next let read_dir = match fs::read_dir(¤t_folder) { Ok(t) => t, Err(_) => { self.text_messages.warnings.push(format!("Cannot open dir {}", current_folder.display())); continue; } // Permissions denied }; // Check every sub folder/file/link etc. 'dir: for entry in read_dir { let entry_data = match entry { Ok(t) => t, Err(_) => { self.text_messages.warnings.push(format!("Cannot read entry in dir {}", current_folder.display())); continue; } //Permissions denied }; let metadata: Metadata = match entry_data.metadata() { Ok(t) => t, Err(_) => { self.text_messages.warnings.push(format!("Cannot read metadata in dir {}", current_folder.display())); continue; } //Permissions denied }; if metadata.is_dir() { if !self.recursive_search { continue; } let next_folder = current_folder.join(entry_data.file_name()); if self.directories.is_excluded(&next_folder) { continue 'dir; } if self.excluded_items.is_excluded(&next_folder) { continue 'dir; } folders_to_check.push(next_folder); } else if metadata.is_file() { atomic_file_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let file_name_lowercase: String = match entry_data.file_name().into_string() { Ok(t) => t, Err(_) => continue, } .to_lowercase(); // Checking allowed image extensions let allowed_image_extensions = [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp", ".tiff", ".tif", ".pnm", ".ff", ".jif", ".jfi"]; if !allowed_image_extensions.iter().any(|e| file_name_lowercase.ends_with(e)) { continue 'dir; } // Checking files if metadata.len() >= self.minimal_file_size { let current_file_name = current_folder.join(entry_data.file_name()); if self.excluded_items.is_excluded(¤t_file_name) { continue 'dir; } let fe: FileEntry = FileEntry { path: current_file_name.clone(), size: metadata.len(), dimensions: "".to_string(), modified_date: match metadata.modified() { Ok(t) => match t.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) { Ok(d) => d.as_secs(), Err(_) => { self.text_messages.warnings.push(format!("File {} seems to be modified before Unix Epoch.", current_file_name.display())); 0 } }, Err(_) => { self.text_messages.warnings.push(format!("Unable to get modification date from file {}", current_file_name.display())); continue; } // Permissions Denied }, hash: [0; 8], similarity: Similarity::None, }; self.images_to_check.insert(current_file_name.to_string_lossy().to_string(), fe); } } } } // End thread which send info to gui, Ordering::Relaxed); progress_thread_handle.join().unwrap(); Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "check_for_similar_images".to_string()); true } // Cache algorithm: // - Load data from file // - Remove from data to search this already loaded entries(size of image must match) // - Check hash of files which doesn't have saved entry // - Join already read hashes with hashes which were read from file // - Join all hashes and save it to file fn sort_images(&mut self, stop_receiver: Option<&Receiver<()>>, progress_sender: Option<&futures::channel::mpsc::Sender>) -> bool { let hash_map_modification = SystemTime::now(); let loaded_hash_map; let mut records_already_cached: HashMap = Default::default(); let mut non_cached_files_to_check: HashMap = Default::default(); if self.use_cache { loaded_hash_map = match load_hashes_from_file(&mut self.text_messages) { Some(t) => t, None => Default::default(), }; for (name, file_entry) in &self.images_to_check { #[allow(clippy::collapsible_if)] if !loaded_hash_map.contains_key(name) { // If loaded data doesn't contains current image info non_cached_files_to_check.insert(name.clone(), file_entry.clone()); } else { if file_entry.size != loaded_hash_map.get(name).unwrap().size || file_entry.modified_date != loaded_hash_map.get(name).unwrap().modified_date { // When size or modification date of image changed, then it is clear that is different image non_cached_files_to_check.insert(name.clone(), file_entry.clone()); } else { // Checking may be omitted when already there is entry with same size and modification date records_already_cached.insert(name.clone(), loaded_hash_map.get(name).unwrap().clone()); } } } } else { loaded_hash_map = Default::default(); mem::swap(&mut self.images_to_check, &mut non_cached_files_to_check); } Common::print_time(hash_map_modification, SystemTime::now(), "sort_images - reading data from cache and preparing them".to_string()); let hash_map_modification = SystemTime::now(); //// PROGRESS THREAD START const LOOP_DURATION: u32 = 200; //in ms let progress_thread_run = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); let atomic_file_counter = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let progress_thread_handle; if let Some(progress_sender) = progress_sender { let mut progress_send = progress_sender.clone(); let progress_thread_run = progress_thread_run.clone(); let atomic_file_counter = atomic_file_counter.clone(); let images_to_check = non_cached_files_to_check.len(); progress_thread_handle = thread::spawn(move || loop { progress_send .try_send(ProgressData { current_stage: 1, max_stage: 1, images_checked: atomic_file_counter.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as usize, images_to_check, }) .unwrap(); if !progress_thread_run.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { break; } sleep(Duration::from_millis(LOOP_DURATION as u64)); }); } else { progress_thread_handle = thread::spawn(|| {}); } //// PROGRESS THREAD END let mut vec_file_entry: Vec<(FileEntry, Node)> = non_cached_files_to_check .par_iter() .map(|file_entry| { atomic_file_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); if stop_receiver.is_some() && stop_receiver.unwrap().try_recv().is_ok() { // This will not break return None; } let mut file_entry = file_entry.1.clone(); let image = match image::open(file_entry.path.clone()) { Ok(t) => t, Err(_) => return Some(None), // Something is wrong with image }; let dimensions = image.dimensions(); file_entry.dimensions = format!("{}x{}", dimensions.0, dimensions.1); let hasher = HasherConfig::with_bytes_type::().to_hasher(); let hash = hasher.hash_image(&image); let mut buf = [0u8; 8]; buf.copy_from_slice(&hash.as_bytes()); file_entry.hash = buf; Some(Some((file_entry, buf))) }) .while_some() .filter(|file_entry| file_entry.is_some()) .map(|file_entry| file_entry.unwrap()) .collect::>(); // End thread which send info to gui, Ordering::Relaxed); progress_thread_handle.join().unwrap(); Common::print_time(hash_map_modification, SystemTime::now(), "sort_images - reading data from files in parallel".to_string()); let hash_map_modification = SystemTime::now(); // Just connect loaded results with already calculated hashes for (_name, file_entry) in records_already_cached { vec_file_entry.push((file_entry.clone(), file_entry.hash)); } for (file_entry, buf) in &vec_file_entry { self.bktree.add(*buf); self.image_hashes.entry(*buf).or_insert_with(Vec::::new); self.image_hashes.get_mut(buf).unwrap().push(file_entry.clone()); } if self.use_cache { // Must save all results to file, old loaded from file with all currently counted results let mut all_results: HashMap = loaded_hash_map; for (file_entry, _hash) in vec_file_entry { all_results.insert(file_entry.path.to_string_lossy().to_string(), file_entry); } save_hashes_to_file(&all_results, &mut self.text_messages); } Common::print_time(hash_map_modification, SystemTime::now(), "sort_images - saving data to files".to_string()); let hash_map_modification = SystemTime::now(); let similarity: u64 = match self.similarity { Similarity::VeryHigh => 0, Similarity::High => 1, Similarity::Medium => 2, Similarity::Small => 3, Similarity::VerySmall => 4, Similarity::Minimal => 5, _ => panic!("0-5 similarity levels are allowed, check if not added more."), }; // TODO // Now is A is similar to B with VeryHigh and C with Medium // And D is similar with C with High // And Similarity is set to Medium(or lower) // And A is checked before D // Then C is shown that is similar group A, not D // TODO // Maybe also add here progress report let mut new_vector: Vec> = Vec::new(); let mut non_cached_files_to_check = self.image_hashes.clone(); for (hash, vec_file_entry) in &self.image_hashes { if stop_receiver.is_some() && stop_receiver.unwrap().try_recv().is_ok() { return false; } if !non_cached_files_to_check.contains_key(hash) { continue; } non_cached_files_to_check.remove(hash); let vector_with_found_similar_hashes = self.bktree.find(hash, similarity).collect::>(); if vector_with_found_similar_hashes.len() == 1 && vec_file_entry.len() == 1 { // This one picture doesn't have similar pictures, so there is no go continue; } let mut vector_of_similar_images: Vec = vec_file_entry .iter() .map(|fe| FileEntry { path: fe.path.clone(), size: fe.size, dimensions: fe.dimensions.clone(), modified_date: fe.modified_date, hash: fe.hash, similarity: Similarity::VeryHigh, }) .collect(); for (similarity, similar_hash) in vector_with_found_similar_hashes.iter() { if *similarity == 0 && hash == *similar_hash { // This was already read before continue; } else if hash == *similar_hash { panic!("I'm not sure if same hash can have distance > 0"); } if let Some(vec_file_entry) = non_cached_files_to_check.get(*similar_hash) { vector_of_similar_images.append( &mut (vec_file_entry .iter() .map(|fe| FileEntry { path: fe.path.clone(), size: fe.size, dimensions: fe.dimensions.clone(), modified_date: fe.modified_date, hash: [0; 8], similarity: match similarity { 0 => Similarity::VeryHigh, 1 => Similarity::High, 2 => Similarity::Medium, 3 => Similarity::Small, 4 => Similarity::VerySmall, 5 => Similarity::Minimal, _ => panic!("0-5 similarity levels are allowed, check if not added more."), }, }) .collect::>()), ); non_cached_files_to_check.remove(*similar_hash); } } if vector_of_similar_images.len() > 1 { // Not sure why it may happens new_vector.push((*vector_of_similar_images).to_owned()); } } self.similar_vectors = new_vector; Common::print_time(hash_map_modification, SystemTime::now(), "sort_images - selecting data from BtreeMap".to_string()); // Clean unused data self.image_hashes = Default::default(); self.images_to_check = Default::default(); self.bktree = BKTree::new(Hamming); true } /// Set included dir which needs to be relative, exists etc. pub fn set_included_directory(&mut self, included_directory: Vec) { self.directories.set_included_directory(included_directory, &mut self.text_messages); } pub fn set_excluded_directory(&mut self, excluded_directory: Vec) { self.directories.set_excluded_directory(excluded_directory, &mut self.text_messages); } pub fn set_excluded_items(&mut self, excluded_items: Vec) { self.excluded_items.set_excluded_items(excluded_items, &mut self.text_messages); } } impl Default for SimilarImages { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl DebugPrint for SimilarImages { #[allow(dead_code)] #[allow(unreachable_code)] fn debug_print(&self) { #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] { return; } println!("---------------DEBUG PRINT---------------"); println!("Included directories - {:?}", self.directories.included_directories); println!("-----------------------------------------"); } } impl SaveResults for SimilarImages { fn save_results_to_file(&mut self, file_name: &str) -> bool { let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now(); let file_name: String = match file_name { "" => "results.txt".to_string(), k => k.to_string(), }; let file_handler = match File::create(&file_name) { Ok(t) => t, Err(_) => { self.text_messages.errors.push("Failed to create file ".to_string() + file_name.as_str()); return false; } }; let mut writer = BufWriter::new(file_handler); if writeln!( writer, "Results of searching {:?} with excluded directories {:?} and excluded items {:?}", self.directories.included_directories, self.directories.excluded_directories, self.excluded_items.items ) .is_err() { self.text_messages.errors.push(format!("Failed to save results to file {}", file_name)); return false; } if !self.similar_vectors.is_empty() { write!(writer, "{} images which have similar friends\n\n", self.similar_vectors.len()).unwrap(); for struct_similar in self.similar_vectors.iter() { writeln!(writer, "Found {} images which have similar friends", self.similar_vectors.len()).unwrap(); for file_entry in struct_similar { writeln!( writer, "{} - {} - {} - {}", file_entry.path.display(), file_entry.dimensions, file_entry.size.file_size(options::BINARY).unwrap(), get_string_from_similarity(&file_entry.similarity) ) .unwrap(); } writeln!(writer).unwrap(); } } else { write!(writer, "Not found any similar images.").unwrap(); } Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "save_results_to_file".to_string()); true } } impl PrintResults for SimilarImages { /// Prints basic info about empty folders // TODO print better fn print_results(&self) { if !self.similar_vectors.is_empty() { println!("Found {} images which have similar friends", self.similar_vectors.len()); for vec_file_entry in &self.similar_vectors { for file_entry in vec_file_entry { println!( "{} - {} - {} - {}", file_entry.path.display(), file_entry.dimensions, file_entry.size.file_size(options::BINARY).unwrap(), get_string_from_similarity(&file_entry.similarity) ); } println!(); } } } } fn get_string_from_similarity(similarity: &Similarity) -> &str { match similarity { Similarity::Minimal => "Minimal", Similarity::VerySmall => "Very Small", Similarity::Small => "Small", Similarity::Medium => "Medium", Similarity::High => "High", Similarity::VeryHigh => "Very High", Similarity::None => panic!(), } } fn save_hashes_to_file(hashmap: &HashMap, text_messages: &mut Messages) { if let Some(proj_dirs) = ProjectDirs::from("pl", "Qarmin", "Czkawka") { // Lin: /home/username/.cache/czkawka // Win: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Qarmin\Czkawka\cache // Mac: /Users/Username/Library/Caches/pl.Qarmin.Czkawka let cache_dir = PathBuf::from(proj_dirs.cache_dir()); if cache_dir.exists() { if !cache_dir.is_dir() { text_messages.messages.push(format!("Config dir {} is a file!", cache_dir.display())); return; } } else if fs::create_dir_all(&cache_dir).is_err() { text_messages.messages.push(format!("Cannot create config dir {}", cache_dir.display())); return; } let cache_file = cache_dir.join(CACHE_FILE_NAME); let file_handler = match OpenOptions::new().truncate(true).write(true).create(true).open(&cache_file) { Ok(t) => t, Err(_) => { text_messages.messages.push(format!("Cannot create or open cache file {}", cache_file.display())); return; } }; let mut writer = BufWriter::new(file_handler); for file_entry in hashmap.values() { let mut string: String = "".to_string(); string += format!("{}//{}//{}//{}//", file_entry.path.display(), file_entry.size, file_entry.dimensions, file_entry.modified_date).as_str(); for i in 0..file_entry.hash.len() - 1 { string += format!("{}//", file_entry.hash[i]).as_str(); } string += file_entry.hash[file_entry.hash.len() - 1].to_string().as_str(); if writeln!(writer, "{}", string).is_err() { text_messages.messages.push(format!("Failed to save some data to cache file {}", cache_file.display())); return; }; } } } fn load_hashes_from_file(text_messages: &mut Messages) -> Option> { if let Some(proj_dirs) = ProjectDirs::from("pl", "Qarmin", "Czkawka") { let cache_dir = PathBuf::from(proj_dirs.cache_dir()); let cache_file = cache_dir.join(CACHE_FILE_NAME); let file_handler = match OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(&cache_file) { Ok(t) => t, Err(_) => { // text_messages.messages.push(format!("Cannot find or open cache file {}", cache_file.display())); // This shouldn't be write to output return None; } }; let reader = BufReader::new(file_handler); let mut hashmap_loaded_entries: HashMap = Default::default(); // Read the file line by line using the lines() iterator from std::io::BufRead. for (index, line) in reader.lines().enumerate() { let line = match line { Ok(t) => t, Err(_) => { text_messages.warnings.push(format!("Failed to load line number {} from cache file {}", index + 1, cache_file.display())); return None; } }; let uuu = line.split("//").collect::>(); if uuu.len() != 12 { text_messages.warnings.push(format!("Found invalid data in line {} - ({}) in cache file {}", index + 1, line, cache_file.display())); continue; } // Don't load cache data if destination file not exists if Path::new(uuu[0]).exists() { let mut hash: Node = [0u8; 8]; for i in 0..hash.len() { hash[i] = match uuu[4 + i].parse::() { Ok(t) => t, Err(_) => { text_messages.warnings.push(format!("Found invalid hash value in line {} - ({}) in cache file {}", index + 1, line, cache_file.display())); continue; } }; } #[cfg(debug_assertions)] { let mut have_at_least: u8 = 0; for i in hash.iter() { if *i == 0 { have_at_least += 1; } } if have_at_least == hash.len() as u8 { println!("ERROR START - {}", line); println!("have_at_least == hash.len() as u8"); println!("ERROR END hash.len() - {} == have_at_least - {}", hash.len(), have_at_least); continue; // Just skip this entry, it is very very unlikelly that something have this hash, but if it has, then just ignore it } } hashmap_loaded_entries.insert( uuu[0].to_string(), FileEntry { path: PathBuf::from(uuu[0]), size: match uuu[1].parse::() { Ok(t) => t, Err(_) => { text_messages.warnings.push(format!("Found invalid size value in line {} - ({}) in cache file {}", index + 1, line, cache_file.display())); continue; } }, dimensions: uuu[2].to_string(), modified_date: match uuu[3].parse::() { Ok(t) => t, Err(_) => { text_messages.warnings.push(format!("Found invalid modified date value in line {} - ({}) in cache file {}", index + 1, line, cache_file.display())); continue; } }, hash, similarity: Similarity::None, }, ); } } return Some(hashmap_loaded_entries); } text_messages.messages.push("Cannot find or open system config dir to save cache file".to_string()); None }