import { Button, VerticalBox , HorizontalBox, TabWidget, ListView, StandardListView, StandardTableView, CheckBox, ScrollView, LineEdit, SpinBox, ComboBox, TextEdit, Slider} from "std-widgets.slint"; import { Settings } from "settings.slint"; import { Callabler } from "callabler.slint"; import { GuiState } from "gui_state.slint"; // TODO use Spinbox instead LineEdit {} to be able to set only numbers global SettingsSize { out property item_height: 30px; } component TextComponent inherits HorizontalLayout { in-out property model; in property name; spacing: 5px; Text { horizontal-stretch: 0.0; vertical-alignment:; text: name; } LineEdit { horizontal-stretch: 1.0; height: SettingsSize.item_height; text <=> model; } } component CheckBoxComponent inherits HorizontalLayout { in-out property model; in property name; spacing: 5px; CheckBox { horizontal-stretch: 1.0; height: SettingsSize.item_height; checked <=> model; text: name; } Rectangle {} } component ThreadSliderComponent inherits HorizontalLayout { in-out property minimum_number; in-out property maximum_number; in-out property name; spacing: 5px; callback changed <=> slider.changed; Text { text <=> name; vertical-alignment:; height: SettingsSize.item_height; } slider := Slider { enabled: true; height: SettingsSize.item_height; minimum: minimum_number; maximum <=> maximum_number; value <=> Settings.thread_number; } Text { height: SettingsSize.item_height; vertical-alignment:; text: round(slider.value) == 0 ? ("All (" + GuiState.maximum_threads + "/" + GuiState.maximum_threads + ")") : (round(slider.value) + "/" + GuiState.maximum_threads); } } component MinMaxSizeComponent inherits HorizontalLayout { spacing: 20px; Text { horizontal-stretch: 0.0; text:"File Size(Kilobytes)"; vertical-alignment:; } HorizontalLayout { spacing: 5px; horizontal-stretch: 1.0; Text { text:"Min:"; vertical-alignment:; } LineEdit { height: SettingsSize.item_height; text <=> Settings.minimum_file_size; } Text { text:"Max:"; vertical-alignment:; } LineEdit { height: SettingsSize.item_height; text <=> Settings.maximum_file_size; } } } component Presets inherits Rectangle { property edit_name; property current_index; if !edit_name: HorizontalLayout { spacing: 5px; Text { text : "Current Preset:"; vertical-alignment:; } combo_box := ComboBox { current-index <=> Settings.settings_preset_idx; model: Settings.settings_presets; selected(item) => { Settings.settings_preset_idx = self.current_index; Callabler.changed_settings_preset(); } } Button { text: "Edit name"; clicked => { root.edit_name = !root.edit_name; } } } if edit_name : HorizontalLayout{ spacing: 5px; Text { text: "Choose name for prefix " + (Settings.settings_preset_idx + 1); vertical-alignment:; } current_name := LineEdit { text: Settings.settings_presets[Settings.settings_preset_idx]; } Button { text: "Save"; clicked => { Settings.settings_presets[Settings.settings_preset_idx] = current_name.text; edit_name = false; } } } } // component Language inherits HorizontalLayout { // spacing: 5px; // Text { // text: Callabler.translate("settings_language", []); // vertical-alignment:; // } // ComboBox { // model: ["English"]; // } // } component HeaderText inherits Text { font-size: 15px; height: SettingsSize.item_height; horizontal-alignment:; vertical-alignment:; } component ConfigCacheButtons inherits HorizontalLayout { spacing: 20px; Button { text: "Open config folder"; clicked => { Callabler.open_config_folder(); } } Button { text: "Open cache folder"; clicked => { Callabler.open_cache_folder(); } } } export component SettingsList inherits VerticalLayout { preferred-height: 300px; preferred-width: 400px; in-out property restart_required; Text { text: "Settings"; height: SettingsSize.item_height; horizontal-alignment:; font-size: 20px; } ScrollView { VerticalLayout { padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; spacing: 5px; Presets{ height: SettingsSize.item_height; } // TODO Maybe someday // Language { // height: SettingsSize.item_height; // } HeaderText { text: "General settings"; } TextComponent { name: "Excluded item:"; model <=> Settings.excluded_items; } TextComponent { name: "Allowed extensions:"; model <=> Settings.allowed_extensions; } TextComponent { name: "Excluded extensions:"; model <=> Settings.excluded_extensions; } MinMaxSizeComponent { } CheckBoxComponent { name: "Recursive"; model <=> Settings.recursive_search; } CheckBoxComponent { name: "Use Cache"; model <=> Settings.use_cache; } CheckBoxComponent { name: "Also save cache as JSON file"; model <=> Settings.save_as_json; } CheckBoxComponent { name: "Move deleted files to trash"; model <=> Settings.move_to_trash; } CheckBoxComponent { name: "Ignore other filesystems (only Linux)"; model <=> Settings.ignore_other_filesystems; } ThreadSliderComponent { name: "Thread number"; maximum_number <=> GuiState.maximum_threads; changed => { restart_required = true; } } if restart_required: Text { text: "---You need to restart app to apply changes in thread number---"; horizontal-alignment:; } HeaderText { text: "Duplicate tool"; } CheckBoxComponent { name: "Image preview"; model <=> Settings.duplicate_image_preview; } CheckBoxComponent { name: "Hide hard links"; model <=> Settings.duplicate_hide_hard_links; } TextComponent { name: "Minimal size of cached files - Hash (KB)"; model <=> Settings.duplicate_minimal_hash_cache_size; } CheckBoxComponent { name: "Use prehash"; model <=> Settings.duplicate_use_prehash; } TextComponent { name: "Minimal size of cached files - Prehash (KB)"; model <=> Settings.duplicate_minimal_prehash_cache_size; } CheckBoxComponent { name: "Delete automatically outdated entries"; model <=> Settings.duplicate_delete_outdated_entries; } HeaderText { text: "Similar Images tool"; } CheckBoxComponent { name: "Image preview"; model <=> Settings.similar_images_show_image_preview; } CheckBoxComponent { name: "Delete automatically outdated entries"; model <=> Settings.similar_images_delete_outdated_entries; } HeaderText { text: "Similar Videos tool"; } CheckBoxComponent { name: "Delete automatically outdated entries"; model <=> Settings.similar_videos_delete_outdated_entries; } HeaderText { text: "Similar Music tool"; } CheckBoxComponent { name: "Delete automatically outdated entries"; model <=> Settings.similar_music_delete_outdated_entries; } ConfigCacheButtons { } } } HorizontalLayout { spacing: 5px; Button { text: "Save"; clicked => { Callabler.save_current_preset(); } } Button { text: "Load"; clicked => { Callabler.load_current_preset(); } } Button { text: "Reset"; clicked => { Callabler.reset_current_preset(); } } } }