use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::fs::{File, Metadata}; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::io::BufWriter; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; use std::{fs, thread}; use audiotags::Tag; use crossbeam_channel::Receiver; use rayon::prelude::*; use crate::common::Common; use crate::common_directory::Directories; use crate::common_extensions::Extensions; use crate::common_items::ExcludedItems; use crate::common_messages::Messages; use crate::common_traits::*; use crate::fl; use crate::localizer::generate_translation_hashmap; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ProgressData { pub current_stage: u8, pub max_stage: u8, pub music_checked: usize, pub music_to_check: usize, } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)] pub enum DeleteMethod { None, Delete, } bitflags! { pub struct MusicSimilarity : u32 { const NONE = 0; const TITLE = 0b1; const ARTIST = 0b10; const ALBUM_TITLE = 0b100; const ALBUM_ARTIST = 0b1000; const YEAR = 0b10000; // const Time = 0b100000; } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct FileEntry { pub size: u64, pub path: PathBuf, pub modified_date: u64, pub title: String, pub artist: String, pub album_title: String, pub album_artist: String, pub year: i32, // pub time: u32, } /// Info struck with helpful information's about results #[derive(Default)] pub struct Info { pub number_of_music_entries: usize, pub number_of_removed_files: usize, pub number_of_failed_to_remove_files: usize, pub number_of_duplicates_music_files: usize, } impl Info { pub fn new() -> Self { Default::default() } } /// Struct with required information's to work pub struct SameMusic { text_messages: Messages, information: Info, music_to_check: Vec, music_entries: Vec, duplicated_music_entries: Vec>, directories: Directories, allowed_extensions: Extensions, excluded_items: ExcludedItems, minimal_file_size: u64, maximal_file_size: u64, recursive_search: bool, delete_method: DeleteMethod, music_similarity: MusicSimilarity, stopped_search: bool, approximate_comparison: bool, } impl SameMusic { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { text_messages: Messages::new(), information: Info::new(), recursive_search: true, directories: Directories::new(), allowed_extensions: Extensions::new(), excluded_items: ExcludedItems::new(), music_entries: Vec::with_capacity(2048), delete_method: DeleteMethod::None, music_similarity: MusicSimilarity::NONE, stopped_search: false, minimal_file_size: 8192, maximal_file_size: u64::MAX, duplicated_music_entries: vec![], music_to_check: Vec::with_capacity(2048), approximate_comparison: true, } } pub fn find_same_music(&mut self, stop_receiver: Option<&Receiver<()>>, progress_sender: Option<&futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender>) { self.directories.optimize_directories(self.recursive_search, &mut self.text_messages); if !self.check_files(stop_receiver, progress_sender) { self.stopped_search = true; return; } if !self.check_records_multithreaded(stop_receiver, progress_sender) { self.stopped_search = true; return; } if !self.check_for_duplicates(stop_receiver, progress_sender) { self.stopped_search = true; return; } self.delete_files(); self.debug_print(); } pub fn get_stopped_search(&self) -> bool { self.stopped_search } pub const fn get_duplicated_music_entries(&self) -> &Vec> { &self.duplicated_music_entries } pub const fn get_music_similarity(&self) -> &MusicSimilarity { &self.music_similarity } pub const fn get_text_messages(&self) -> &Messages { &self.text_messages } pub const fn get_information(&self) -> &Info { &self.information } pub fn set_delete_method(&mut self, delete_method: DeleteMethod) { self.delete_method = delete_method; } pub fn set_approximate_comparison(&mut self, approximate_comparison: bool) { self.approximate_comparison = approximate_comparison; } pub fn set_recursive_search(&mut self, recursive_search: bool) { self.recursive_search = recursive_search; } pub fn set_included_directory(&mut self, included_directory: Vec) -> bool { self.directories.set_included_directory(included_directory, &mut self.text_messages) } pub fn set_excluded_directory(&mut self, excluded_directory: Vec) { self.directories.set_excluded_directory(excluded_directory, &mut self.text_messages); } pub fn set_excluded_items(&mut self, excluded_items: Vec) { self.excluded_items.set_excluded_items(excluded_items, &mut self.text_messages); } pub fn set_allowed_extensions(&mut self, allowed_extensions: String) { self.allowed_extensions.set_allowed_extensions(allowed_extensions, &mut self.text_messages); } pub fn set_music_similarity(&mut self, music_similarity: MusicSimilarity) { self.music_similarity = music_similarity; } pub fn set_maximal_file_size(&mut self, maximal_file_size: u64) { self.maximal_file_size = match maximal_file_size { 0 => 1, t => t, }; } /// Check files for any with size == 0 fn check_files(&mut self, stop_receiver: Option<&Receiver<()>>, progress_sender: Option<&futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender>) -> bool { let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now(); let mut folders_to_check: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(1024 * 2); // This should be small enough too not see to big difference and big enough to store most of paths without needing to resize vector self.allowed_extensions.extend_allowed_extensions(&[".mp3", ".flac", ".m4a"]); // Add root folders for finding for id in &self.directories.included_directories { folders_to_check.push(id.clone()); } //// PROGRESS THREAD START const LOOP_DURATION: u32 = 200; //in ms let progress_thread_run = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); let atomic_file_counter = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let progress_thread_handle = if let Some(progress_sender) = progress_sender { let progress_send = progress_sender.clone(); let progress_thread_run = progress_thread_run.clone(); let atomic_file_counter = atomic_file_counter.clone(); thread::spawn(move || loop { progress_send .unbounded_send(ProgressData { current_stage: 0, max_stage: 2, music_checked: atomic_file_counter.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as usize, music_to_check: 0, }) .unwrap(); if !progress_thread_run.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { break; } sleep(Duration::from_millis(LOOP_DURATION as u64)); }) } else { thread::spawn(|| {}) }; //// PROGRESS THREAD END while !folders_to_check.is_empty() { if stop_receiver.is_some() && stop_receiver.unwrap().try_recv().is_ok() { // End thread which send info to gui, Ordering::Relaxed); progress_thread_handle.join().unwrap(); return false; } let segments: Vec<_> = folders_to_check .par_iter() .map(|current_folder| { let mut dir_result = vec![]; let mut warnings = vec![]; let mut fe_result = vec![]; // Read current dir childrens let read_dir = match fs::read_dir(¤t_folder) { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { warnings.push(fl!("core_cannot_open_dir", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("dir", current_folder.display().to_string()), ("reason", e.to_string())]))); return (dir_result, warnings, fe_result); } }; // Check every sub folder/file/link etc. 'dir: for entry in read_dir { let entry_data = match entry { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { warnings.push(fl!("core_cannot_read_entry_dir", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("dir", current_folder.display().to_string()), ("reason", e.to_string())]))); continue 'dir; } }; let metadata: Metadata = match entry_data.metadata() { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { warnings.push(fl!("core_cannot_read_metadata_dir", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("dir", current_folder.display().to_string()), ("reason", e.to_string())]))); continue 'dir; } }; if metadata.is_dir() { if !self.recursive_search { continue 'dir; } let next_folder = current_folder.join(entry_data.file_name()); if self.directories.is_excluded(&next_folder) { continue 'dir; } if self.excluded_items.is_excluded(&next_folder) { continue 'dir; } dir_result.push(next_folder); } else if metadata.is_file() { atomic_file_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let file_name_lowercase: String = match entry_data.file_name().into_string() { Ok(t) => t, Err(_inspected) => { warnings.push(fl!("core_file_not_utf8_name", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("name", entry_data.path().display().to_string())]))); continue 'dir; } } .to_lowercase(); if !self.allowed_extensions.matches_filename(&file_name_lowercase) { continue 'dir; } if (self.minimal_file_size..=self.maximal_file_size).contains(&metadata.len()) { let current_file_name = current_folder.join(entry_data.file_name()); if self.excluded_items.is_excluded(¤t_file_name) { continue 'dir; } // Creating new file entry let fe: FileEntry = FileEntry { size: metadata.len(), path: current_file_name.clone(), modified_date: match metadata.modified() { Ok(t) => match t.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) { Ok(d) => d.as_secs(), Err(_inspected) => { warnings.push(fl!("core_file_modified_before_epoch", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("name", current_file_name.display().to_string())]))); 0 } }, Err(e) => { warnings.push(fl!( "core_file_no_modification_date", generate_translation_hashmap(vec![("name", current_file_name.display().to_string()), ("reason", e.to_string())]) )); 0 } }, title: "".to_string(), artist: "".to_string(), album_title: "".to_string(), album_artist: "".to_string(), year: 0, }; fe_result.push(fe); } } } (dir_result, warnings, fe_result) }) .collect(); // Advance the frontier folders_to_check.clear(); // Process collected data for (segment, warnings, fe_result) in segments { folders_to_check.extend(segment); self.text_messages.warnings.extend(warnings); for fe in fe_result { self.music_to_check.push(fe); } } } // End thread which send info to gui, Ordering::Relaxed); progress_thread_handle.join().unwrap(); self.information.number_of_music_entries = self.music_entries.len(); Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "check_files".to_string()); true } fn check_records_multithreaded(&mut self, stop_receiver: Option<&Receiver<()>>, progress_sender: Option<&futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender>) -> bool { let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now(); let check_was_breaked = AtomicBool::new(false); // Used for breaking from GUI and ending check thread //// PROGRESS THREAD START const LOOP_DURATION: u32 = 200; //in ms let progress_thread_run = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); let atomic_file_counter = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let progress_thread_handle = if let Some(progress_sender) = progress_sender { let progress_send = progress_sender.clone(); let progress_thread_run = progress_thread_run.clone(); let atomic_file_counter = atomic_file_counter.clone(); let music_to_check = self.music_to_check.len(); thread::spawn(move || loop { progress_send .unbounded_send(ProgressData { current_stage: 1, max_stage: 2, music_checked: atomic_file_counter.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as usize, music_to_check, }) .unwrap(); if !progress_thread_run.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { break; } sleep(Duration::from_millis(LOOP_DURATION as u64)); }) } else { thread::spawn(|| {}) }; //// PROGRESS THREAD END let vec_file_entry = self .music_to_check .par_iter() .map(|file_entry| { atomic_file_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); if stop_receiver.is_some() && stop_receiver.unwrap().try_recv().is_ok() {, Ordering::Relaxed); return None; } let mut file_entry = file_entry.clone(); let tag = match Tag::new().read_from_path(&file_entry.path) { Ok(t) => t, Err(_inspected) => return Some(None), // Data not in utf-8, etc., TODO this should be probably added to warnings, errors }; file_entry.title = match tag.title() { Some(t) => t.to_string(), None => "".to_string(), }; file_entry.artist = match tag.artist() { Some(t) => t.to_string(), None => "".to_string(), }; file_entry.album_title = match tag.album_title() { Some(t) => t.to_string(), None => "".to_string(), }; file_entry.album_artist = match tag.album_artist() { Some(t) => t.to_string(), None => "".to_string(), }; file_entry.year = tag.year().unwrap_or(0); Some(Some(file_entry)) }) .while_some() .filter(|file_entry| file_entry.is_some()) .map(|file_entry| file_entry.unwrap()) .collect::>(); // End thread which send info to gui, Ordering::Relaxed); progress_thread_handle.join().unwrap(); // Check if user aborted search(only from GUI) if check_was_breaked.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { return false; } // Adding files to Vector self.music_entries = vec_file_entry; Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "check_records_multithreaded".to_string()); // Clean for duplicate files self.music_to_check.clear(); true } fn check_for_duplicates(&mut self, stop_receiver: Option<&Receiver<()>>, progress_sender: Option<&futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender>) -> bool { if MusicSimilarity::NONE == self.music_similarity { panic!("This can't be none"); } let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now(); //// PROGRESS THREAD START const LOOP_DURATION: u32 = 200; //in ms let progress_thread_run = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); let atomic_file_counter = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let progress_thread_handle = if let Some(progress_sender) = progress_sender { let progress_send = progress_sender.clone(); let progress_thread_run = progress_thread_run.clone(); let atomic_file_counter = atomic_file_counter.clone(); let music_to_check = self.music_to_check.len(); thread::spawn(move || loop { progress_send .unbounded_send(ProgressData { current_stage: 2, max_stage: 2, music_checked: atomic_file_counter.load(Ordering::Relaxed) as usize, music_to_check, }) .unwrap(); if !progress_thread_run.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { break; } sleep(Duration::from_millis(LOOP_DURATION as u64)); }) } else { thread::spawn(|| {}) }; //// PROGRESS THREAD END let mut old_duplicates: Vec> = vec![self.music_entries.clone()]; let mut new_duplicates: Vec> = Vec::new(); if (self.music_similarity & MusicSimilarity::TITLE) == MusicSimilarity::TITLE { for vec_file_entry in old_duplicates { atomic_file_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); if stop_receiver.is_some() && stop_receiver.unwrap().try_recv().is_ok() { // End thread which send info to gui, Ordering::Relaxed); progress_thread_handle.join().unwrap(); return false; } let mut hash_map: BTreeMap> = Default::default(); for file_entry in vec_file_entry { let mut title = file_entry.title.to_lowercase().trim().to_string(); if self.approximate_comparison { get_approximate_conversion(&mut title); } if !title.is_empty() { hash_map.entry(title.clone()).or_insert_with(Vec::new); hash_map.get_mut(title.as_str()).unwrap().push(file_entry); } } for (_title, vec_file_entry) in hash_map { if vec_file_entry.len() > 1 { new_duplicates.push(vec_file_entry); } } } old_duplicates = new_duplicates; new_duplicates = Vec::new(); } if (self.music_similarity & MusicSimilarity::ARTIST) == MusicSimilarity::ARTIST { for vec_file_entry in old_duplicates { atomic_file_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); if stop_receiver.is_some() && stop_receiver.unwrap().try_recv().is_ok() { // End thread which send info to gui, Ordering::Relaxed); progress_thread_handle.join().unwrap(); return false; } let mut hash_map: BTreeMap> = Default::default(); for file_entry in vec_file_entry { let mut artist = file_entry.artist.to_lowercase().trim().to_string(); if self.approximate_comparison { get_approximate_conversion(&mut artist); } if !artist.is_empty() { hash_map.entry(artist.clone()).or_insert_with(Vec::new); hash_map.get_mut(artist.as_str()).unwrap().push(file_entry); } } for (_artist, vec_file_entry) in hash_map { if vec_file_entry.len() > 1 { new_duplicates.push(vec_file_entry); } } } old_duplicates = new_duplicates; new_duplicates = Vec::new(); } if (self.music_similarity & MusicSimilarity::ALBUM_TITLE) == MusicSimilarity::ALBUM_TITLE { for vec_file_entry in old_duplicates { atomic_file_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); if stop_receiver.is_some() && stop_receiver.unwrap().try_recv().is_ok() { // End thread which send info to gui, Ordering::Relaxed); progress_thread_handle.join().unwrap(); return false; } let mut hash_map: BTreeMap> = Default::default(); for file_entry in vec_file_entry { let mut album_title = file_entry.album_title.to_lowercase().trim().to_string(); if self.approximate_comparison { get_approximate_conversion(&mut album_title); } if !album_title.is_empty() { hash_map.entry(album_title.clone()).or_insert_with(Vec::new); hash_map.get_mut(album_title.as_str()).unwrap().push(file_entry); } } for (_album_title, vec_file_entry) in hash_map { if vec_file_entry.len() > 1 { new_duplicates.push(vec_file_entry); } } } old_duplicates = new_duplicates; new_duplicates = Vec::new(); } if (self.music_similarity & MusicSimilarity::ALBUM_ARTIST) == MusicSimilarity::ALBUM_ARTIST { for vec_file_entry in old_duplicates { atomic_file_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); if stop_receiver.is_some() && stop_receiver.unwrap().try_recv().is_ok() { // End thread which send info to gui, Ordering::Relaxed); progress_thread_handle.join().unwrap(); return false; } let mut hash_map: BTreeMap> = Default::default(); for file_entry in vec_file_entry { let mut album_artist = file_entry.album_artist.to_lowercase().trim().to_string(); if self.approximate_comparison { get_approximate_conversion(&mut album_artist); } if !album_artist.is_empty() { hash_map.entry(album_artist.clone()).or_insert_with(Vec::new); hash_map.get_mut(album_artist.as_str()).unwrap().push(file_entry); } } for (_album_artist, vec_file_entry) in hash_map { if vec_file_entry.len() > 1 { new_duplicates.push(vec_file_entry); } } } old_duplicates = new_duplicates; new_duplicates = Vec::new(); } if (self.music_similarity & MusicSimilarity::YEAR) == MusicSimilarity::YEAR { for vec_file_entry in old_duplicates { atomic_file_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); if stop_receiver.is_some() && stop_receiver.unwrap().try_recv().is_ok() { // End thread which send info to gui, Ordering::Relaxed); progress_thread_handle.join().unwrap(); return false; } let mut hash_map: BTreeMap> = Default::default(); for file_entry in vec_file_entry { let year = file_entry.year; if year != 0 { hash_map.entry(year).or_insert_with(Vec::new); hash_map.get_mut(&year).unwrap().push(file_entry); } } for (_year, vec_file_entry) in hash_map { if vec_file_entry.len() > 1 { new_duplicates.push(vec_file_entry); } } } old_duplicates = new_duplicates; // new_duplicates = Vec::new(); } self.duplicated_music_entries = old_duplicates; for vec in &self.duplicated_music_entries { self.information.number_of_duplicates_music_files += vec.len() - 1; } // End thread which send info to gui, Ordering::Relaxed); progress_thread_handle.join().unwrap(); Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "check_for_duplicates".to_string()); // Clear unused data self.music_entries.clear(); true } pub fn set_minimal_file_size(&mut self, minimal_file_size: u64) { self.minimal_file_size = match minimal_file_size { 0 => 1, t => t, }; } /// Function to delete files, from filed Vector fn delete_files(&mut self) { let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now(); // TODO // match self.delete_method { // DeleteMethod::Delete => { // for file_entry in &self.music_entries { // if fs::remove_file(file_entry.path.clone()).is_err() { // self.text_messages.warnings.push(file_entry.path.display().to_string()); // } // } // } // DeleteMethod::None => { // //Just do nothing // } // } Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "delete_files".to_string()); } } impl Default for SameMusic { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl DebugPrint for SameMusic { #[allow(dead_code)] #[allow(unreachable_code)] /// Debugging printing - only available on debug build fn debug_print(&self) { #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] { return; } println!("---------------DEBUG PRINT---------------"); println!("### Information's"); println!("Errors size - {}", self.text_messages.errors.len()); println!("Warnings size - {}", self.text_messages.warnings.len()); println!("Messages size - {}", self.text_messages.messages.len()); println!("Number of removed files - {}", self.information.number_of_removed_files); println!("Number of failed to remove files - {}", self.information.number_of_failed_to_remove_files); println!("Number of duplicated music files - {}", self.information.number_of_duplicates_music_files); println!("### Other"); println!("Excluded items - {:?}", self.excluded_items.items); println!("Minimum file size - {:?}", self.minimal_file_size); println!("Found files music - {}", self.music_entries.len()); println!("Found duplicated files music - {}", self.duplicated_music_entries.len()); println!("Included directories - {:?}", self.directories.included_directories); println!("Excluded directories - {:?}", self.directories.excluded_directories); println!("Recursive search - {}", self.recursive_search); println!("Delete Method - {:?}", self.delete_method); println!("-----------------------------------------"); } } impl SaveResults for SameMusic { fn save_results_to_file(&mut self, file_name: &str) -> bool { let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now(); let file_name: String = match file_name { "" => "results.txt".to_string(), k => k.to_string(), }; let file_handler = match File::create(&file_name) { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { self.text_messages.errors.push(format!("Failed to create file {}, reason {}", file_name, e)); return false; } }; let mut writer = BufWriter::new(file_handler); if let Err(e) = writeln!( writer, "Results of searching {:?} with excluded directories {:?} and excluded items {:?}", self.directories.included_directories, self.directories.excluded_directories, self.excluded_items.items ) { self.text_messages.errors.push(format!("Failed to save results to file {}, reason {}", file_name, e)); return false; } if !self.music_entries.is_empty() { writeln!(writer, "Found {} same music files.", self.information.number_of_music_entries).unwrap(); for file_entry in self.music_entries.iter() { writeln!(writer, "{}", file_entry.path.display()).unwrap(); } } else { write!(writer, "Not found any empty files.").unwrap(); } Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "save_results_to_file".to_string()); true } } impl PrintResults for SameMusic { /// Print information's about duplicated entries /// Only needed for CLI fn print_results(&self) { let start_time: SystemTime = SystemTime::now(); println!("Found {} similar music files.\n", self.duplicated_music_entries.len()); for vec_file_entry in self.duplicated_music_entries.iter() { for file_entry in vec_file_entry { println!( "T: {} - A: {} - Y: {} - AT: {} - AA: {} - P: {}", file_entry.title, file_entry.artist, file_entry.year, file_entry.album_title, file_entry.album_artist, file_entry.path.display() ); } println!(); } Common::print_time(start_time, SystemTime::now(), "print_entries".to_string()); } } fn get_approximate_conversion(what: &mut String) { let mut new_what = String::with_capacity(what.len()); let mut tab_number = 0; let mut space_before = true; for character in what.chars() { match character { '(' => { tab_number += 1; } ')' => { if tab_number == 0 { // Nothing to do, not even save it to output } else { tab_number -= 1; } } ' ' => { if !space_before { new_what.push(' '); space_before = true; } } ch => { if tab_number == 0 { space_before = false; new_what.push(ch); } } } } if new_what.ends_with(' ') { new_what.pop(); } *what = new_what; } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::same_music::get_approximate_conversion; #[test] fn test_strings() { let mut what = "roman ( ziemniak ) ".to_string(); get_approximate_conversion(&mut what); assert_eq!(what, "roman"); let mut what = " HH) ".to_string(); get_approximate_conversion(&mut what); assert_eq!(what, "HH"); } }