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mirror of synced 2024-06-10 22:34:40 +12:00
OMEGARAZER 83f45e7f60
Standardize shebang and coding declaration
Standardizes shebang and coding declarations.

Coding matches what's used by install tools such as pip(x).

Removes a few init files that were not needed.
2022-12-19 18:32:37 -05:00

88 lines
3.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import re
from typing import Optional
import bs4
from praw.models import Submission
from bdfr.exceptions import SiteDownloaderError
from bdfr.resource import Resource
from bdfr.site_authenticator import SiteAuthenticator
from bdfr.site_downloaders.base_downloader import BaseDownloader
class Imgur(BaseDownloader):
def __init__(self, post: Submission):
self.raw_data = {}
def find_resources(self, authenticator: Optional[SiteAuthenticator] = None) -> list[Resource]:
self.raw_data = self._get_data(self.post.url)
out = []
if "album_images" in self.raw_data:
images = self.raw_data["album_images"]
for image in images["images"]:
return out
def _compute_image_url(self, image: dict) -> Resource:
ext = self._validate_extension(image["ext"])
if image.get("prefer_video", False):
ext = ".mp4"
image_url = "https://i.imgur.com/" + image["hash"] + ext
return Resource(self.post, image_url, Resource.retry_download(image_url))
def _get_data(link: str) -> dict:
imgur_id = re.match(r".*/(.*?)(_d)?(\..{0,})?$", link).group(1)
gallery = "a/" if re.search(r".*/(.*?)(gallery/|a/)", link) else ""
link = f"https://imgur.com/{gallery}{imgur_id}"
except AttributeError:
raise SiteDownloaderError(f"Could not extract Imgur ID from {link}")
res = Imgur.retrieve_url(link, cookies={"over18": "1", "postpagebeta": "0"})
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser")
scripts = soup.find_all("script", attrs={"type": "text/javascript"})
scripts = [script.string.replace("\n", "") for script in scripts if script.string]
script_regex = re.compile(r"\s*\(function\(widgetFactory\)\s*{\s*widgetFactory\.mergeConfig\(\'gallery\'")
chosen_script = list(filter(lambda s: re.search(script_regex, s), scripts))
if len(chosen_script) != 1:
raise SiteDownloaderError(f"Could not read page source from {link}")
chosen_script = chosen_script[0]
outer_regex = re.compile(r"widgetFactory\.mergeConfig\(\'gallery\', ({.*})\);")
inner_regex = re.compile(r"image\s*:(.*),\s*group")
image_dict = re.search(outer_regex, chosen_script).group(1)
image_dict = re.search(inner_regex, image_dict).group(1)
except AttributeError:
raise SiteDownloaderError(f"Could not find image dictionary in page source")
image_dict = json.loads(image_dict)
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
raise SiteDownloaderError(f"Could not parse received dict as JSON: {e}")
return image_dict
def _validate_extension(extension_suffix: str) -> str:
extension_suffix = re.sub(r"\?.*", "", extension_suffix)
possible_extensions = (".jpg", ".png", ".mp4", ".gif")
selection = [ext for ext in possible_extensions if ext == extension_suffix]
if len(selection) == 1:
return selection[0]
raise SiteDownloaderError(f'"{extension_suffix}" is not recognized as a valid extension for Imgur')