# Interpret from source code ## Requirements ### 🐍 Python 3 Interpreter - Python 3 is required. See if it is already installed, [here](#finding-the-correct-keyword-for-python). - If not, download the matching release for your platform [here](https://www.python.org/downloads/) and install it. If you are a *Windows* user, selecting **Add Python 3 to PATH** option when installing the software is **mandatory**. ### 📃 Source Code [Download the repository](https://github.com/aliparlakci/bulk-downloader-for-reddit/archive/master.zip) and extract the zip into a folder. ## 💻 Using the command line Open the [Command Promt](https://youtu.be/bgSSJQolR0E?t=18), [Powershell](https://youtu.be/bgSSJQolR0E?t=18) or [Terminal](https://youtu.be/Pz4yHAB3G8w?t=31) in the folder that contains the script.py file (click on the links to see how) ### Finding the correct keyword for Python Enter these lines to the terminal window until it prints out the a version starting with **`3.`**: - `python --version` - `python3 --version` - `py --version` - `py -3 --version` Once it does, your keyword is without the `--version` part. ## 📦 Installing dependencies Enter the line below to terminal window when you are in the directory where script.py is, use your keyword instead of `python`: ```console python -m pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## 🏃‍♂️ Running the code Type below code into command line inside the program folder, use your keyword instead of `python`: ```console python script.py ``` The program should guide you through. **However**, you can also use custom options. See [Options](../README.md#⚙-Options)