import io import os import sys import urllib.request from pathlib import Path from src.errors import (AlbumNotDownloadedCompletely, FileAlreadyExistsError, FileNameTooLong, ImgurLoginError, NotADownloadableLinkError) from import GLOBAL, nameCorrector, printToFile try: from imgurpython import * except ModuleNotFoundError: print("\nimgurpython not found on your computer, installing...\n") from import install install("imgurpython") from imgurpython import * VanillaPrint = print print = printToFile def dlProgress(count, blockSize, totalSize): """Function for writing download progress to console """ downloadedMbs = int(count*blockSize*(10**(-6))) fileSize = int(totalSize*(10**(-6))) sys.stdout.write("\r{}Mb/{}Mb".format(downloadedMbs,fileSize)) sys.stdout.write("\b"*len("\r{}Mb/{}Mb".format(downloadedMbs,fileSize))) sys.stdout.flush() def getExtension(link): """Extract file extension from image link. If didn't find any, return '.jpg' """ imageTypes = ['jpg','png','mp4','webm','gif'] parsed = link.split('.') for TYPE in imageTypes: if TYPE in parsed: return "."+parsed[-1] else: return '.jpg' def getFile(fileDir,tempDir,imageURL,indent=0): """Downloads given file to given directory. fileDir -- Full file directory tempDir -- Full file directory with the extension of '.tmp' imageURL -- URL to the file to be downloaded redditID -- Post's reddit id if renaming the file is necessary. As too long file names seem not working. """ if not (os.path.isfile(fileDir)): for i in range(3): try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(imageURL, tempDir, reporthook=dlProgress) os.rename(tempDir,fileDir) print(" "*indent+"Downloaded"+" "*10) break except ConnectionResetError as exception: print(" "*indent + str(exception)) print(" "*indent + "Trying again\n") except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNameTooLong else: raise FileAlreadyExistsError class Imgur: def __init__(self,directory,post): self.imgurClient = self.initImgur() imgurID = self.getId(post['postURL']) content = self.getLink(imgurID) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) if content['type'] == 'image': try: post['mediaURL'] = content['object'].mp4 except AttributeError: post['mediaURL'] = content['object'].link post['postExt'] = getExtension(post['mediaURL']) title = nameCorrector(post['postTitle']) print(title+"_" +post['postId']+post['postExt']) fileDir = title + "_" + post['postId'] + post['postExt'] fileDir = directory / fileDir tempDir = title + "_" + post['postId'] + '.tmp' tempDir = directory / tempDir try: getFile(fileDir,tempDir,post['mediaURL']) except FileNameTooLong: fileDir = directory / post['postId'] + post['postExt'] tempDir = directory / post['postId'] + '.tmp' getFile(fileDir,tempDir,post['mediaURL']) elif content['type'] == 'album': exceptionType = "" images = content['object'].images imagesLenght = len(images) howManyDownloaded = imagesLenght duplicates = 0 title = nameCorrector(post['postTitle']) print(title+"_"+post['postId'],end="\n\n") folderDir = directory / (title+"_"+post['postId']) try: if not os.path.exists(folderDir): os.makedirs(folderDir) except FileNotFoundError: folderDir = directory / post['postId'] os.makedirs(folderDir) for i in range(imagesLenght): try: imageURL = images[i]['mp4'] except KeyError: imageURL = images[i]['link'] images[i]['Ext'] = getExtension(imageURL) fileName = (str(i+1) + "_" + nameCorrector(str(images[i]['title'])) + "_" + images[i]['id']) fileDir = folderDir / (fileName + images[i]['Ext']) tempDir = folderDir / (fileName + ".tmp") print(" ({}/{})".format(i+1,imagesLenght)) print(" {}".format(fileName+images[i]['Ext'])) try: getFile(fileDir,tempDir,imageURL,indent=2) print() except FileAlreadyExistsError: print(" The file already exists" + " "*10,end="\n\n") duplicates += 1 howManyDownloaded -= 1 # IF FILE NAME IS TOO LONG, IT WONT REGISTER except FileNameTooLong: fileName = (str(i+1) + "_" + images[i]['id']) fileDir = folderDir / (fileName + images[i]['Ext']) tempDir = folderDir / (fileName + ".tmp") try: getFile(fileDir,tempDir,imageURL,indent=2) # IF STILL TOO LONG except FileNameTooLong: fileName = str(i+1) fileDir = folderDir / (fileName + images[i]['Ext']) tempDir = folderDir / (fileName + ".tmp") getFile(fileDir,tempDir,imageURL,indent=2) except Exception as exception: print("\n Could not get the file") print(" " + str(exception) + "\n") exceptionType = exception howManyDownloaded -= 1 if duplicates == imagesLenght: raise FileAlreadyExistsError elif howManyDownloaded < imagesLenght: raise AlbumNotDownloadedCompletely @staticmethod def initImgur(): """Initialize imgur api""" config = GLOBAL.config return ImgurClient( config['imgur_client_id'], config['imgur_client_secret'] ) def getId(self,submissionURL): """Extract imgur post id and determine if its a single image or album """ domainLenght = len("") if submissionURL[-1] == "/": submissionURL = submissionURL[:-1] if "a/" in submissionURL or "gallery/" in submissionURL: albumId = submissionURL.split("/")[-1] return {'id':albumId, 'type':'album'} else: url = submissionURL.replace('.','/').split('/') imageId = url[url.index('com')+1] return {'id':imageId, 'type':'image'} def getLink(self,identity): """Request imgur object from imgur api """ if identity['type'] == 'image': return {'object':self.imgurClient.get_image(identity['id']), 'type':'image'} elif identity['type'] == 'album': return {'object':self.imgurClient.get_album(identity['id']), 'type':'album'} def get_credits(): return Imgur.initImgur().get_credits() class Gfycat: def __init__(self,directory,POST): try: POST['mediaURL'] = self.getLink(POST['postURL']) except IndexError: raise NotADownloadableLinkError except Exception as exception: raise NotADownloadableLinkError POST['postExt'] = getExtension(POST['mediaURL']) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) title = nameCorrector(POST['postTitle']) print(title+"_"+POST['postId']+POST['postExt']) fileDir = directory / (title+"_"+POST['postId']+POST['postExt']) tempDir = directory / (title+"_"+POST['postId']+".tmp") try: getFile(fileDir,tempDir,POST['mediaURL']) except FileNameTooLong: fileDir = directory / (POST['postId']+POST['postExt']) tempDir = directory / (POST['postId']+".tmp") getFile(fileDir,tempDir,POST['mediaURL']) def getLink(self, url, query='