#!/usr/bin/env python """ This program downloads imgur, gfycat and direct image and video links of saved posts from a reddit account. It is written in Python 3. """ import argparse import logging import os import sys import time import webbrowser from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path, PurePath from src.downloader import Direct, Erome, Gfycat, Imgur, Self from src.errors import * from src.parser import LinkDesigner from src.searcher import getPosts from src.tools import (GLOBAL, createLogFile, jsonFile, nameCorrector, printToFile) __author__ = "Ali Parlakci" __license__ = "GPL" __version__ = "" __maintainer__ = "Ali Parlakci" __email__ = "parlakciali@gmail.com" def getConfig(configFileName): """Read credentials from config.json file""" keys = ['imgur_client_id', 'imgur_client_secret'] if os.path.exists(configFileName): FILE = jsonFile(configFileName) content = FILE.read() if "reddit_refresh_token" in content: if content["reddit_refresh_token"] == "": FILE.delete("reddit_refresh_token") if not all(False if content.get(key,"") == "" else True for key in keys): print( "Go to this URL and fill the form: " \ "https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient\n" \ "Enter the client id and client secret here:" ) webbrowser.open("https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient",new=2) for key in keys: try: if content[key] == "": raise KeyError except KeyError: FILE.add({key:input(" "+key+": ")}) return jsonFile(configFileName).read() else: FILE = jsonFile(configFileName) configDictionary = {} print( "Go to this URL and fill the form: " \ "https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient\n" \ "Enter the client id and client secret here:" ) webbrowser.open("https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient",new=2) for key in keys: configDictionary[key] = input(" "+key+": ") FILE.add(configDictionary) return FILE.read() def parseArguments(arguments=[]): """Initialize argparse and add arguments""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(allow_abbrev=False, description="This program downloads " \ "media from reddit " \ "posts") parser.add_argument("--directory","-d", help="Specifies the directory where posts will be " \ "downloaded to", metavar="DIRECTORY") parser.add_argument("--NoDownload", help="Just gets the posts and stores them in a file" \ " for downloading later", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("--verbose","-v", help="Verbose Mode", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("--quit","-q", help="Auto quit afer the process finishes", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("--link","-l", help="Get posts from link", metavar="link") parser.add_argument("--saved", action="store_true", help="Triggers saved mode") parser.add_argument("--submitted", action="store_true", help="Gets posts of --user") parser.add_argument("--upvoted", action="store_true", help="Gets upvoted posts of --user") parser.add_argument("--log", help="Takes a log file which created by itself " \ "(json files), reads posts and tries downloadin" \ "g them again.", # type=argparse.FileType('r'), metavar="LOG FILE") parser.add_argument("--subreddit", nargs="+", help="Triggers subreddit mode and takes subreddit's " \ "name without r/. use \"frontpage\" for frontpage", metavar="SUBREDDIT", type=str) parser.add_argument("--multireddit", help="Triggers multireddit mode and takes "\ "multireddit's name without m/", metavar="MULTIREDDIT", type=str) parser.add_argument("--user", help="reddit username if needed. use \"me\" for " \ "current user", required="--multireddit" in sys.argv or \ "--submitted" in sys.argv, metavar="redditor", type=str) parser.add_argument("--search", help="Searches for given query in given subreddits", metavar="query", type=str) parser.add_argument("--sort", help="Either hot, top, new, controversial, rising " \ "or relevance default: hot", choices=[ "hot","top","new","controversial","rising", "relevance" ], metavar="SORT TYPE", type=str) parser.add_argument("--limit", help="default: unlimited", metavar="Limit", type=int) parser.add_argument("--time", help="Either hour, day, week, month, year or all." \ " default: all", choices=["all","hour","day","week","month","year"], metavar="TIME_LIMIT", type=str) if arguments == []: return parser.parse_args() else: return parser.parse_args(arguments) def checkConflicts(): """Check if command-line arguments are given correcly, if not, raise errors """ if GLOBAL.arguments.user is None: user = 0 else: user = 1 search = 1 if GLOBAL.arguments.search else 0 modes = [ "saved","subreddit","submitted","log","link","upvoted","multireddit" ] values = { x: 0 if getattr(GLOBAL.arguments,x) is None or \ getattr(GLOBAL.arguments,x) is False \ else 1 \ for x in modes } if not sum(values[x] for x in values) == 1: raise ProgramModeError("Invalid program mode") if search+values["saved"] == 2: raise SearchModeError("You cannot search in your saved posts") if search+values["submitted"] == 2: raise SearchModeError("You cannot search in submitted posts") if search+values["upvoted"] == 2: raise SearchModeError("You cannot search in upvoted posts") if search+values["log"] == 2: raise SearchModeError("You cannot search in log files") if values["upvoted"]+values["submitted"] == 1 and user == 0: raise RedditorNameError("No redditor name given") class PromptUser: @staticmethod def chooseFrom(choices): print() choicesByIndex = list(str(x) for x in range(len(choices)+1)) for i in range(len(choices)): print("{indent}[{order}] {mode}".format( indent=" "*4,order=i+1,mode=choices[i] )) print(" "*4+"[0] exit\n") choice = input("> ") while not choice.lower() in choices+choicesByIndex+["exit"]: print("Invalid input\n") programModeIndex = input("> ") if choice == "0" or choice == "exit": sys.exit() elif choice in choicesByIndex: return choices[int(choice)-1] else: return choice def __init__(self): print("select program mode:") programModes = [ "search","subreddit","multireddit", "submitted","upvoted","saved","log" ] programMode = self.chooseFrom(programModes) if programMode == "search": GLOBAL.arguments.search = input("\nquery: ") GLOBAL.arguments.subreddit = input("\nsubreddit: ") print("\nselect sort type:") sortTypes = [ "relevance","top","new" ] sortType = self.chooseFrom(sortTypes) GLOBAL.arguments.sort = sortType print("\nselect time filter:") timeFilters = [ "hour","day","week","month","year","all" ] timeFilter = self.chooseFrom(timeFilters) GLOBAL.arguments.time = timeFilter if programMode == "subreddit": subredditInput = input("(type frontpage for all subscribed subreddits,\n" \ " use plus to seperate multi subreddits:" \ " pics+funny+me_irl etc.)\n\n" \ "subreddit: ") GLOBAL.arguments.subreddit = subredditInput # while not (subredditInput == "" or subredditInput.lower() == "frontpage"): # subredditInput = input("subreddit: ") # GLOBAL.arguments.subreddit += "+" + subredditInput if " " in GLOBAL.arguments.subreddit: GLOBAL.arguments.subreddit = "+".join(GLOBAL.arguments.subreddit.split()) # DELETE THE PLUS (+) AT THE END if not subredditInput.lower() == "frontpage": GLOBAL.arguments.subreddit = GLOBAL.arguments.subreddit[:-1] print("\nselect sort type:") sortTypes = [ "hot","top","new","rising","controversial" ] sortType = self.chooseFrom(sortTypes) GLOBAL.arguments.sort = sortType if sortType in ["top","controversial"]: print("\nselect time filter:") timeFilters = [ "hour","day","week","month","year","all" ] timeFilter = self.chooseFrom(timeFilters) GLOBAL.arguments.time = timeFilter else: GLOBAL.arguments.time = "all" elif programMode == "multireddit": GLOBAL.arguments.user = input("\nmultireddit owner: ") GLOBAL.arguments.multireddit = input("\nmultireddit: ") print("\nselect sort type:") sortTypes = [ "hot","top","new","rising","controversial" ] sortType = self.chooseFrom(sortTypes) GLOBAL.arguments.sort = sortType if sortType in ["top","controversial"]: print("\nselect time filter:") timeFilters = [ "hour","day","week","month","year","all" ] timeFilter = self.chooseFrom(timeFilters) GLOBAL.arguments.time = timeFilter else: GLOBAL.arguments.time = "all" elif programMode == "submitted": GLOBAL.arguments.submitted = True GLOBAL.arguments.user = input("\nredditor: ") print("\nselect sort type:") sortTypes = [ "hot","top","new","controversial" ] sortType = self.chooseFrom(sortTypes) GLOBAL.arguments.sort = sortType if sortType == "top": print("\nselect time filter:") timeFilters = [ "hour","day","week","month","year","all" ] timeFilter = self.chooseFrom(timeFilters) GLOBAL.arguments.time = timeFilter else: GLOBAL.arguments.time = "all" elif programMode == "upvoted": GLOBAL.arguments.upvoted = True GLOBAL.arguments.user = input("\nredditor: ") elif programMode == "saved": GLOBAL.arguments.saved = True elif programMode == "log": while True: GLOBAL.arguments.log = input("\nlog file directory:") if Path(GLOBAL.arguments.log ).is_file(): break while True: try: GLOBAL.arguments.limit = int(input("\nlimit (0 for none): ")) if GLOBAL.arguments.limit == 0: GLOBAL.arguments.limit = None break except ValueError: pass def prepareAttributes(): ATTRIBUTES = {} if GLOBAL.arguments.user is not None: ATTRIBUTES["user"] = GLOBAL.arguments.user if GLOBAL.arguments.search is not None: ATTRIBUTES["search"] = GLOBAL.arguments.search if GLOBAL.arguments.sort == "hot" or \ GLOBAL.arguments.sort == "controversial" or \ GLOBAL.arguments.sort == "rising": GLOBAL.arguments.sort = "relevance" if GLOBAL.arguments.sort is not None: ATTRIBUTES["sort"] = GLOBAL.arguments.sort else: if GLOBAL.arguments.submitted: ATTRIBUTES["sort"] = "new" else: ATTRIBUTES["sort"] = "hot" if GLOBAL.arguments.time is not None: ATTRIBUTES["time"] = GLOBAL.arguments.time else: ATTRIBUTES["time"] = "all" if GLOBAL.arguments.link is not None: GLOBAL.arguments.link = GLOBAL.arguments.link.strip("\"") ATTRIBUTES = LinkDesigner(GLOBAL.arguments.link) if GLOBAL.arguments.search is not None: ATTRIBUTES["search"] = GLOBAL.arguments.search if GLOBAL.arguments.sort is not None: ATTRIBUTES["sort"] = GLOBAL.arguments.sort if GLOBAL.arguments.time is not None: ATTRIBUTES["time"] = GLOBAL.arguments.time elif GLOBAL.arguments.subreddit is not None: if type(GLOBAL.arguments.subreddit) == list: GLOBAL.arguments.subreddit = "+".join(GLOBAL.arguments.subreddit) ATTRIBUTES["subreddit"] = GLOBAL.arguments.subreddit elif GLOBAL.arguments.multireddit is not None: ATTRIBUTES["multireddit"] = GLOBAL.arguments.multireddit elif GLOBAL.arguments.saved is True: ATTRIBUTES["saved"] = True elif GLOBAL.arguments.upvoted is True: ATTRIBUTES["upvoted"] = True elif GLOBAL.arguments.submitted is not None: ATTRIBUTES["submitted"] = True if GLOBAL.arguments.sort == "rising": raise InvalidSortingType("Invalid sorting type has given") ATTRIBUTES["limit"] = GLOBAL.arguments.limit return ATTRIBUTES def postFromLog(fileName): """Analyze a log file and return a list of dictionaries containing submissions """ if Path.is_file(Path(fileName)): content = jsonFile(fileName).read() else: print("File not found") sys.exit() try: del content["HEADER"] except KeyError: pass posts = [] for post in content: if not content[post][-1]['postType'] == None: posts.append(content[post][-1]) return posts def isPostExists(POST): """Figure out a file's name and checks if the file already exists""" title = nameCorrector(POST['postTitle']) PATH = GLOBAL.directory / POST["postSubreddit"] possibleExtensions = [".jpg",".png",".mp4",".gif",".webm",".md"] """If you change the filenames, don't forget to add them here. Please don't remove existing ones """ for extension in possibleExtensions: OLD_FILE_PATH = PATH / ( title + "_" + POST['postId'] + extension ) FILE_PATH = PATH / ( POST["postSubmitter"] + "_" + title + "_" + POST['postId'] + extension ) SHORT_FILE_PATH = PATH / (POST['postId']+extension) if OLD_FILE_PATH.exists() or \ FILE_PATH.exists() or \ SHORT_FILE_PATH.exists(): return True else: return False def downloadPost(SUBMISSION): """Download directory is declared here for each file""" directory = GLOBAL.directory / SUBMISSION['postSubreddit'] global lastRequestTime downloaders = { "imgur":Imgur,"gfycat":Gfycat,"erome":Erome,"direct":Direct,"self":Self } print() if SUBMISSION['postType'] in downloaders: if SUBMISSION['postType'] == "imgur": while int(time.time() - lastRequestTime) <= 2: pass credit = Imgur.get_credits() IMGUR_RESET_TIME = credit['UserReset']-time.time() USER_RESET = ("after " \ + str(int(IMGUR_RESET_TIME/60)) \ + " Minutes " \ + str(int(IMGUR_RESET_TIME%60)) \ + " Seconds") if credit['ClientRemaining'] < 25 or credit['UserRemaining'] < 25: printCredit = {"noPrint":False} else: printCredit = {"noPrint":True} print( "==> Client: {} - User: {} - Reset {}\n".format( credit['ClientRemaining'], credit['UserRemaining'], USER_RESET ),end="",**printCredit ) if not (credit['UserRemaining'] == 0 or \ credit['ClientRemaining'] == 0): """This block of code is needed """ while int(time.time() - lastRequestTime) <= 2: pass lastRequestTime = time.time() else: if credit['UserRemaining'] == 0: KEYWORD = "user" elif credit['ClientRemaining'] == 0: KEYWORD = "client" raise ImgurLimitError('{} LIMIT EXCEEDED\n'.format(KEYWORD.upper())) downloaders[SUBMISSION['postType']] (directory,SUBMISSION) else: raise NoSuitablePost return None def download(submissions): """Analyze list of submissions and call the right function to download each one, catch errors, update the log files """ subsLenght = len(submissions) global lastRequestTime lastRequestTime = 0 downloadedCount = subsLenght duplicates = 0 FAILED_FILE = createLogFile("FAILED") for i in range(subsLenght): print(f"\n({i+1}/{subsLenght}) – r/{submissions[i]['postSubreddit']}", end="") print(f" – {submissions[i]['postType'].upper()}",end="",noPrint=True) if isPostExists(submissions[i]): print(f"\n" \ f"{submissions[i]['postSubmitter']}_" f"{nameCorrector(submissions[i]['postTitle'])}") print("It already exists") duplicates += 1 downloadedCount -= 1 continue try: downloadPost(submissions[i]) except FileAlreadyExistsError: print("It already exists") duplicates += 1 downloadedCount -= 1 except ImgurLoginError: print( "Imgur login failed. \nQuitting the program "\ "as unexpected errors might occur." ) sys.exit() except ImgurLimitError as exception: FAILED_FILE.add({int(i+1):[ "{class_name}: {info}".format( class_name=exception.__class__.__name__,info=str(exception) ), submissions[i] ]}) downloadedCount -= 1 except NotADownloadableLinkError as exception: print( "{class_name}: {info}".format( class_name=exception.__class__.__name__,info=str(exception) ) ) FAILED_FILE.add({int(i+1):[ "{class_name}: {info}".format( class_name=exception.__class__.__name__,info=str(exception) ), submissions[i] ]}) downloadedCount -= 1 except NoSuitablePost: print("No match found, skipping...") downloadedCount -= 1 except Exception as exception: # raise exception print( "{class_name}: {info}".format( class_name=exception.__class__.__name__,info=str(exception) ) ) FAILED_FILE.add({int(i+1):[ "{class_name}: {info}".format( class_name=exception.__class__.__name__,info=str(exception) ), submissions[i] ]}) downloadedCount -= 1 if duplicates: print(f"\nThere {'were' if duplicates > 1 else 'was'} " \ f"{duplicates} duplicate{'s' if duplicates > 1 else ''}") if downloadedCount == 0: print("Nothing downloaded :(") else: print(f"Total of {downloadedCount} " \ f"link{'s' if downloadedCount > 1 else ''} downloaded!") def main(): VanillaPrint( f"\nBulk Downloader for Reddit v{__version__}\n" \ f"Written by Ali PARLAKCI – parlakciali@gmail.com\n\n" \ f"https://github.com/aliparlakci/bulk-downloader-for-reddit/" ) GLOBAL.arguments = parseArguments() if GLOBAL.arguments.directory is not None: GLOBAL.directory = Path(GLOBAL.arguments.directory.strip()) else: GLOBAL.directory = Path(input("\ndownload directory: ").strip()) print("\n"," ".join(sys.argv),"\n",noPrint=True) print(f"Bulk Downloader for Reddit v{__version__}\n",noPrint=True ) try: checkConflicts() except ProgramModeError as err: PromptUser() if not Path(GLOBAL.configDirectory).is_dir(): os.makedirs(GLOBAL.configDirectory) GLOBAL.config = getConfig("config.json") if Path("config.json").exists() \ else getConfig(GLOBAL.configDirectory / "config.json") if GLOBAL.arguments.log is not None: logDir = Path(GLOBAL.arguments.log) download(postFromLog(logDir)) sys.exit() try: POSTS = getPosts(prepareAttributes()) except Exception as exc: logging.error(sys.exc_info()[0].__name__, exc_info=full_exc_info(sys.exc_info())) print(log_stream.getvalue(),noPrint=True) print(exc) sys.exit() if POSTS is None: print("I could not find any posts in that URL") sys.exit() if GLOBAL.arguments.NoDownload: sys.exit() else: download(POSTS) if __name__ == "__main__": log_stream = StringIO() logging.basicConfig(stream=log_stream, level=logging.INFO) try: VanillaPrint = print print = printToFile GLOBAL.RUN_TIME = time.time() main() except KeyboardInterrupt: if GLOBAL.directory is None: GLOBAL.directory = Path(".\\") except Exception as exception: if GLOBAL.directory is None: GLOBAL.directory = Path(".\\") logging.error(sys.exc_info()[0].__name__, exc_info=full_exc_info(sys.exc_info())) print(log_stream.getvalue()) if not GLOBAL.arguments.quit: input("\nPress enter to quit\n")