# Compiling from source code ## Requirements ### Python 3 Interpreter Latest* version of **Python 3** is needed. See if it is already installed [here](#finding-the-correct-keyword-for-python). If not, download the matching release for your platform [here](https://www.python.org/downloads/) and install it. If you are a *Windows* user, selecting **Add Python 3 to PATH** option when installing the software is mandatory. \* *Use Python 3.6.5 if you encounter an issue* ## Using terminal ### To open it... - **On Windows**: Press **Shift+Right Click**, select **Open Powershell window here** or **Open Command Prompt window here** - **On Linux**: Right-click in a folder and select **Open Terminal** or press **Ctrl+Alt+T**. - **On MacOS**: Look for an app called **Terminal**. ### Navigating to the directory where script is downloaded Go inside the folder where script.py is located. If you are not familiar with changing directories on command-prompt and terminal read *Changing Directories* in [this article](https://lifehacker.com/5633909/who-needs-a-mouse-learn-to-use-the-command-line-for-almost-anything) ## Finding the correct keyword for Python Enter these lines to terminal window until it prints out the version you have downloaded and installed: - `python --version` - `python3 --version` - `python3.7 --version` - `python3.6 --version` - `py --version` - `py -3 --version` - `py -3.6 --version` - `py -3.7 --version` Once it does, your keyword is without the `--version` part. ## Installing dependencies Enter the line below to terminal window when you are in the directory where script.py is, use your keyword for Python: ```console python -m pip install -r requirements.txt ``` --- Now, you can go to [Using command-line arguments](COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENTS.md)