#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import re from typing import Optional import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from praw.models import Submission from bulkredditdownloader.resource import Resource from bulkredditdownloader.site_authenticator import SiteAuthenticator from bulkredditdownloader.site_downloaders.gif_delivery_network import GifDeliveryNetwork class Gfycat(GifDeliveryNetwork): def __init__(self, post: Submission): super().__init__(post) def find_resources(self, authenticator: Optional[SiteAuthenticator] = None) -> list[Resource]: return super().find_resources(authenticator) @staticmethod def _get_link(url: str) -> str: """Extract direct link to the video from page's source and return it """ if re.match(r'\.(webm|mp4|gif)$', url): return url if url.endswith('/'): url = url[:-1] url = "https://gfycat.com/" + url.split('/')[-1] page_source = requests.get(url).text soup = BeautifulSoup(page_source, "html.parser") attributes = {"data-react-helmet": "true", "type": "application/ld+json"} content = soup.find("script", attrs=attributes) if content is None: return super()._get_link(url) return json.loads(content.contents[0])["video"]["contentUrl"]