#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import re from typing import Optional from praw.models import Submission from bdfr.exceptions import SiteDownloaderError from bdfr.resource import Resource from bdfr.site_authenticator import SiteAuthenticator from bdfr.site_downloaders.base_downloader import BaseDownloader class Redgifs(BaseDownloader): def __init__(self, post: Submission): super().__init__(post) def find_resources(self, authenticator: Optional[SiteAuthenticator] = None) -> list[Resource]: media_url = self._get_link(self.post.url) return [Resource(self.post, media_url, Resource.retry_download(media_url), '.mp4')] @staticmethod def _get_link(url: str) -> str: try: redgif_id = re.match(r'.*/(.*?)/?$', url).group(1) except AttributeError: raise SiteDownloaderError(f'Could not extract Redgifs ID from {url}') headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36', } content = Redgifs.retrieve_url(f'https://api.redgifs.com/v1/gfycats/{redgif_id}', headers=headers) if content is None: raise SiteDownloaderError('Could not read the page source') try: out = json.loads(content.text)['gfyItem']['mp4Url'] except (KeyError, AttributeError): raise SiteDownloaderError('Failed to find JSON data in page') except json.JSONDecodeError as e: raise SiteDownloaderError(f'Received data was not valid JSON: {e}') return out