#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 import hashlib import logging import re import time import urllib.parse from typing import Callable, Optional import _hashlib import requests from praw.models import Submission from bdfr.exceptions import BulkDownloaderException logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Resource: def __init__(self, source_submission: Submission, url: str, download_function: Callable, extension: str = None): self.source_submission = source_submission self.content: Optional[bytes] = None self.url = url self.hash: Optional[_hashlib.HASH] = None self.extension = extension self.download_function = download_function if not self.extension: self.extension = self._determine_extension() @staticmethod def retry_download(url: str) -> Callable: max_wait_time = 300 def http_download(download_parameters: dict) -> Optional[bytes]: current_wait_time = 60 if 'max_wait_time' in download_parameters: max_wait_time = download_parameters['max_wait_time'] else: max_wait_time = 300 while True: try: response = requests.get(url) if re.match(r'^2\d{2}', str(response.status_code)) and response.content: return response.content elif response.status_code in (408, 429): raise requests.exceptions.ConnectionError(f'Response code {response.status_code}') else: raise BulkDownloaderException( f'Unrecoverable error requesting resource: HTTP Code {response.status_code}') except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError) as e: logger.warning(f'Error occured downloading from {url}, waiting {current_wait_time} seconds: {e}') time.sleep(current_wait_time) if current_wait_time < max_wait_time: current_wait_time += 60 else: logger.error(f'Max wait time exceeded for resource at url {url}') raise return http_download def download(self, download_parameters: Optional[dict] = None): if download_parameters is None: download_parameters = {} if not self.content: try: content = self.download_function(download_parameters) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise BulkDownloaderException(f'Could not download resource: {e}') except BulkDownloaderException: raise if content: self.content = content if not self.hash and self.content: self.create_hash() def create_hash(self): self.hash = hashlib.md5(self.content) def _determine_extension(self) -> Optional[str]: extension_pattern = re.compile(r'.*(\..{3,5})$') stripped_url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(self.url).path match = re.search(extension_pattern, stripped_url) if match: return match.group(1)