import os import pathlib import urllib.error import urllib.request from html.parser import HTMLParser from bulkredditdownloader.downloaders.base_downloader import BaseDownloader from bulkredditdownloader.errors import AlbumNotDownloadedCompletely, FileAlreadyExistsError, NotADownloadableLinkError from bulkredditdownloader.utils import GLOBAL from bulkredditdownloader.utils import printToFile as print class Erome(BaseDownloader): def __init__(self, directory: pathlib.Path, post: dict): super().__init__(directory, post) try: images = self.getLinks(post['CONTENTURL']) except urllib.error.HTTPError: raise NotADownloadableLinkError("Not a downloadable link") images_length = len(images) how_many_downloaded = images_length duplicates = 0 if images_length == 1: extension = self.getExtension(images[0]) """Filenames are declared here""" filename = GLOBAL.config['filename'].format(**post) + post["EXTENSION"] short_filename = post['POSTID'] + extension image_url = images[0] if 'https://' not in image_url or 'http://' not in image_url: image_url = "https://" + image_url self.getFile(filename, short_filename, directory, image_url) else: filename = GLOBAL.config['filename'].format(**post) print(filename) folder_dir = directory / filename try: if not os.path.exists(folder_dir): os.makedirs(folder_dir) except FileNotFoundError: folder_dir = directory / post['POSTID'] os.makedirs(folder_dir) for i in range(images_length): extension = self.getExtension(images[i]) filename = str(i + 1) + extension image_url = images[i] if 'https://' not in image_url and 'http://' not in image_url: image_url = "https://" + image_url print(" ({}/{})".format(i + 1, images_length)) print(" {}".format(filename)) try: self.getFile(filename, filename, folder_dir, image_url, indent=2) print() except FileAlreadyExistsError: print(" The file already exists" + " " * 10, end="\n\n") duplicates += 1 how_many_downloaded -= 1 except Exception as exception: # raise exception print("\n Could not get the file") print( " " + "{class_name}: {info}".format(class_name=exception.__class__.__name__, info=str(exception)) + "\n" ) how_many_downloaded -= 1 if duplicates == images_length: raise FileAlreadyExistsError elif how_many_downloaded + duplicates < images_length: raise AlbumNotDownloadedCompletely("Album Not Downloaded Completely") def getLinks(self, url: str) -> list[str]: content = [] line_number = None class EromeParser(HTMLParser): tag = None def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): self.tag = {tag: {attr[0]: attr[1] for attr in attrs}} page_source = (urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode().split('\n')) """ FIND WHERE ALBUM STARTS IN ORDER NOT TO GET WRONG LINKS""" for i in range(len(page_source)): obj = EromeParser() obj.feed(page_source[i]) tag = obj.tag if tag is not None: if "div" in tag: if "id" in tag["div"]: if tag["div"]["id"] == "album": line_number = i break for line in page_source[line_number:]: obj = EromeParser() obj.feed(line) tag = obj.tag if tag is not None: if "img" in tag: if "class" in tag["img"]: if tag["img"]["class"] == "img-front": content.append(tag["img"]["src"]) elif "source" in tag: content.append(tag["source"]["src"]) return [link for link in content if link.endswith("_480p.mp4") or not link.endswith(".mp4")]