if (Test-Path -Path $args[0] -PathType Leaf) { $file=$args[0] } else { Write-Host "CANNOT FIND LOG FILE" Exit 1 } if ($args[1] -ne $null) { $output=$args[1] Write-Host "Outputting IDs to $output" } else { $output="./failed.txt" } Select-String -Path $file -Pattern "Could not download submission" | ForEach-Object { -split $_.Line | Select-Object -Skip 11 | Select-Object -First 1 } | foreach { $_.substring(0,$_.Length-1) } >> $output Select-String -Path $file -Pattern "Failed to download resource" | ForEach-Object { -split $_.Line | Select-Object -Skip 14 | Select-Object -First 1 } >> $output Select-String -Path $file -Pattern "failed to download submission" | ForEach-Object { -split $_.Line | Select-Object -Skip 13 | Select-Object -First 1 } | foreach { $_.substring(0,$_.Length-1) } >> $output Select-String -Path $file -Pattern "Failed to write file" | ForEach-Object { -split $_.Line | Select-Object -Skip 13 | Select-Object -First 1 } >> $output Select-String -Path $file -Pattern "skipped due to disabled module" | ForEach-Object { -split $_.Line | Select-Object -Skip 8 | Select-Object -First 1 } >> $output