import json import os import urllib import requests from src.downloaders.downloaderUtils import getFile from src.errors import (AlbumNotDownloadedCompletely, FileAlreadyExistsError, ImageNotFound, NotADownloadableLinkError, TypeInSkip) from src.utils import GLOBAL from src.utils import printToFile as print class Gallery: def __init__(self, directory, post): link = post['CONTENTURL'] self.raw_data = self.getData(link) = directory = post images = {} count = 0 for model in self.raw_data['posts']['models']: try: for item in self.raw_data['posts']['models'][model]['media']['gallery']['items']: try: images[count] = {'id': item['mediaId'], 'url': self.raw_data['posts'] ['models'][model]['media']['mediaMetadata'][item['mediaId']]['s']['u']} count += 1 except Exception: continue except Exception: continue self.downloadAlbum(images, count) @staticmethod def getData(link): headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36 OPR/54.0.2952.64", "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8", } res = requests.get(link, headers=headers) if res.status_code != 200: raise ImageNotFound(f"Server responded with {res.status_code} to {link}") page_source = res.text starting_string = "_r = {" ending_string = "" starting_string_lenght = len(starting_string) try: start_index = page_source.index(starting_string) + starting_string_lenght end_index = page_source.index(ending_string, start_index) except ValueError: raise NotADownloadableLinkError(f"Could not read the page source on {link}") data = json.loads(page_source[start_index - 1:end_index + 1].strip()[:-1]) return data def downloadAlbum(self, images, count): folder_name = GLOBAL.config['filename'].format(** folder_dir = / folder_name how_many_downloaded = 0 duplicates = 0 try: if not os.path.exists(folder_dir): os.makedirs(folder_dir) except FileNotFoundError: folder_dir = /['POSTID'] os.makedirs(folder_dir) print(folder_name) for i in range(count): path = urllib.parse.urlparse(images[i]['url']).path extension = os.path.splitext(path)[1] filename = "_".join([str(i + 1), images[i]['id']]) + extension short_filename = str(i + 1) + "_" + images[i]['id'] print("\n ({}/{})".format(i + 1, count)) try: getFile(filename, short_filename, folder_dir, images[i]['url'], indent=2) how_many_downloaded += 1 print() except FileAlreadyExistsError: print(" The file already exists" + " " * 10, end="\n\n") duplicates += 1 except TypeInSkip: print(" Skipping...") how_many_downloaded += 1 except Exception as exception: print("\n Could not get the file") print(" " + "{class_name}: {info}\nSee CONSOLE_LOG.txt for more information".format( class_name=exception.__class__.__name__, info=str(exception)) + "\n" ) print(GLOBAL.log_stream.getvalue(), no_print=True) if duplicates == count: raise FileAlreadyExistsError elif how_many_downloaded + duplicates < count: raise AlbumNotDownloadedCompletely("Album Not Downloaded Completely")