#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 from unittest.mock import Mock import pytest from bulkredditdownloader.exceptions import SiteDownloaderError from bulkredditdownloader.resource import Resource from bulkredditdownloader.site_downloaders.imgur import Imgur @pytest.mark.online @pytest.mark.parametrize(('test_url', 'expected_gen_dict', 'expected_image_dict'), ( ( 'https://imgur.com/a/xWZsDDP', {'num_images': '1', 'id': 'xWZsDDP', 'hash': 'xWZsDDP'}, [ {'hash': 'ypa8YfS', 'title': '', 'ext': '.png', 'animated': False} ] ), ( 'https://imgur.com/gallery/IjJJdlC', {'num_images': 1, 'id': 384898055, 'hash': 'IjJJdlC'}, [ {'hash': 'CbbScDt', 'description': 'watch when he gets it', 'ext': '.gif', 'animated': True, 'has_sound': False } ], ), ( 'https://imgur.com/a/dcc84Gt', {'num_images': '4', 'id': 'dcc84Gt', 'hash': 'dcc84Gt'}, [ {'hash': 'ylx0Kle', 'ext': '.jpg', 'title': ''}, {'hash': 'TdYfKbK', 'ext': '.jpg', 'title': ''}, {'hash': 'pCxGbe8', 'ext': '.jpg', 'title': ''}, {'hash': 'TSAkikk', 'ext': '.jpg', 'title': ''}, ] ), ( 'https://m.imgur.com/a/py3RW0j', {'num_images': '1', 'id': 'py3RW0j', 'hash': 'py3RW0j', }, [ {'hash': 'K24eQmK', 'has_sound': False, 'ext': '.jpg'} ], ), )) def test_get_data_album(test_url: str, expected_gen_dict: dict, expected_image_dict: list[dict]): result = Imgur._get_data(test_url) assert all([result.get(key) == expected_gen_dict[key] for key in expected_gen_dict.keys()]) # Check if all the keys from the test dict are correct in at least one of the album entries assert any([all([image.get(key) == image_dict[key] for key in image_dict.keys()]) for image_dict in expected_image_dict for image in result['album_images']['images']]) @pytest.mark.online @pytest.mark.parametrize(('test_url', 'expected_image_dict'), ( ( 'https://i.imgur.com/dLk3FGY.gifv', {'hash': 'dLk3FGY', 'title': '', 'ext': '.mp4', 'animated': True} ), ( 'https://imgur.com/BuzvZwb.gifv', { 'hash': 'BuzvZwb', 'title': '', 'description': 'Akron Glass Works', 'animated': True, 'mimetype': 'video/mp4' }, ), )) def test_get_data_gif(test_url: str, expected_image_dict: dict): result = Imgur._get_data(test_url) assert all([result.get(key) == expected_image_dict[key] for key in expected_image_dict.keys()]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('test_extension', ( '.gif', '.png', '.jpg', '.mp4' )) def test_imgur_extension_validation_good(test_extension: str): result = Imgur._validate_extension(test_extension) assert result == test_extension @pytest.mark.parametrize('test_extension', ( '.jpeg', 'bad', '.avi', '.test', '.flac', )) def test_imgur_extension_validation_bad(test_extension: str): with pytest.raises(SiteDownloaderError): Imgur._validate_extension(test_extension) @pytest.mark.online @pytest.mark.parametrize(('test_url', 'expected_hashes'), ( ( 'https://imgur.com/a/xWZsDDP', ('f551d6e6b0fef2ce909767338612e31b',) ), ( 'https://imgur.com/gallery/IjJJdlC', ('7227d4312a9779b74302724a0cfa9081',), ), ( 'https://imgur.com/a/dcc84Gt', ( 'cf1158e1de5c3c8993461383b96610cf', '28d6b791a2daef8aa363bf5a3198535d', '248ef8f2a6d03eeb2a80d0123dbaf9b6', '029c475ce01b58fdf1269d8771d33913', ), ), )) def test_find_resources(test_url: str, expected_hashes: list[str]): mock_download = Mock() mock_download.url = test_url downloader = Imgur(mock_download) results = downloader.find_resources() assert all([isinstance(res, Resource) for res in results]) [res.download(120) for res in results] hashes = set([res.hash.hexdigest() for res in results]) assert len(results) == len(expected_hashes) assert hashes == set(expected_hashes)