import io import sys from os import makedirs, path from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional from bulkredditdownloader.json_helper import JsonFile class GLOBAL: """Declare global variables""" RUN_TIME = "" config = {'imgur_client_id': None, 'imgur_client_secret': None} arguments = None directory = None defaultConfigDirectory = Path.home() / "Bulk Downloader for Reddit" configDirectory = "" reddit_client_id = "U-6gk4ZCh3IeNQ" reddit_client_secret = "7CZHY6AmKweZME5s50SfDGylaPg" printVanilla = print log_stream = None @staticmethod def downloadedPosts() -> list: return [] def createLogFile(title: str) -> JsonFile: """Create a log file with given name inside a folder time stampt in its name and put given arguments inside \"HEADER\" key """ folder_directory = / "LOG_FILES" / GLOBAL.RUN_TIME log_filename = title.upper() + '.json' if not path.exists(folder_directory): makedirs(folder_directory) file = JsonFile(folder_directory / Path(log_filename)) header = " ".join(sys.argv) file.add({"HEADER": header}) return file def printToFile(*args, no_print=False, **kwargs): """Print to both CONSOLE and CONSOLE LOG file in a folder time stampt in the name """ folder_directory = / Path("LOG_FILES") / Path(GLOBAL.RUN_TIME) if not no_print or GLOBAL.arguments.verbose or "file" in kwargs: print(*args, **kwargs) if not path.exists(folder_directory): makedirs(folder_directory) if "file" not in kwargs: with / "CONSOLE_LOG.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8") as FILE: print(*args, file=FILE, **kwargs) def nameCorrector(string: str, reference: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Swap strange characters from given string with underscore (_) and shorten it. Return the string """ limit = 247 string_length = len(string) if reference: reference_length = len(reference) total_lenght = reference_length else: total_lenght = string_length if total_lenght > limit: limit -= reference_length string = string[:limit - 1] string = string.replace(" ", "_") if len(string.split('\n')) > 1: string = "".join(string.split('\n')) bad_chars = ['\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|', '#', '.', '@', '“', '’', '\'', '!'] string = "".join([i if i not in bad_chars else "_" for i in string]) return string