# Using command-line arguments See **[compiling from source](COMPILE_FROM_SOURCE.md)** page first unless you are using an executable file. If you are using an executable file, see [using terminal](COMPILE_FROM_SOURCE.md#using-terminal) and come back. ***Use*** `.\bulk-downloader-for-reddit.exe` ***or*** `./bulk-downloader-for-reddit` ***if you are using the executable***. ```console $ python script.py --help usage: script.py [-h] [--directory DIRECTORY] [--link link] [--saved] [--submitted] [--upvoted] [--log LOG FILE] [--subreddit SUBREDDIT [SUBREDDIT ...]] [--multireddit MULTIREDDIT] [--user redditor] [--search query] [--sort SORT TYPE] [--limit Limit] [--time TIME_LIMIT] [--NoDownload] This program downloads media from reddit posts optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --directory DIRECTORY Specifies the directory where posts will be downloaded to --link link, -l link Get posts from link --saved Triggers saved mode --submitted Gets posts of --user --upvoted Gets upvoted posts of --user --log LOG FILE Takes a log file which created by itself (json files), reads posts and tries downloading them again. --subreddit SUBREDDIT [SUBREDDIT ...] Triggers subreddit mode and takes subreddit's name without r/. use "frontpage" for frontpage --multireddit MULTIREDDIT Triggers multireddit mode and takes multireddit's name without m/ --user redditor reddit username if needed. use "me" for current user --search query Searches for given query in given subreddits --sort SORT TYPE Either hot, top, new, controversial, rising or relevance default: hot --limit Limit default: unlimited --time TIME_LIMIT Either hour, day, week, month, year or all. default: all --NoDownload Just gets the posts and store them in a file for downloading later ``` # Examples - **Use `python3` instead of `python` if you are using *MacOS* or *Linux*** ```console python script.py ``` ```console .\bulk-downloader-for-reddit.exe ``` ```console python script.py ``` ```console .\bulk-downloader-for-reddit.exe -- directory .\\NEW_FOLDER --search cats --sort new --time all --subreddit gifs pics --NoDownload ``` ```console ./bulk-downloader-for-reddit --directory .\\NEW_FOLDER\\ANOTHER_FOLDER --saved --limit 1000 ``` ```console python script.py --directory .\\NEW_FOLDER --sort new --time all --limit 10 --link "https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/search?q=dogs&restrict_sr=on&type=link&sort=new&t=month" ``` ```console python script.py --directory .\\NEW_FOLDER --link "https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/7mjw12/" ``` ```console python script.py --directory .\\NEW_FOLDER --search cats --sort new --time all --subreddit gifs pics --NoDownload ``` ```console python script.py --directory .\\NEW_FOLDER --user [USER_NAME] --submitted --limit 10 ``` ```console python script.py --directory .\\NEW_FOLDER --multireddit good_subs --user [USER_NAME] --sort top --time week --limit 250 ``` ```console python script.py --directory .\\NEW_FOLDER\\ANOTHER_FOLDER --saved --limit 1000 ``` ```console python script.py --directory C:\\NEW_FOLDER\\ANOTHER_FOLDER --log UNNAMED_FOLDER\\FAILED.json ``` # FAQ ## I can't startup the script no matter what. See **[finding the correct keyword for Python](COMPILE_FROM_SOURCE.md#finding-the-correct-keyword-for-python)**