import io import os import sys import urllib.request from html.parser import HTMLParser from pathlib import Path from urllib.error import HTTPError import imgurpython from multiprocessing import Queue from src.errors import (AlbumNotDownloadedCompletely, FileAlreadyExistsError, FileNameTooLong, ImgurLoginError, NotADownloadableLinkError) from import GLOBAL, nameCorrector, printToFile VanillaPrint = print print = printToFile def dlProgress(count, blockSize, totalSize): """Function for writing download progress to console """ downloadedMbs = int(count*blockSize*(10**(-6))) fileSize = int(totalSize*(10**(-6))) sys.stdout.write("{}Mb/{}Mb\r".format(downloadedMbs,fileSize)) sys.stdout.flush() def getExtension(link): """Extract file extension from image link. If didn't find any, return '.jpg' """ imageTypes = ['jpg','png','mp4','webm','gif'] parsed = link.split('.') for TYPE in imageTypes: if TYPE in parsed: return "."+parsed[-1] else: if not "" in link: return '.jpg' else: return '.mp4' def getFile(fileDir,tempDir,imageURL,indent=0): """Downloads given file to given directory. fileDir -- Full file directory tempDir -- Full file directory with the extension of '.tmp' imageURL -- URL to the file to be downloaded redditID -- Post's reddit id if renaming the file is necessary. As too long file names seem not working. """ headers = [ ("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) " \ "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 "\ "Safari/537.36 OPR/54.0.2952.64"), ("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;" \ "q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8"), ("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3"), ("Accept-Encoding", "none"), ("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.8"), ("Connection", "keep-alive") ] opener = urllib.request.build_opener() if not "imgur" in imageURL: opener.addheaders = headers urllib.request.install_opener(opener) if not (os.path.isfile(fileDir)): for i in range(3): try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(imageURL, tempDir, reporthook=dlProgress) os.rename(tempDir,fileDir) except ConnectionResetError as exception: print(" "*indent + str(exception)) print(" "*indent + "Trying again\n") except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNameTooLong else: print(" "*indent+"Downloaded"+" "*10) break else: raise FileAlreadyExistsError class Erome: def __init__(self,directory,post): try: IMAGES = self.getLinks(post['postURL']) except urllib.error.HTTPError: raise NotADownloadableLinkError("Not a downloadable link") imagesLenght = len(IMAGES) howManyDownloaded = imagesLenght duplicates = 0 if imagesLenght == 1: extension = getExtension(IMAGES[0]) """Filenames are declared here""" title = nameCorrector(post['postTitle']) print(post["postSubmitter"]+"_"+title+"_"+post['postId']+extension) fileDir = directory / ( post["postSubmitter"]+"_"+title+"_"+post['postId']+extension ) tempDir = directory / ( post["postSubmitter"]+"_"+title+"_"+post['postId']+".tmp" ) imageURL = "https:" + IMAGES[0] try: getFile(fileDir,tempDir,imageURL) except FileNameTooLong: fileDir = directory / (post['postId'] + extension) tempDir = directory / (post['postId'] + '.tmp') getFile(fileDir,tempDir,imageURL) else: title = nameCorrector(post['postTitle']) print(post["postSubmitter"]+"_"+title+"_"+post['postId'],end="\n\n") folderDir = directory / ( post["postSubmitter"] + "_" + title + "_" + post['postId'] ) try: if not os.path.exists(folderDir): os.makedirs(folderDir) except FileNotFoundError: folderDir = directory / post['postId'] os.makedirs(folderDir) for i in range(imagesLenght): extension = getExtension(IMAGES[i]) fileName = str(i+1) imageURL = "https:" + IMAGES[i] fileDir = folderDir / (fileName + extension) tempDir = folderDir / (fileName + ".tmp") print(" ({}/{})".format(i+1,imagesLenght)) print(" {}".format(fileName+extension)) try: getFile(fileDir,tempDir,imageURL,indent=2) print() except FileAlreadyExistsError: print(" The file already exists" + " "*10,end="\n\n") duplicates += 1 howManyDownloaded -= 1 except Exception as exception: # raise exception print("\n Could not get the file") print( " " + "{class_name}: {info}".format( class_name=exception.__class__.__name__, info=str(exception) ) + "\n" ) exceptionType = exception howManyDownloaded -= 1 if duplicates == imagesLenght: raise FileAlreadyExistsError elif howManyDownloaded + duplicates < imagesLenght: raise AlbumNotDownloadedCompletely( "Album Not Downloaded Completely" ) def getLinks(self,url,lineNumber=129): content = [] lineNumber = None class EromeParser(HTMLParser): tag = None def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): self.tag = {tag:{attr[0]: attr[1] for attr in attrs}} pageSource = (urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode().split('\n')) """ FIND WHERE ALBUM STARTS IN ORDER NOT TO GET WRONG LINKS""" for i in range(len(pageSource)): obj = EromeParser() obj.feed(pageSource[i]) tag = obj.tag if tag is not None: if "div" in tag: if "id" in tag["div"]: if tag["div"]["id"] == "album": lineNumber = i break for line in pageSource[lineNumber:]: obj = EromeParser() obj.feed(line) tag = obj.tag if tag is not None: if "img" in tag: if "class" in tag["img"]: if tag["img"]["class"]=="img-front": content.append(tag["img"]["src"]) elif "source" in tag: content.append(tag["source"]["src"]) return [ link for link in content \ if link.endswith("_480p.mp4") or not link.endswith(".mp4") ] class Imgur: def __init__(self,directory,post): self.imgurClient = self.initImgur() imgurID = self.getId(post['postURL']) content = self.getLink(imgurID) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) if content['type'] == 'image': try: post['mediaURL'] = content['object'].mp4 except AttributeError: post['mediaURL'] = content['object'].link post['postExt'] = getExtension(post['mediaURL']) title = nameCorrector(post['postTitle']) """Filenames are declared here""" print(post["postSubmitter"]+"_"+title+"_"+post['postId']+post['postExt']) fileDir = directory / ( post["postSubmitter"] + "_" + title + "_" + post['postId'] + post['postExt'] ) tempDir = directory / ( post["postSubmitter"] + "_" + title + "_" + post['postId'] + ".tmp" ) try: getFile(fileDir,tempDir,post['mediaURL']) except FileNameTooLong: fileDir = directory / post['postId'] + post['postExt'] tempDir = directory / post['postId'] + '.tmp' getFile(fileDir,tempDir,post['mediaURL']) elif content['type'] == 'album': exceptionType = "" images = content['object'].images imagesLenght = len(images) howManyDownloaded = imagesLenght duplicates = 0 title = nameCorrector(post['postTitle']) print(post["postSubmitter"]+"_"+title+"_"+post['postId'],end="\n\n") folderDir = directory / ( post["postSubmitter"] + "_" + title + "_" + post['postId'] ) try: if not os.path.exists(folderDir): os.makedirs(folderDir) except FileNotFoundError: folderDir = directory / post['postId'] os.makedirs(folderDir) for i in range(imagesLenght): try: imageURL = images[i]['mp4'] except KeyError: imageURL = images[i]['link'] images[i]['Ext'] = getExtension(imageURL) fileName = (str(i+1) + "_" + nameCorrector(str(images[i]['title'])) + "_" + images[i]['id']) """Filenames are declared here""" fileDir = folderDir / (fileName + images[i]['Ext']) tempDir = folderDir / (fileName + ".tmp") print(" ({}/{})".format(i+1,imagesLenght)) print(" {}".format(fileName+images[i]['Ext'])) try: getFile(fileDir,tempDir,imageURL,indent=2) print() except FileAlreadyExistsError: print(" The file already exists" + " "*10,end="\n\n") duplicates += 1 howManyDownloaded -= 1 # IF FILE NAME IS TOO LONG, IT WONT REGISTER except FileNameTooLong: fileName = (str(i+1) + "_" + images[i]['id']) fileDir = folderDir / (fileName + images[i]['Ext']) tempDir = folderDir / (fileName + ".tmp") try: getFile(fileDir,tempDir,imageURL,indent=2) # IF STILL TOO LONG except FileNameTooLong: fileName = str(i+1) fileDir = folderDir / (fileName + images[i]['Ext']) tempDir = folderDir / (fileName + ".tmp") getFile(fileDir,tempDir,imageURL,indent=2) except Exception as exception: print("\n Could not get the file") print( " " + "{class_name}: {info}".format( class_name=exception.__class__.__name__, info=str(exception) ) + "\n" ) exceptionType = exception howManyDownloaded -= 1 if duplicates == imagesLenght: raise FileAlreadyExistsError elif howManyDownloaded + duplicates < imagesLenght: raise AlbumNotDownloadedCompletely( "Album Not Downloaded Completely" ) @staticmethod def initImgur(): """Initialize imgur api""" config = GLOBAL.config return imgurpython.ImgurClient( config['imgur_client_id'], config['imgur_client_secret'] ) def getId(self,submissionURL): """Extract imgur post id and determine if its a single image or album """ domainLenght = len("") if submissionURL[-1] == "/": submissionURL = submissionURL[:-1] if "a/" in submissionURL or "gallery/" in submissionURL: albumId = submissionURL.split("/")[-1] return {'id':albumId, 'type':'album'} else: url = submissionURL.replace('.','/').split('/') imageId = url[url.index('com')+1] return {'id':imageId, 'type':'image'} def getLink(self,identity): """Request imgur object from imgur api """ if identity['type'] == 'image': return {'object':self.imgurClient.get_image(identity['id']), 'type':'image'} elif identity['type'] == 'album': return {'object':self.imgurClient.get_album(identity['id']), 'type':'album'} @staticmethod def get_credits(): return Imgur.initImgur().get_credits() class Gfycat: def __init__(self,directory,POST): try: POST['mediaURL'] = self.getLink(POST['postURL']) except IndexError: raise NotADownloadableLinkError("Could not read the page source") except Exception as exception: #debug raise exception raise NotADownloadableLinkError("Could not read the page source") POST['postExt'] = getExtension(POST['mediaURL']) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) title = nameCorrector(POST['postTitle']) """Filenames are declared here""" print(POST["postSubmitter"]+"_"+title+"_"+POST['postId']+POST['postExt']) fileDir = directory / ( POST["postSubmitter"]+"_"+title+"_"+POST['postId']+POST['postExt'] ) tempDir = directory / ( POST["postSubmitter"]+"_"+title+"_"+POST['postId']+".tmp" ) try: getFile(fileDir,tempDir,POST['mediaURL']) except FileNameTooLong: fileDir = directory / (POST['postId']+POST['postExt']) tempDir = directory / (POST['postId']+".tmp") getFile(fileDir,tempDir,POST['mediaURL']) def getLink(self, url, query='