# Bulk Downloader for Reddit This program downloads imgur, gfycat and direct image and video links of saved posts from a reddit account. It is written in Python 3. **PLEASE** post any issue you had with the script to [Issues](https://github.com/aliparlakci/bulk-downloader-for-reddit/issues) tab. Since I don't have any testers or contributers I need your feedback. ## Table of Contents - [What it can do?](#what-it-can-do) - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Setting up the script](#setting-up-the-script) - [Creating an imgur app](#creating-an-imgur-app) - [Program Modes](#program-modes) - [Running the script](#running-the-script) - [Using the command line arguments](#using-the-command-line-arguments) - [Examples](#examples) - [FAQ](#faq) - [Changelog](#changelog) ## What it can do? ### It... - can get posts from: frontpage, subreddits, multireddits, redditor's submissions, upvoted and saved posts; search results or just plain reddit links - sorts post by hot, top, new and so on - downloads imgur albums, gfycat links, [self posts](#i-can-t-open-the-self-posts-) and any link to a direct image - skips the existing ones - puts post titles to file's name - puts every post to its subreddit's folder - saves reusable a copy of posts' details that are found so that they can be re-downloaded again - logs failed ones in a file to so that you can try to download them later - can be run with double-clicking on Windows (but I don't recommend it) ## Requirements - Python 3.x* You can install Python 3 here: [https://www.python.org/downloads/](https://www.python.org/downloads/) You have to check "**Add Python 3 to PATH**" option when installing in order it to run correctly. *\*Although the latest version of python is suggested, you can use 3.6.5 since it runs perfectly on that version* ## Setting up the script Because this is not a commercial app, you need to create an imgur developer app in order API to work. ### Creating an imgur app * Go to https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient * Enter a name into the **Application Name** field. * Pick **Anonymous usage without user authorization** as an **Authorization type**\* * Enter your email into the Email field. * Correct CHAPTCHA * Click **submit** button It should redirect to a page which shows your **imgur_client_id** and **imgur_client_secret** \*Select **OAuth 2 authorization without a callback URL** first then select **Anonymous usage without user authorization** if it says *Authorization callback URL: required* ## Program Modes All the program modes are activated with command-line arguments as shown [here](#using-the-command-line-arguments) - **saved mode** - Gets posts from given user's saved posts. - **submitted mode** - Gets posts from given user's submitted posts. - **upvoted mode** - Gets posts from given user's upvoted posts. - **subreddit mode** - Gets posts from given subreddit or subreddits that is sorted by given type and limited by given number. - You may also use search in this mode. See [`py -3 script.py --help`](#using-the-command-line-arguments). - **multireddit mode** - Gets posts from given user's given multireddit that is sorted by given type and limited by given number. - **link mode** - Gets posts from given reddit link. - You may customize the behaviour with `--sort`, `--time`, `--limit`. - You may also use search in this mode. See [`py -3 script.py --help`](#using-the-command-line-arguments). - **log read mode** - Takes a log file which created by itself (json files), reads posts and tries downloading them again. - Running log read mode for FAILED.json file once after the download is complete is **HIGHLY** recommended as unexpected problems may occur. ## Running the script **DO NOT** let more than one instance of the script run as it interferes with IMGUR Request Rate. ### Using the command line arguments If no arguments are passed program will prompt you for arguments below which means you may start up the script with double-clicking on it (at least on Windows for sure). Open up the [terminal](https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFW411/comments/8vtnl8/meta_i_made_reddit_downloader_that_can_download/e1rnbnl) and navigate to where script.py is. If you are unfamiliar with changing directories in terminal see Change Directories in [this article](https://lifehacker.com/5633909/who-needs-a-mouse-learn-to-use-the-command-line-for-almost-anything). Run the script.py file from terminal with command-line arguments. Here is the help page: Use `.\` for current directory and `..\` for upper directory when using short directories, otherwise it might act weird. ```console $ py -3 script.py --help usage: script.py [-h] [--link link] [--saved] [--submitted] [--upvoted] [--log LOG FILE] [--subreddit SUBREDDIT [SUBREDDIT ...]] [--multireddit MULTIREDDIT] [--user redditor] [--search query] [--sort SORT TYPE] [--limit Limit] [--time TIME_LIMIT] [--NoDownload] DIRECTORY This program downloads media from reddit posts positional arguments: DIRECTORY Specifies the directory where posts will be downloaded to optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --link link, -l link Get posts from link --saved Triggers saved mode --submitted Gets posts of --user --upvoted Gets upvoted posts of --user --log LOG FILE Triggers log read mode and takes a log file --subreddit SUBREDDIT [SUBREDDIT ...] Triggers subreddit mode and takes subreddit's name without r/. use "frontpage" for frontpage --multireddit MULTIREDDIT Triggers multireddit mode and takes multireddit's name without m/ --user redditor reddit username if needed. use "me" for current user --search query Searches for given query in given subreddits --sort SORT TYPE Either hot, top, new, controversial, rising or relevance default: hot --limit Limit default: unlimited --time TIME_LIMIT Either hour, day, week, month, year or all. default: all --NoDownload Just gets the posts and store them in a file for downloading later ``` ### Examples #### Don't include `py -3 script.py` part if you start the script by double-clicking ```console py -3 script.py .\\NEW_FOLDER --sort new --time all --limit 10 --link "https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/search?q=dogs&restrict_sr=on&type=link&sort=new&t=month" ``` ```console py -3 script.py .\\NEW_FOLDER --link "https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/7mjw12/" ``` ```console py -3 script.py .\\NEW_FOLDER --search cats --sort new --time all --subreddit gifs pics --NoDownload ``` ```console py -3 script.py .\\NEW_FOLDER --user [USER_NAME] --submitted --limit 10 ``` ```console py -3 script.py .\\NEW_FOLDER --multireddit good_subs --user [USER_NAME] --sort top --time week --limit 250 ``` ```console py -3 script.py .\\NEW_FOLDER\\ANOTHER_FOLDER --saved --limit 1000 ``` ```console py -3 script.py C:\\NEW_FOLDER\\ANOTHER_FOLDER --log UNNAMED_FOLDER\\FAILED.json ``` ## FAQ ### I can't startup the script no matter what. - Try `python3` or `python` or `py -3` as python have real issues about naming their program ### I can't open the self posts. - Self posts are held at subreddit as Markdown. So, the script downloads them as Markdown in order not to lose their stylings. However, there is a great Chrome extension [here](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/markdown-viewer/ckkdlimhmcjmikdlpkmbgfkaikojcbjk) for viewing Markdown files with its styling. Install it and open the files with Chrome. ## Changelog ### [10/07/2018](https://github.com/aliparlakci/bulk-downloader-for-reddit/tree/975246c7f0a407e2f9cdadc4047d203d045da00e) - Added support for *self* post - Now getting posts is quicker