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const Router = require("@koa/router")
const tableController = require("../controllers/table")
const authorized = require("../../middleware/authorized")
const { paramResource, bodyResource } = require("../../middleware/resourceId")
const {
} = require("@budibase/auth/permissions")
const joiValidator = require("../../middleware/joi-validator")
const Joi = require("joi")
const router = Router()
function generateSaveValidator() {
// prettier-ignore
return joiValidator.body(Joi.object({
_id: Joi.string(),
_rev: Joi.string(),
type: Joi.string().valid("table", "internal", "external"),
primaryDisplay: Joi.string(),
schema: Joi.object().required(),
name: Joi.string().required(),
views: Joi.object(),
dataImport: Joi.object(),
* @api {get} /api/tables Fetch all tables
* @apiName Fetch all tables
* @apiGroup tables
* @apiPermission table read access
* @apiDescription This endpoint retrieves all of the tables which have been created in
* an app. This includes all of the external and internal tables; to tell the difference
* between these look for the "type" property on each table, either being "internal" or "external".
* @apiSuccess {object[]} body The response body will be the list of tables that was found - as
* this does not take any parameters the only error scenario is no access.
.get("/api/tables", authorized(BUILDER), tableController.fetch)
* @api {get} /api/tables/:id Fetch a single table
* @apiName Fetch a single table
* @apiGroup tables
* @apiPermission table read access
* @apiDescription Retrieves a single table this could be be internal or external based on
* the provided table ID.
* @apiParam {string} id The ID of the table which is to be retrieved.
* @apiSuccess {object[]} body The response body will be the table that was found.
authorized(PermissionTypes.TABLE, PermissionLevels.READ),
* @api {post} /api/tables Save a table
* @apiName Save a table
* @apiGroup tables
* @apiPermission builder
* @apiDescription Create or update a table with this endpoint, this will function for both internal
* external tables.
* @apiParam (Body) {string} [_id] If updating an existing table then the ID of the table must be specified.
* @apiParam (Body) {string} [_rev] If updating an existing internal table then the revision must also be specified.
* @apiParam (Body) {string} type] This should either be "internal" or "external" depending on the table type -
* this will default to internal.
* @apiParam (Body) {string} [sourceId] If creating an external table then this should be set to the data source ID. If
* building an internal table this does not need to be set, although it will be returned as "bb_internal".
* @apiParam (Body) {string} name The name of the table, this will be used in the UI. To rename the table simply
* supply the table structure to this endpoint with the name changed.
* @apiParam (Body) {object} schema A key value object which has all of the columns in the table as the keys in this
* object. For each column a "type" and "constraints" must be specified, with some types requiring further information.
* More information about the schema structure can be found in the Typescript definitions.
* @apiParam (Body) {string} [primaryDisplay] The name of the column which should be used when displaying rows
* from this table as relationships.
* @apiParam (Body) {object[]} [indexes] Specifies the search indexes - this is deprecated behaviour with the introduction
* of lucene indexes. This functionality is only available for internal tables.
* @apiParam (Body) {object} [_rename] If a column is to be renamed then the "old" column name should be set in this
* structure, and the "updated", new column name should also be supplied. The schema should also be updated, this field
* lets the server know that a field hasn't just been deleted, that the data has moved to a new name, this will fix
* the rows in the table. This functionality is only available for internal tables.
* @apiParam (Body) {object} [dataImport] When creating an internal table it can be built from a CSV, by using the
* CSV validation endpoint. Send the CSV data to the validation endpoint, then put the results of that call
* into this property, along with the CSV and a table/rows will be built from it. This is not supported when updating
* or for external tables.
* @apiParamExample {json} Example:
* {
* "_id": "ta_05541307fa0f4044abee071ca2a82119",
* "_rev": "10-0fbe4e78f69b255d79f1017e2eeef807",
* "type": "internal",
* "views": {},
* "name": "tableName",
* "schema": {
* "column": {
* "type": "string",
* "constraints": {
* "type": "string",
* "length": {
* "maximum": null
* },
* "presence": false
* },
* "name": "column"
* },
* },
* "primaryDisplay": "column",
* "indexes": [],
* "sourceId": "bb_internal",
* "_rename": {
* "old": "columnName",
* "updated": "newColumnName",
* },
* "dataImport": {
* "csvString": "column\nvalue",
* "primaryDisplay": "column",
* "schema": {
* "column": {
* "type": "string"
* }
* }
* }
* }
* @apiSuccess {object} table The response body will contain the table structure after being cleaned up and
* saved to the database.
// allows control over updating a table
* @api {post} /api/tables/csv/validate Validate a CSV for a table
* @apiName Validate a CSV for a table
* @apiGroup tables
* @apiPermission builder
* @apiDescription When creating a new table, or importing a CSV to an existing table the CSV must be validated and
* converted into a Budibase schema; this endpoint does this.
* @apiParam (Body) {string} csvString The CSV which is to be validated as a string.
* @apiParam (Body) {object} [schema] When a CSV has been validated it is possible to re-validate after changing the
* type of a field, by default everything will be strings as there is no way to infer types. The returned schema can
* be updated and then returned to the endpoint to re-validate and check if the type will work for the CSV, e.g.
* using a number instead of strings.
* @apiParam (Body) {string} [tableId] If importing data to an existing table this will pull the current table and
* remove any fields from the CSV schema which do not exist on the table/don't match the type of the table. When
* importing a CSV to an existing table only fields that are present on the table can be imported.
* @apiSuccess {object} schema The response body will contain a "schema" object that represents the schema found for
* the CSV - this will be in the same format used for table schema.s
* @api {post} /api/tables/:tableId/:revId Delete a table
* @apiName Delete a table
* @apiGroup tables
* @apiPermission builder
* @apiDescription This endpoint will delete a table and all of its associated data, for this reason it is
* quite dangerous - it will work for internal and external tables.
* @apiParam {string} tableId The ID of the table which is to be deleted.
* @apiParam {string} [revId] If deleting an internal table then the revision must also be supplied (_rev), for
* external tables this can simply be set to anything, e.g. "external".
* @apiSuccess {string} message A message stating that the table was deleted successfully.
* @api {post} /api/tables/:tableId/:revId Import CSV to existing table
* @apiName Import CSV to existing table
* @apiGroup tables
* @apiPermission builder
* @apiDescription This endpoint will import data to existing tables, internal or external. It is used in combination
* with the CSV validation endpoint. Take the output of the CSV validation endpoint and pass it to this endpoint to
* import the data; please note this will only import fields that already exist on the table/match the type.
* @apiParam {string} tableId The ID of the table which the data should be imported to.
* @apiParam (Body) {object} dataImport This is the same as the structure used when creating an internal table with
* a CSV, it will have the "schema" returned from the CSV validation endpoint and the "csvString" which is to be
* turned into rows.
* @apiSuccess {string} message A message stating that the data was imported successfully.
module.exports = router