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mirror of synced 2024-06-03 02:55:14 +12:00

406 lines
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import { setContext, getContext } from "svelte"
import { derived, get, writable } from "svelte/store"
import { createValidatorFromConstraints } from "./validation"
import { Helpers } from "@budibase/bbui"
export let dataSource
export let disabled = false
export let initialValues
export let size
export let schema
export let table
export let disableValidation = false
export let editAutoColumns = false
const component = getContext("component")
const { styleable, Provider, ActionTypes } = getContext("sdk")
let fields = []
const currentStep = writable(1)
const formState = writable({
values: {},
errors: {},
valid: true,
currentStep: 1,
// Reactive derived stores to derive form state from field array
$: values = deriveFieldProperty(fields, f => f.fieldState.value)
$: errors = deriveFieldProperty(fields, f => f.fieldState.error)
$: enrichments = deriveBindingEnrichments(fields)
$: valid = !Object.values($errors).some(error => error != null)
// Derive whether the current form step is valid
$: currentStepValid = derived(
[currentStep, ...fields],
([currentStepValue, ...fieldsValue]) => {
return !fieldsValue
.filter(f => f.step === currentStepValue)
.some(f => f.fieldState.error != null)
// Update form state store from derived stores
$: {
values: $values,
errors: $errors,
currentStep: $currentStep,
// Derive value of whole form
$: formValue = deriveFormValue(initialValues, $values, $enrichments)
// Create data context to provide
$: dataContext = {
// These static values are prefixed to avoid clashes with actual columns
__value: formValue,
__valid: valid,
__currentStep: $currentStep,
__currentStepValid: $currentStepValid,
// Generates a derived store from an array of fields, comprised of a map of
// extracted values from the field array
const deriveFieldProperty = (fieldStores, getProp) => {
return derived(fieldStores, fieldValues => {
const reducer = (map, field) => ({ ...map, [field.name]: getProp(field) })
return fieldValues.reduce(reducer, {})
// Derives any enrichments which need to be made so that bindings work for
// special data types like attachments. Relationships are currently not
// handled as we don't have the primaryDisplay field that is required.
const deriveBindingEnrichments = fieldStores => {
return derived(fieldStores, fieldValues => {
let enrichments = {}
fieldValues.forEach(field => {
if (field.type === "attachment") {
const value = field.fieldState.value
let url = null
if (Array.isArray(value) && value[0] != null) {
url = value[0].url
enrichments[`${field.name}_first`] = url
return enrichments
// Derive the overall form value and deeply set all field paths so that we
// can support things like JSON fields.
const deriveFormValue = (initialValues, values, enrichments) => {
let formValue = Helpers.cloneDeep(initialValues || {})
// We need to sort the keys to avoid a JSON field overwriting a nested field
const sortedFields = Object.entries(values || {})
.map(([key, value]) => {
const field = getField(key)
return {
lastUpdate: get(field).fieldState?.lastUpdate || 0,
.sort((a, b) => {
return a.lastUpdate > b.lastUpdate
// Merge all values and enrichments into a single value
sortedFields.forEach(({ key, value }) => {
Helpers.deepSet(formValue, key, value)
Object.entries(enrichments || {}).forEach(([key, value]) => {
Helpers.deepSet(formValue, key, value)
return formValue
// Searches the field array for a certain field
const getField = name => {
return fields.find(field => get(field).name === name)
const formApi = {
registerField: (
defaultValue = null,
fieldDisabled = false,
step = 1
) => {
if (!field) {
// Create validation function based on field schema
const schemaConstraints = schema?.[field]?.constraints
const validator = disableValidation
? null
: createValidatorFromConstraints(
// If we've already registered this field then keep some existing state
let initialValue = Helpers.deepGet(initialValues, field) ?? defaultValue
let initialError = null
let fieldId = `id-${Helpers.uuid()}`
const existingField = getField(field)
if (existingField) {
const { fieldState } = get(existingField)
fieldId = fieldState.fieldId
// Determine the initial value for this field, reusing the current
// value if one exists
initialValue = fieldState.value ?? initialValue
// If this field has already been registered and we previously had an
// error set, then re-run the validator to see if we can unset it
if (fieldState.error) {
initialError = validator?.(initialValue)
// Auto columns are always disabled
const isAutoColumn = !!schema?.[field]?.autocolumn
// Construct field info
const fieldInfo = writable({
name: field,
step: step || 1,
fieldState: {
value: initialValue,
error: initialError,
disabled || fieldDisabled || (isAutoColumn && !editAutoColumns),
lastUpdate: Date.now(),
fieldApi: makeFieldApi(field, defaultValue),
fieldSchema: schema?.[field] ?? {},
// Add this field
if (existingField) {
const otherFields = fields.filter(info => get(info).name !== field)
fields = [...otherFields, fieldInfo]
} else {
fields = [...fields, fieldInfo]
return fieldInfo
validate: () => {
let valid = true
let validationFields = fields
validationFields = fields.filter(f => get(f).step === get(currentStep))
// Validate fields and check if any are invalid
validationFields.forEach(field => {
if (!get(field).fieldApi.validate()) {
valid = false
return valid
reset: () => {
// Reset the form by resetting each individual field
fields.forEach(field => {
changeStep: ({ type, number }) => {
if (type === "next") {
currentStep.update(step => step + 1)
} else if (type === "prev") {
currentStep.update(step => Math.max(1, step - 1))
} else if (type === "first") {
} else if (type === "specific" && number && !isNaN(number)) {
setStep: step => {
if (step) {
setFieldValue: (fieldName, value) => {
const field = getField(fieldName)
if (!field) {
const { fieldApi } = get(field)
resetField: fieldName => {
const field = getField(fieldName)
if (!field) {
const { fieldApi } = get(field)
// Creates an API for a specific field
const makeFieldApi = field => {
// Sets the value for a certain field and invokes validation
const setValue = (value, skipCheck = false) => {
const fieldInfo = getField(field)
const { fieldState } = get(fieldInfo)
const { validator } = fieldState
// Skip if the value is the same
if (!skipCheck && fieldState.value === value) {
// Update field state
const error = validator?.(value)
fieldInfo.update(state => {
state.fieldState.value = value
state.fieldState.error = error
state.fieldState.lastUpdate = Date.now()
return state
return !error
// Clears the value of a certain field back to the default value
const reset = () => {
const fieldInfo = getField(field)
const { fieldState } = get(fieldInfo)
const newValue = fieldState.defaultValue
// Update field state
fieldInfo.update(state => {
state.fieldState.value = newValue
state.fieldState.error = null
state.fieldState.lastUpdate = Date.now()
return state
// Updates the validator rules for a certain field
const updateValidation = validationRules => {
const fieldInfo = getField(field)
const { fieldState } = get(fieldInfo)
const { value, error } = fieldState
// Create new validator
const schemaConstraints = schema?.[field]?.constraints
const validator = disableValidation
? null
: createValidatorFromConstraints(
// Update validator
fieldInfo.update(state => {
state.fieldState.validator = validator
return state
// If there is currently an error, run the validator again in case
// the error should be cleared by the new validation rules
if (error) {
setValue(value, true)
// We don't want to actually remove the field state when deregistering, just
// remove any errors and validation
const deregister = () => {
const fieldInfo = getField(field)
fieldInfo.update(state => {
state.fieldState.validator = null
state.fieldState.error = null
return state
// Updates the disabled state of a certain field
const setDisabled = fieldDisabled => {
const fieldInfo = getField(field)
// Auto columns are always disabled
const isAutoColumn = !!schema?.[field]?.autocolumn
// Update disabled state
fieldInfo.update(state => {
state.fieldState.disabled = disabled || fieldDisabled || isAutoColumn
return state
return {
validate: () => {
// Validate the field by force setting the same value again
const { fieldState } = get(getField(field))
return setValue(fieldState.value, true)
// Provide form state and api for full control by children
setContext("form", {
// Data source is needed by attachment fields to be able to upload files
// to the correct table ID
// Provide form step context so that forms without any step components
// register their fields to step 1
setContext("form-step", writable(1))
const handleUpdateFieldValue = ({ type, field, value }) => {
if (type === "set") {
formApi.setFieldValue(field, value)
} else {
// Action context to pass to children
const actions = [
{ type: ActionTypes.ValidateForm, callback: formApi.validate },
{ type: ActionTypes.ClearForm, callback: formApi.reset },
{ type: ActionTypes.ChangeFormStep, callback: formApi.changeStep },
{ type: ActionTypes.UpdateFieldValue, callback: handleUpdateFieldValue },
<Provider {actions} data={dataContext}>
<div use:styleable={$component.styles} class={size}>
<slot />