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import {
} from "@budibase/backend-core"
import { PermissionLevel, PermissionType, UserCtx } from "@budibase/types"
import builderMiddleware from "./builder"
import { isWebhookEndpoint } from "./utils"
import { paramResource } from "./resourceId"
import sdk from "../sdk"
function hasResource(ctx: any) {
return ctx.resourceId != null
const csrf = auth.buildCsrfMiddleware()
* Apply authorization to the requested resource:
* - If this is a builder resource the user must be a builder.
* - Builders can access all resources.
* - Otherwise the user must have the required role.
const checkAuthorized = async (
ctx: UserCtx,
resourceRoles: any,
permType: PermissionType,
permLevel: PermissionLevel
) => {
const appId = context.getAppId()
const isGlobalBuilderApi = permType === PermissionType.GLOBAL_BUILDER
const isCreatorApi = permType === PermissionType.CREATOR
const isBuilderApi = permType === PermissionType.BUILDER
const isGlobalBuilder = users.isGlobalBuilder(ctx.user)
const isCreator = await users.isCreator(ctx.user)
const isBuilder = appId
? users.isBuilder(ctx.user, appId)
: users.hasBuilderPermissions(ctx.user)
// check api permission type against user
if (
(isGlobalBuilderApi && !isGlobalBuilder) ||
(isCreatorApi && !isCreator) ||
(isBuilderApi && !isBuilder)
) {
return ctx.throw(403, "Not Authorized")
// check for resource authorization
if (!isBuilder) {
await checkAuthorizedResource(ctx, resourceRoles, permType, permLevel)
const checkAuthorizedResource = async (
ctx: UserCtx,
resourceRoles: any,
permType: PermissionType,
permLevel: PermissionLevel
) => {
// get the user's roles
const roleId = ctx.roleId || roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.PUBLIC
const userRoles = await roles.getUserRoleHierarchy(roleId)
const permError = "User does not have permission"
// check if the user has the required role
if (resourceRoles.length > 0) {
// deny access if the user doesn't have the required resource role
const found = userRoles.find(
(role: any) => resourceRoles.indexOf(role._id) !== -1
if (!found) {
ctx.throw(403, permError)
// fallback to the base permissions when no resource roles are found
} else if (
!permissions.doesHaveBasePermission(permType, permLevel, userRoles)
) {
ctx.throw(403, permError)
const authorized =
permType: PermissionType,
permLevel?: PermissionLevel,
opts = { schema: false },
resourcePath?: string
) =>
async (ctx: any, next: any) => {
// webhooks don't need authentication, each webhook unique
// also internal requests (between services) don't need authorized
if (isWebhookEndpoint(ctx) || ctx.internal) {
return next()
if (!ctx.user) {
return ctx.throw(403, "No user info found")
// get the resource roles
let resourceRoles: string[] = []
let otherLevelRoles: string[] = []
const otherLevel =
permLevel === PermissionLevel.READ
? PermissionLevel.WRITE
: PermissionLevel.READ
if (resourcePath) {
// Reusing the existing middleware to extract the value
paramResource(resourcePath)(ctx, () => {})
if (hasResource(ctx)) {
const { resourceId, subResourceId } = ctx
const permissions = await sdk.permissions.getResourcePerms(resourceId)
const subPermissions =
!!subResourceId &&
(await sdk.permissions.getResourcePerms(subResourceId))
function getPermLevel(permLevel: string) {
let result: string[] = []
if (permissions[permLevel]) {
if (subPermissions && subPermissions[permLevel]) {
return result
resourceRoles = getPermLevel(permLevel!)
if (opts && opts.schema) {
otherLevelRoles = getPermLevel(otherLevel!)
// if the resource is public, proceed
if (
resourceRoles.includes(roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.PUBLIC) ||
(otherLevelRoles &&
) {
return next()
// check authenticated
if (!ctx.isAuthenticated) {
return ctx.throw(403, "Session not authenticated")
// check general builder stuff, this middleware is a good way
// to find API endpoints which are builder focused
if (
permType === PermissionType.BUILDER ||
permType === PermissionType.CREATOR ||
permType === PermissionType.GLOBAL_BUILDER
) {
await builderMiddleware(ctx)
try {
// check authorized
await checkAuthorized(ctx, resourceRoles, permType, permLevel!)
} catch (err) {
// this is a schema, check if
if (opts && opts.schema && permLevel) {
await checkAuthorized(ctx, otherLevelRoles, permType, otherLevel)
} else {
throw err
// csrf protection
return csrf(ctx, next)
export default (
permType: PermissionType,
permLevel?: PermissionLevel,
opts = { schema: false }
) => authorized(permType, permLevel, opts)
export const authorizedResource = (
permType: PermissionType,
permLevel: PermissionLevel,
resourcePath: string
) => {
return authorized(permType, permLevel, undefined, resourcePath)