Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-09-28 15:21:28 +12:00

649 lines
21 KiB

module.exports = {
"components": {
"@budibase/standard-components/button": {
"name": "@budibase/standard-components/button",
"description": "an html <button />",
"props": {
"contentText": {
"type": "string",
"default": "Button"
"className": "string",
"disabled": "bool",
"onClick": "event",
"background": "string",
"color": "string",
"border": "string",
"padding": "string",
"hoverColor": "string",
"hoverBackground": "string",
"hoverBorder": "string"
"tags": ["layout"],
"presets": {
"primary": {
"contentText": "Primary Button Preset",
"color": "papayawhip",
"padding": "20px",
"background": "blue"
"secondary": {
"contentText": "Secondary Button Preset",
"color": "rebeccapurple",
"padding": "10px",
"background": "#fff",
"border": "1px solid red"
"error": {
"contentText": "ERROR",
"color": "red",
"padding": "10px",
"border": "1px solid red"
"@budibase/standard-components/login": {
"name": "@budibase/standard-components/login",
"description": "A control that accepts username, password an also handles password resets",
"props": {
"logo": "asset",
"loginRedirect": "string",
"usernameLabel": {
"type": "string",
"default": "Username"
"passwordLabel": {
"type": "string",
"default": "Password"
"loginButtonLabel": {
"type": "string",
"default": "Login"
"buttonClass": "string",
"inputClass": "string"
"tags": ["login", "credentials", "password", "logon"]
"@budibase/standard-components/input": {
"name": "@budibase/standard-components/input",
"description": "An HTML input",
"props": {
"value": "string",
"type": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["text", "password", "checkbox", "color", "date", "datetime-local", "email", "file", "hidden", "image", "month", "number", "radio", "range", "reset", "search", "submit", "tel", "time", "week"],
"default": "text"
"onChange": "event",
"className": "string"
"tags": ["form"]
"@budibase/standard-components/select": {
"name": "@budibase/standard-components/select",
"description": "An HTML <select> (dropdown)",
"props": {
"value": "string",
"className": "string"
"@budibase/standard-components/option": {
"name": "@budibase/standard-components/option",
"description": "An HTML <option>, to be used with <select>",
"children": false,
"props": {
"value": "string",
"text": "string"
"@budibase/standard-components/text": {
"name": "@budibase/standard-components/text",
"description": "stylable block of text",
"children": false,
"props": {
"text": "string",
"font": "string",
"color": "string",
"textAlign": {
"type": "options",
"default": "inline",
"options": ["left", "center", "right"]
"verticalAlign": {
"type": "options",
"default": "inline",
"options": ["top", "middle", "bottom"]
"formattingTag": {
"type": "options",
"default": "none",
"options": ["none", "<b> - bold", "<strong> - important", "<i> - italic", "<em> - emphasized", "<mark> - marked text", "<small> - small", "<del> - deleted", "<ins> - inserted", "<sub> - subscript", "<sup> - superscript"]
"tags": ["div", "container"]
"@budibase/standard-components/link": {
"description": "an HTML anchor <a> tag",
"props": {
"url": "string",
"openInNewTab": "bool",
"text": "string",
"color": "string",
"hoverColor": "string",
"underline": "bool",
"fontSize": "string"
"name": "@budibase/standard-components/link"
"@budibase/standard-components/image": {
"description": "an HTML <img> tag",
"props": {
"url": "string",
"className": "string",
"description": "string",
"height": "string",
"width": "string"
"name": "@budibase/standard-components/image"
"@budibase/standard-components/container": {
"name": "@budibase/standard-components/container",
"description": "An element that contains and lays out other elements. e.g. <div>, <header> etc",
"props": {
"className": "string",
"onLoad": "event",
"type": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["article", "aside", "details", "div", "firgure", "figcaption", "footer", "header", "main", "mark", "nav", "paragraph", "summary"],
"default": "div"
"backgroundColor": "string",
"color": "string",
"borderWidth": "string",
"borderColor": "string",
"borderStyle": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["none", "solid", "dotted", "dashed", "double", "groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset"],
"default": "none"
"container": true,
"tags": ["div", "container", "layout"]
"@budibase/standard-components/heading": {
"name": "@budibase/standard-components/heading",
"description": "An HTML H1 - H6 tag",
"props": {
"className": "string",
"type": {
"type": "options",
"default": "h1",
"options": ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"]
"tags": []
"@budibase/standard-components/thead": {
"name": "@budibase/standard-components/thead",
"description": "an HTML <thead> tab",
"props": {
"className": "string"
"@budibase/standard-components/tbody": {
"name": "@budibase/standard-components/tbody",
"description": "an HTML <tbody> tab",
"props": {
"className": "string"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Body1": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Body1",
"description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Body 1",
"props": {
"text": "string",
"verticalMargin": "number",
"horizontalMargin": "number"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Body2": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Body2",
"description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Body 2",
"props": {
"text": "string"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Select": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Select",
"description": "A material design select (aka Dropdown, aka Combobox)",
"props": {
"onSelect": "event",
"value": "string",
"width": "string",
"variant": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["filled", "outlined"]
"disabled": "bool",
"required": "bool",
"label": "string",
"helperText": "string",
"persistent": "bool"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/List": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/List",
"description": "A Material Design List Component.",
"props": {
"onSelect": "event",
"singleSelection": "bool",
"variant": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["one-line", "two-line"],
"default": "one-line"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/ListItem": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/ListItem",
"description": "Use as item in a 'List' or 'Select' component",
"props": {
"value": "string",
"text": "string",
"secondaryText": "string",
"leadingIcon": "string",
"trailingIcon": "string",
"selected": "bool",
"disabled": "bool",
"divideAfter": "bool"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Button": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Button",
"children": false,
"description": "A Material Design button with different variations. It renders as an anchor if href is passed to it.",
"props": {
"onClick": "event",
"variant": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["text", "raised", "unelevated", "outlined"],
"default": "text"
"colour": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["primary", "secondary"],
"default": "primary"
"size": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["small", "medium", "large"],
"default": "medium"
"href": "string",
"icon": "string",
"trailingIcon": "bool",
"fullwidth": "bool",
"text": "string",
"disabled": "bool"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Caption": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Caption",
"description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Caption",
"props": {
"text": "string"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Card": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Card",
"description": "A Material Card container. Accepts CardHeader, CardBody and CardFooter as possible children",
"props": {
"width": "string",
"height": "string",
"variant": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["standard", "outlined"],
"default": "standard"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/CardBody": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/CardBody",
"description": "A Material CardBody component. Contains the main content of a Material Card component",
"props": {
"onClick": "event"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/CardImage": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/CardImage",
"description": "An image component for the Material Card component",
"props": {
"displayHorizontal": "bool",
"url": "string",
"title": "string",
"subtitle": "string"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/CardHeader": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/CardHeader",
"description": "Displays a icon, title and subtitle above main body of the Material Card component",
"props": {
"title": "string",
"subtitle": "string",
"icon": "string"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/CardFooter": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/CardFooter",
"description": "Displays buttons / icon buttons as actions for the Material Card component",
"props": {
"padding": "string"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Checkbox": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Checkbox",
"description": "A Material Design checkbox. Supports aligning label before or after checkbox.",
"props": {
"onClick": "event",
"id": "string",
"label": "string",
"disabled": "bool",
"alignEnd": "bool",
"indeterminate": "bool",
"checked": "bool"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Checkboxgroup": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Checkboxgroup",
"description": "A group of material design checkboxes. Supports row and column orientation.",
"props": {
"onChange": "event",
"label": "string",
"orientation": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["row", "column"],
"default": "row"
"fullwidth": "bool",
"disabled": "bool",
"alignEnd": "bool"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Datatable": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Datatable",
"description": "A Material Design component to represent tabular data.",
"props": {
"onLoad": "event"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/DatatableHead": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/DatatableHead",
"description": "Material Design <thead>.",
"props": {}
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/DatatableCell": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/DatatableCell",
"description": "Material Design <td>.",
"props": {}
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/DatatableBody": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/DatatableBody",
"description": "Material Design <tbody>.",
"props": {}
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/DatatableRow": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/DatatableRow",
"description": "Material Design <tr>.",
"props": {}
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/DatePicker": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/DatePicker",
"description": "Material Design DatePicker",
"props": {
"date": "string",
"label": "string",
"onSelect": "event"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/H1": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/H1",
"description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Headline1",
"props": {
"text": "string"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/H2": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/H2",
"description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Headline2",
"props": {
"text": "string"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/H3": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/H3",
"description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Headline3",
"props": {
"text": "string"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/H4": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/H4",
"description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Headline4",
"props": {
"text": "string"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/H5": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/H5",
"description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Headline5",
"props": {
"text": "string"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/H6": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/H6",
"description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Headline6",
"props": {
"text": "string"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/IconButton": {
"onClick": "event",
"disabled": "bool",
"href": "string",
"icon": "string",
"size": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["small", "medium", "large"],
"default": "medium"
"tags": [],
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/IconButton"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Label": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Label",
"description": "A simple label component that displays its text in the standard Roboto Material Design font",
"props": {
"bold": "bool"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Menu": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Menu",
"description": "A Material Design menu component. Anchor to other components to create a pop-out menu.",
"props": {
"onSelect": "event",
"width": "string",
"open": "bool",
"useFixedPosition": "bool",
"absolutePositionX": "number",
"absolutePositionY": "number"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Overline": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Overline",
"description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Overline",
"props": {
"text": "string"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Radiobutton": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Radiobutton",
"description": "A Material Design radiobutton. Supports aligning label before or after radiobutton.",
"props": {
"onClick": "event",
"id": "string",
"label": "string",
"name": "string",
"checked": "bool",
"disabled": "bool",
"alignEnd": "bool"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Radiobuttongroup": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Radiobuttongroup",
"description": "A Material Design Radiobutton group. Supports row and column orientation.",
"props": {
"onChange": "event",
"name": "string",
"orientation": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["row", "column"],
"default": "row"
"fullwidth": "bool",
"alignEnd": "bool",
"disabled": "bool"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Sub1": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Sub1",
"description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Subtitle1",
"props": {
"text": "string"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Sub2": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Sub2",
"description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Subtitle2",
"props": {
"text": "string"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Textfield": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Textfield",
"description": "A Material Design textfield with multiple variants. Can also be converted to a text area / multine text field.",
"props": {
"onChange": "event",
"value": "string",
"label": "string",
"variant": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["standard", "outlined", "filled"],
"default": "standard"
"disabled": "bool",
"fullwidth": "bool",
"colour": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["primary", "secondary"],
"default": "primary"
"size": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["small", "medium", "large"],
"default": "medium"
"type": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["text", "password"],
"default": "text"
"required": "bool",
"minLength": "number",
"maxLength": "number",
"helperText": "string",
"errorText": "string",
"placeholder": "string",
"icon": "string",
"trailingIcon": "bool",
"textarea": "bool",
"rows": "number",
"cols": "number",
"validation": "bool",
"persistent": "bool"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Switch": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Switch",
"description": "A material design switch component",
"props": {
"alignEnd": "bool",
"disabled": "bool",
"checked": "bool",
"label": "string",
"id": "string"
"tags": []
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/Slider": {
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Slider",
"description": "A material design slider component",
"props": {
"variant": {
"type": "options",
"options": ["continuous", "discrete"],
"default": "continuous"
"showTicks": "bool",
"min": "number",
"max": "number",
"value": "number",
"step": "number",
"label": "string",
"disabled": "bool"
"tags": []
"templates": {
"@budibase/standard-components/saveRecordButton": {
"description": "Save record button",
"component": "@budibase/standard-components/button",
"name": "@budibase/standard-components/saveRecordButton"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/indexDatatable": {
"description": "Datatable based on an Index",
"component": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Datatable",
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/indexDatatable"
"@budibase/materialdesign-components/recordForm": {
"description": "Form for saving a record",
"component": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/Form",
"name": "@budibase/materialdesign-components/recordForm"
"libraryPaths": {
"@budibase/standard-components": "./dist/index.js",
"@budibase/materialdesign-components": "./dist/index.js"