const { BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS } = require("@budibase/backend-core/roles") const { BuiltinPermissionID } = require("@budibase/backend-core/permissions") const { createHomeScreen } = require("../../constants/screens") const { EMPTY_LAYOUT } = require("../../constants/layouts") const { cloneDeep } = require("lodash/fp") const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid") const { TRIGGER_DEFINITIONS, ACTION_DEFINITIONS } = require("../../automations") exports.TENANT_ID = "default" exports.basicTable = () => { return { name: "TestTable", type: "table", key: "name", schema: { name: { type: "string", constraints: { type: "string", }, }, description: { type: "string", constraints: { type: "string", }, }, }, } } exports.basicView = tableId => { return { tableId, name: "ViewTest", } } exports.filterView = tableId => { return { ...this.basicView(tableId), filters: [ { value: 0, condition: "MT", key: "count", }, ], } } exports.calculationView = tableId => { return { ...this.basicView(tableId), field: "count", calculation: "sum", } } exports.view = tableId => { return { ...this.filterView(tableId), ...this.calculationView(tableId), } } exports.automationStep = (actionDefinition = ACTION_DEFINITIONS.CREATE_ROW) => { return { id: uuidv4(), ...actionDefinition, } } exports.automationTrigger = ( triggerDefinition = TRIGGER_DEFINITIONS.ROW_SAVED ) => { return { id: uuidv4(), ...triggerDefinition, } } exports.newAutomation = ({ steps, trigger } = {}) => { const automation = exports.basicAutomation() if (trigger) { automation.definition.trigger = trigger } else { automation.definition.trigger = exports.automationTrigger() } if (steps) { automation.definition.steps = steps } else { automation.definition.steps = [exports.automationStep()] } return automation } exports.basicAutomation = () => { return { name: "My Automation", screenId: "kasdkfldsafkl", live: true, uiTree: {}, definition: { trigger: { inputs: {}, }, steps: [], }, type: "automation", } } exports.basicRow = tableId => { return { name: "Test Contact", description: "original description", tableId: tableId, } } exports.basicLinkedRow = (tableId, linkedRowId, linkField = "link") => { // this is based on the basic linked tables you get from the test configuration return { ...exports.basicRow(tableId), [linkField]: [linkedRowId], } } exports.basicRole = () => { return { name: "NewRole", inherits: BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.BASIC, permissionId: BuiltinPermissionID.READ_ONLY, } } exports.basicDatasource = () => { return { datasource: { type: "datasource", name: "Test", source: "POSTGRES", config: {}, }, } } exports.basicQuery = datasourceId => { return { datasourceId: datasourceId, name: "New Query", parameters: [], fields: {}, schema: {}, queryVerb: "read", } } exports.basicUser = role => { return { email: "", password: "yeeooo", roleId: role, } } exports.basicScreen = () => { return createHomeScreen() } exports.basicLayout = () => { return cloneDeep(EMPTY_LAYOUT) } exports.basicWebhook = automationId => { return { live: true, name: "webhook", action: { type: "automation", target: automationId, }, } }