const { appPackageFolder } = require("../createAppPackage") const { componentLibraryInfo } = require("./componentLibraryInfo") const { stat, ensureDir, pathExists, constants, copyFile, writeFile, readFile, } = require("fs-extra") const { join, resolve, dirname } = require("path") const sqrl = require("squirrelly") const { convertCssToFiles } = require("./convertCssToFiles") module.exports = async (config, appname, pkg) => { const appPath = appPackageFolder(config, appname) await convertCssToFiles(publicPath(appPath, pkg.pageName), pkg) await buildIndexHtml(config, appname, appPath, pkg) await buildClientAppDefinition(config, appname, pkg, appPath) await copyClientLib(appPath, pkg.pageName) } const publicPath = (appPath, pageName) => join(appPath, "public", pageName) const rootPath = (config, appname) => config.useAppRootPath ? `/${appname}` : "" const copyClientLib = async (appPath, pageName) => { const sourcepath = require.resolve("@budibase/client") const destPath = join(publicPath(appPath, pageName), "budibase-client.js") await copyFile(sourcepath, destPath, constants.COPYFILE_FICLONE) await copyFile( sourcepath + ".map", destPath + ".map", constants.COPYFILE_FICLONE ) } const buildIndexHtml = async (config, appname, appPath, pkg) => { const appPublicPath = publicPath(appPath, pkg.pageName) const appRootPath = rootPath(config, appname) const stylesheetUrl = s => s.indexOf("http://") === 0 || s.indexOf("https://") === 0 ? s : `/${rootPath(config, appname)}/${s}` const templateObj = { title: || "Budibase App", favicon: `${appRootPath}/${ || "/_shared/favicon.png"}`, stylesheets: ( || []).map(stylesheetUrl), screenStyles: pkg.screens.filter(s => s._css).map(s => s._css), pageStyle:, appRootPath, } const indexHtmlTemplate = await readFile( resolve(__dirname, "index.template.html"), "utf8" ) const indexHtmlPath = join(appPublicPath, "index.html") const indexHtml = sqrl.Render(indexHtmlTemplate, templateObj) await writeFile(indexHtmlPath, indexHtml, { flag: "w+" }) } const buildClientAppDefinition = async (config, appname, pkg) => { const appPath = appPackageFolder(config, appname) const appPublicPath = publicPath(appPath, pkg.pageName) const appRootPath = rootPath(config, appname) const componentLibraries = [] for (let lib of { const info = await componentLibraryInfo(appPath, lib) const libFile = info.components._lib || "index.js" const source = join(info.libDir, libFile) const moduleDir = join( appPublicPath, "lib", info.libDir.replace(appPath, "") ) const destPath = join(moduleDir, libFile) await ensureDir(dirname(destPath)) componentLibraries.push({ importPath: destPath.replace(appPublicPath, "").replace(/\\/g, "/"), libName: lib, }) let shouldCopy = !(await pathExists(destPath)) if (!shouldCopy) { const destStat = await stat(destPath) const sourceStat = await stat(source) shouldCopy = destStat.ctimeMs !== sourceStat.ctimeMs } if (shouldCopy) { await copyFile(source, destPath, constants.COPYFILE_FICLONE) } } const filename = join(appPublicPath, "clientAppDefinition.js") if ( { delete } for (let screen of pkg.screens) { if (screen._css) { delete } } const clientAppDefObj = { hierarchy: pkg.appDefinition.hierarchy, componentLibraries: componentLibraries, appRootPath: appRootPath, page:, screens: pkg.screens, } await writeFile( filename, `window['##BUDIBASE_APPDEFINITION##'] = ${JSON.stringify(clientAppDefObj)}; window['##BUDIBASE_UIFUNCTIONS##'] = ${pkg.uiFunctions}` ) }