const redis = require("../redis/init") const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid") const { logWarn } = require("../logging") const env = require("../environment") interface Session { key: string userId: string sessionId: string lastAccessedAt: string createdAt: string csrfToken?: string value: string } type SessionKey = { key: string }[] // a week in seconds const EXPIRY_SECONDS = 86400 * 7 function makeSessionID(userId: string, sessionId: string) { return `${userId}/${sessionId}` } export async function getSessionsForUser(userId: string) { const client = await redis.getSessionClient() const sessions = await client.scan(userId) return Session) => session.value) } export async function invalidateSessions( userId: string, opts: { sessionIds?: string[]; reason?: string } = {} ) { try { const reason = opts?.reason || "unknown" let sessionIds: string[] = opts.sessionIds || [] let sessions: SessionKey // If no sessionIds, get all the sessions for the user if (sessionIds.length === 0) { sessions = await getSessionsForUser(userId) sessions.forEach( (session: any) => (session.key = makeSessionID(session.userId, session.sessionId)) ) } else { // use the passed array of sessionIds sessionIds = Array.isArray(sessionIds) ? sessionIds : [sessionIds] sessions = string) => ({ key: makeSessionID(userId, sessionId), })) } if (sessions && sessions.length > 0) { const client = await redis.getSessionClient() const promises = [] for (let session of sessions) { promises.push(client.delete(session.key)) } if (!env.isTest()) { logWarn( `Invalidating sessions for ${userId} (reason: ${reason}) - ${sessions .map(session => session.key) .join(", ")}` ) } await Promise.all(promises) } } catch (err) { console.error(`Error invalidating sessions: ${err}`) } } export async function createASession(userId: string, session: Session) { // invalidate all other sessions await invalidateSessions(userId, { reason: "creation" }) const client = await redis.getSessionClient() const sessionId = session.sessionId if (!session.csrfToken) { session.csrfToken = uuidv4() } session = { ...session, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), lastAccessedAt: new Date().toISOString(), userId, } await, sessionId), session, EXPIRY_SECONDS) } export async function updateSessionTTL(session: Session) { const client = await redis.getSessionClient() const key = makeSessionID(session.userId, session.sessionId) session.lastAccessedAt = new Date().toISOString() await, session, EXPIRY_SECONDS) } export async function endSession(userId: string, sessionId: string) { const client = await redis.getSessionClient() await client.delete(makeSessionID(userId, sessionId)) } export async function getSession(userId: string, sessionId: string) { if (!userId || !sessionId) { throw new Error(`Invalid session details - ${userId} - ${sessionId}`) } const client = await redis.getSessionClient() const session = await client.get(makeSessionID(userId, sessionId)) if (!session) { throw new Error(`Session not found - ${userId} - ${sessionId}`) } return session }