import { Integration, DatasourceFieldTypes, QueryTypes, Operation, QueryJson, SqlQuery, } from "../definitions/datasource" import { Table, TableSchema } from "../definitions/common" import { getSqlQuery } from "./utils" module MySQLModule { const mysql = require("mysql") const Sql = require("./base/sql") const { buildExternalTableId, convertType } = require("./utils") const { FieldTypes } = require("../constants") interface MySQLConfig { host: string port: number user: string password: string database: string ssl?: object } const TYPE_MAP = { text: FieldTypes.LONGFORM, blob: FieldTypes.LONGFORM, enum: FieldTypes.STRING, varchar: FieldTypes.STRING, int: FieldTypes.NUMBER, numeric: FieldTypes.NUMBER, bigint: FieldTypes.NUMBER, mediumint: FieldTypes.NUMBER, decimal: FieldTypes.NUMBER, dec: FieldTypes.NUMBER, double: FieldTypes.NUMBER, real: FieldTypes.NUMBER, fixed: FieldTypes.NUMBER, smallint: FieldTypes.NUMBER, timestamp: FieldTypes.DATETIME, date: FieldTypes.DATETIME, datetime: FieldTypes.DATETIME, time: FieldTypes.DATETIME, tinyint: FieldTypes.BOOLEAN, json: DatasourceFieldTypes.JSON, } const SCHEMA: Integration = { docs: "", plus: true, friendlyName: "MySQL", description: "MySQL Database Service is a fully managed database service to deploy cloud-native applications. ", datasource: { host: { type: DatasourceFieldTypes.STRING, default: "localhost", required: true, }, port: { type: DatasourceFieldTypes.NUMBER, default: 3306, required: false, }, user: { type: DatasourceFieldTypes.STRING, default: "root", required: true, }, password: { type: DatasourceFieldTypes.PASSWORD, default: "root", required: true, }, database: { type: DatasourceFieldTypes.STRING, required: true, }, ssl: { type: DatasourceFieldTypes.OBJECT, required: false, }, }, query: { create: { type: QueryTypes.SQL, }, read: { type: QueryTypes.SQL, }, update: { type: QueryTypes.SQL, }, delete: { type: QueryTypes.SQL, }, }, } function internalQuery( client: any, query: SqlQuery, connect: boolean = true ): Promise { // Node MySQL is callback based, so we must wrap our call in a promise return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (connect) { client.connect() } return client.query( query.sql, query.bindings || {}, (error: any, results: object[]) => { if (error) { reject(error) } else { resolve(results) } if (connect) { client.end() } } ) }) } class MySQLIntegration extends Sql { private config: MySQLConfig private readonly client: any constructor(config: MySQLConfig) { super("mysql") this.config = config if (config.ssl && Object.keys(config.ssl).length === 0) { delete config.ssl } this.client = mysql.createConnection(config) } async buildSchema(datasourceId: string) { const tables: { [key: string]: Table } = {} const database = this.config.database this.client.connect() // get the tables first const tablesResp = await internalQuery( this.client, { sql: "SHOW TABLES;" }, false ) const tableNames = (obj: any) => obj[`Tables_in_${database}`] ) for (let tableName of tableNames) { const primaryKeys = [] const schema: TableSchema = {} const descResp = await internalQuery( this.client, { sql: `DESCRIBE ${tableName};` }, false ) for (let column of descResp) { const columnName = column.Field if (column.Key === "PRI") { primaryKeys.push(columnName) } const constraints = { presence: column.Null !== "YES", } schema[columnName] = { name: columnName, type: convertType(column.Type, TYPE_MAP), constraints, } } // for now just default to first column if (primaryKeys.length === 0) { primaryKeys.push(descResp[0].Field) } if (!tables[tableName]) { tables[tableName] = { _id: buildExternalTableId(datasourceId, tableName), primary: primaryKeys, name: tableName, schema, } } } this.client.end() this.tables = tables } async create(query: SqlQuery | string) { const results = await internalQuery(this.client, getSqlQuery(query)) return results.length ? results : [{ created: true }] } read(query: SqlQuery | string) { return internalQuery(this.client, getSqlQuery(query)) } async update(query: SqlQuery | string) { const results = await internalQuery(this.client, getSqlQuery(query)) return results.length ? results : [{ updated: true }] } async delete(query: SqlQuery | string) { const results = await internalQuery(this.client, getSqlQuery(query)) return results.length ? results : [{ deleted: true }] } async getReturningRow(json: QueryJson) { if (!json.extra || !json.extra.idFilter) { return {} } const input = this._query({ endpoint: { ...json.endpoint, operation: Operation.READ, }, fields: [], filters: json.extra.idFilter, paginate: { limit: 1, }, }) return internalQuery(this.client, input, false) } async query(json: QueryJson) { const operation = this._operation(json) this.client.connect() const input = this._query(json, { disableReturning: true }) let row // need to manage returning, a feature mySQL can't do if (operation === "awdawd") { row = this.getReturningRow(json) } const results = await internalQuery(this.client, input, false) // same as delete, manage returning if (operation === Operation.CREATE || operation === Operation.UPDATE) { row = this.getReturningRow(json) } this.client.end() if (operation !== Operation.READ) { return row } return results.length ? results : [{ [operation.toLowerCase()]: true }] } } module.exports = { schema: SCHEMA, integration: MySQLIntegration, } }