const { getRoutingInfo } = require("../../utilities/routing") const { getUserAccessLevelHierarchy, BUILTIN_LEVEL_IDS, } = require("../../utilities/security/accessLevels") const URL_SEPARATOR = "/" function Routing() { this.json = {} } Routing.prototype.getTopLevel = function(fullpath) { if (fullpath.charAt(0) !== URL_SEPARATOR) { fullpath = URL_SEPARATOR + fullpath } // replace the first value with the home route return URL_SEPARATOR + fullpath.split(URL_SEPARATOR)[1] } Routing.prototype.getScreensProp = function(fullpath) { const topLevel = this.getTopLevel(fullpath) if (!this.json[topLevel]) { this.json[topLevel] = { subpaths: {}, } } if (!this.json[topLevel].subpaths[fullpath]) { this.json[topLevel].subpaths[fullpath] = { screens: {}, } } return this.json[topLevel].subpaths[fullpath].screens } Routing.prototype.addScreenId = function(fullpath, accessLevel, screenId) { this.getScreensProp(fullpath)[accessLevel] = screenId } /** * Gets the full routing structure by querying the routing view and processing the result into the tree. * @param {string} appId The application to produce the routing structure for. * @returns {Promise} The routing structure, this is the full structure designed for use in the builder, * if the client routing is required then the updateRoutingStructureForUserLevel should be used. */ async function getRoutingStructure(appId) { const screenRoutes = await getRoutingInfo(appId) const routing = new Routing() for (let screenRoute of screenRoutes) { let fullpath = screenRoute.routing.route const accessLevel = screenRoute.routing.accessLevelId routing.addScreenId(fullpath, accessLevel, } return { routes: routing.json } } exports.fetch = async ctx => { ctx.body = await getRoutingStructure(ctx.appId) } exports.clientFetch = async ctx => { const routing = await getRoutingStructure(ctx.appId) const accessLevelId = ctx.user.accessLevel._id // builder is a special case, always return the full routing structure if (accessLevelId === BUILTIN_LEVEL_IDS.BUILDER) { ctx.body = routing return } const accessLevelIds = await getUserAccessLevelHierarchy( ctx.appId, accessLevelId ) for (let topLevel of Object.values(routing.routes)) { for (let subpathKey of Object.keys(topLevel.subpaths)) { let found = false const subpath = topLevel.subpaths[subpathKey] const accessLevelOptions = Object.keys(subpath.screens) if (accessLevelOptions.length === 1 && !accessLevelOptions[0]) { subpath.screenId = subpath.screens[accessLevelOptions[0]] subpath.accessLevelId = BUILTIN_LEVEL_IDS.BASIC found = true } else { for (let levelId of accessLevelIds) { if (accessLevelOptions.indexOf(levelId) !== -1) { subpath.screenId = subpath.screens[levelId] subpath.accessLevelId = levelId found = true break } } } delete subpath.screens if (!found) { delete topLevel.subpaths[subpathKey] } } } ctx.body = routing }