const fetch = require("node-fetch") const { downloadTemplate } = require("../../utilities/fileSystem") const env = require("../../environment") // development flag, can be used to test against templates exported locally const DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_BUCKET = "" exports.fetch = async function (ctx) { let type = env.TEST_ENV ? "qa" : "app" let response, error = false try { response = await fetch(`https://${DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_BUCKET}/manifest.json`) if (response.status !== 200) { error = true } } catch (err) { error = true } // if there is an error, simply return no templates if (!error && response) { const json = await response.json() ctx.body = Object.values(json.templates[type]) } else { ctx.body = [] } } // can't currently test this, have to ignore from coverage /* istanbul ignore next */ exports.downloadTemplate = async function (ctx) { const { type, name } = ctx.params await downloadTemplate(type, name) ctx.body = { message: `template ${type}:${name} downloaded successfully.`, } }