#!/usr/bin/env node const yargs = require("yargs") const fs = require("fs") const { join } = require("path") require("../src/db").init() const { db: dbCore } = require("@budibase/backend-core") // load environment const env = require("../src/environment") const { USER_METDATA_PREFIX, LINK_USER_METADATA_PREFIX, } = require("../src/db/utils") // Script to export a chosen budibase app into a package // Usage: ./scripts/exportAppTemplate.js export --name=Funky --appId=appId yargs .command( "export", "Export an existing budibase application to the .budibase/templates directory", { name: { description: "The name of the newly exported template", alias: "n", type: "string", }, appId: { description: "The appId of the application you want to export", alias: "app", type: "string", }, }, async args => { if (!env.isDev()) { throw "Only works in dev" } const name = args.name, appId = args.appId console.log("Exporting app..") if (name == null || appId == null) { console.error( "Unable to export without a name and app ID being specified, check help for more info." ) return } const exportPath = join(process.cwd(), name, "db") fs.ensureDirSync(exportPath) const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(join(exportPath, "dump.text")) // perform couch dump await dbCore.doWithDB(appId, async db => { return db.dump(writeStream, { filter: doc => !( doc._id.includes(USER_METDATA_PREFIX) || doc.includes(LINK_USER_METADATA_PREFIX) ), }) }) console.log(`Template ${name} exported to ${exportPath}`) } ) .help() .alias("help", "h").argv