import env from "../../environment" import { createAllSearchIndex, createLinkView, createRoutingView, } from "../../db/views/staticViews" import { backupClientLibrary, createApp, deleteApp, revertClientLibrary, updateClientLibrary, } from "../../utilities/fileSystem" import { AppStatus, DocumentType, generateAppID, generateDevAppID, getLayoutParams, getScreenParams, } from "../../db/utils" import { cache, context, db as dbCore, env as envCore, ErrorCode, events, migrations, objectStore, roles, tenancy, users, } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { USERS_TABLE_SCHEMA, DEFAULT_BB_DATASOURCE_ID } from "../../constants" import { buildDefaultDocs } from "../../db/defaultData/datasource_bb_default" import { removeAppFromUserRoles } from "../../utilities/workerRequests" import { stringToReadStream } from "../../utilities" import { doesUserHaveLock } from "../../utilities/redis" import { cleanupAutomations } from "../../automations/utils" import { getUniqueRows } from "../../utilities/usageQuota/rows" import { groups, licensing, quotas } from "@budibase/pro" import { App, Layout, MigrationType, PlanType, Screen, UserCtx, CreateAppRequest, FetchAppDefinitionResponse, FetchAppPackageResponse, DuplicateAppRequest, DuplicateAppResponse, } from "@budibase/types" import { BASE_LAYOUT_PROP_IDS } from "../../constants/layouts" import sdk from "../../sdk" import { builderSocket } from "../../websockets" import { sdk as sharedCoreSDK } from "@budibase/shared-core" import * as appMigrations from "../../appMigrations" // utility function, need to do away with this async function getLayouts() { const db = context.getAppDB() return ( await db.allDocs( getLayoutParams(null, { include_docs: true, }) ) ) => row.doc!) } async function getScreens() { const db = context.getAppDB() return ( await db.allDocs( getScreenParams(null, { include_docs: true, }) ) ) => row.doc!) } function getUserRoleId(ctx: UserCtx) { return !ctx.user?.role || !ctx.user.role._id ? roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.PUBLIC : ctx.user.role._id } function checkAppUrl( ctx: UserCtx, apps: App[], url: string, currentAppId?: string ) { if (currentAppId) { apps = apps.filter((app: any) => app.appId !== currentAppId) } if (apps.some((app: any) => app.url === url)) { ctx.throw(400, "App URL is already in use.") } } function checkAppName( ctx: UserCtx, apps: App[], name: string, currentAppId?: string ) { // TODO: Replace with Joi if (!name) { ctx.throw(400, "Name is required") } if (currentAppId) { apps = apps.filter((app: any) => app.appId !== currentAppId) } if (apps.some((app: any) => === name)) { ctx.throw(400, "App name is already in use.") } } interface AppTemplate { templateString?: string useTemplate?: string file?: { type?: string path: string password?: string } key?: string } async function createInstance(appId: string, template: AppTemplate) { const db = context.getAppDB() await db.put({ _id: "_design/database", // view collation information, read before writing any complex views: // views: {}, }) // NOTE: indexes need to be created before any tables/templates // add view for linked rows await createLinkView() await createRoutingView() await createAllSearchIndex() // replicate the template data to the instance DB // this is currently very hard to test, downloading and importing template files if (template && template.templateString) { const { ok } = await db.load(stringToReadStream(template.templateString)) if (!ok) { throw "Error loading database dump from memory." } } else if (template && template.useTemplate === "true") { await sdk.backups.importApp(appId, db, template) } else { // create the users table await db.put(USERS_TABLE_SCHEMA) } return { _id: appId } } export const addSampleData = async (ctx: UserCtx) => { const db = context.getAppDB() try { // Check if default datasource exists before creating it await sdk.datasources.get(DEFAULT_BB_DATASOURCE_ID) } catch (err: any) { const defaultDbDocs = await buildDefaultDocs() // add in the default db data docs - tables, datasource, rows and links await db.bulkDocs([...defaultDbDocs]) } ctx.status = 200 } export async function fetch(ctx: UserCtx) { ctx.body = await sdk.applications.fetch( ctx.query.status as AppStatus, ctx.user ) } export async function fetchAppDefinition( ctx: UserCtx ) { const layouts = await getLayouts() const userRoleId = getUserRoleId(ctx) const accessController = new roles.AccessController() const screens = await accessController.checkScreensAccess( await getScreens(), userRoleId ) ctx.body = { layouts, screens, libraries: ["@budibase/standard-components"], } } export async function fetchAppPackage( ctx: UserCtx ) { const db = context.getAppDB() const appId = context.getAppId() let application = await db.get(DocumentType.APP_METADATA) const layouts = await getLayouts() let screens = await getScreens() const license = await licensing.cache.getCachedLicense() // Enrich plugin URLs application.usedPlugins = objectStore.enrichPluginURLs( application.usedPlugins ) // Only filter screens if the user is not a builder if (!users.isBuilder(ctx.user, appId)) { const userRoleId = getUserRoleId(ctx) const accessController = new roles.AccessController() screens = await accessController.checkScreensAccess(screens, userRoleId) } const clientLibPath = objectStore.clientLibraryUrl( ctx.params.appId, application.version ) ctx.body = { application: { ...application, upgradableVersion: envCore.VERSION }, licenseType: license?.plan.type || PlanType.FREE, screens, layouts, clientLibPath, hasLock: await doesUserHaveLock(application.appId, ctx.user), } } async function performAppCreate(ctx: UserCtx) { const apps = (await dbCore.getAllApps({ dev: true })) as App[] const { name, url, encryptionPassword, useTemplate, templateKey, templateString, } = ctx.request.body checkAppName(ctx, apps, name) const appUrl = sdk.applications.getAppUrl({ name, url }) checkAppUrl(ctx, apps, appUrl) const instanceConfig: AppTemplate = { useTemplate, key: templateKey, templateString, } if (ctx.request.files && ctx.request.files.templateFile) { instanceConfig.file = { ...(ctx.request.files.templateFile as any), password: encryptionPassword, } } else if (typeof ctx.request.body.file?.path === "string") { instanceConfig.file = { path: ctx.request.body.file?.path, } } const tenantId = tenancy.isMultiTenant() ? tenancy.getTenantId() : null const appId = generateDevAppID(generateAppID(tenantId)) return await context.doInAppContext(appId, async () => { const instance = await createInstance(appId, instanceConfig) const db = context.getAppDB() let newApplication: App = { _id: DocumentType.APP_METADATA, _rev: undefined, appId, type: "app", version: envCore.VERSION, componentLibraries: ["@budibase/standard-components"], name: name, url: appUrl, template: templateKey, instance, tenantId: tenancy.getTenantId(), updatedAt: new Date().toISOString(), createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), status: AppStatus.DEV, navigation: { navigation: "Top", title: name, navWidth: "Large", navBackground: "var(--spectrum-global-color-gray-100)", links: [], }, theme: "spectrum--light", customTheme: { buttonBorderRadius: "16px", }, features: { componentValidation: true, disableUserMetadata: true, skeletonLoader: true, }, } // If we used a template or imported an app there will be an existing doc. // Fetch and migrate some metadata from the existing app. try { const existing: App = await db.get(DocumentType.APP_METADATA) const keys: (keyof App)[] = [ "_rev", "navigation", "theme", "customTheme", "icon", ] keys.forEach(key => { if (existing[key]) { // @ts-ignore newApplication[key] = existing[key] } }) // Keep existing feature flags if (!existing.features?.componentValidation) { newApplication.features!.componentValidation = false } if (!existing.features?.disableUserMetadata) { newApplication.features!.disableUserMetadata = false } // Migrate navigation settings and screens if required if (existing) { const navigation = await migrateAppNavigation() if (navigation) { newApplication.navigation = navigation } } } catch (err) { // Nothing to do } const response = await db.put(newApplication, { force: true }) newApplication._rev = response.rev /* istanbul ignore next */ if (!env.isTest()) { await createApp(appId) } // Initialise the app migration version as the latest one await appMigrations.updateAppMigrationMetadata({ appId, version: appMigrations.getLatestMigrationId(), }) await, newApplication) return newApplication }) } async function creationEvents(request: any, app: App) { let creationFns: ((app: App) => Promise)[] = [] const body = request.body if (body.useTemplate === "true") { // from template if (body.templateKey && body.templateKey !== "undefined") { creationFns.push(a =>, body.templateKey)) } // from file else if (request.files?.templateFile) { creationFns.push(a => } // from server file path else if (request.body.file) { // explicitly pass in the newly created app id creationFns.push(a =>, app.appId)) } // unknown else { console.error("Could not determine template creation event") } } if (!request.duplicate) { creationFns.push(a => } for (let fn of creationFns) { await fn(app) } } async function appPostCreate(ctx: UserCtx, app: App) { const tenantId = tenancy.getTenantId() await migrations.backPopulateMigrations({ type: MigrationType.APP, tenantId, appId: app.appId, }) await creationEvents(ctx.request, app) // app import, template creation and duplication if (ctx.request.body.useTemplate === "true") { const { rows } = await getUniqueRows([app.appId]) const rowCount = rows ? rows.length : 0 if (rowCount) { try { await context.doInAppContext(app.appId, () => { return quotas.addRows(rowCount) }) } catch (err: any) { if (err.code && err.code === ErrorCode.USAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) { // this import resulted in row usage exceeding the quota // delete the app // skip pre and post-steps as no rows have been added to quotas yet ctx.params.appId = app.appId await destroyApp(ctx) } throw err } } } // If the user is a creator, we need to give them access to the new app if (sharedCoreSDK.users.hasCreatorPermissions(ctx.user)) { const user = await users.UserDB.getUser(ctx.user._id!) await users.addAppBuilder(user, app.appId) } } export async function create(ctx: UserCtx) { const newApplication = await quotas.addApp(() => performAppCreate(ctx)) await appPostCreate(ctx, newApplication) await cache.bustCache(cache.CacheKey.CHECKLIST) ctx.body = newApplication ctx.status = 200 } // This endpoint currently operates as a PATCH rather than a PUT // Thus name and url fields are handled only if present export async function update( ctx: UserCtx<{ name?: string; url?: string }, App> ) { const apps = (await dbCore.getAllApps({ dev: true })) as App[] // validation const name =, possibleUrl = ctx.request.body.url if (name) { checkAppName(ctx, apps, name, ctx.params.appId) } const url = sdk.applications.getAppUrl({ name, url: possibleUrl }) if (url) { checkAppUrl(ctx, apps, url, ctx.params.appId) ctx.request.body.url = url } const app = await updateAppPackage(ctx.request.body, ctx.params.appId) await ctx.status = 200 ctx.body = app builderSocket?.emitAppMetadataUpdate(ctx, { theme: app.theme, customTheme: app.customTheme, navigation: app.navigation, name:, url: app.url, icon: app.icon, automations: { chainAutomations: app.automations?.chainAutomations, }, }) } export async function updateClient(ctx: UserCtx) { // Get current app version const db = context.getAppDB() const application = await db.get(DocumentType.APP_METADATA) const currentVersion = application.version let manifest // Update client library and manifest if (!env.isTest()) { await backupClientLibrary(ctx.params.appId) manifest = await updateClientLibrary(ctx.params.appId) } // Update versions in app package const updatedToVersion = envCore.VERSION const appPackageUpdates = { version: updatedToVersion, revertableVersion: currentVersion, features: { ...(application.features ?? {}), skeletonLoader: manifest?.features?.skeletonLoader ?? false, }, } const app = await updateAppPackage(appPackageUpdates, ctx.params.appId) await, currentVersion, updatedToVersion) ctx.status = 200 ctx.body = app } export async function revertClient(ctx: UserCtx) { // Check app can be reverted const db = context.getAppDB() const application = await db.get(DocumentType.APP_METADATA) if (!application.revertableVersion) { ctx.throw(400, "There is no version to revert to") } let manifest // Update client library and manifest if (!env.isTest()) { manifest = await revertClientLibrary(ctx.params.appId) } // Update versions in app package const currentVersion = application.version const revertedToVersion = application.revertableVersion const appPackageUpdates = { version: revertedToVersion, revertableVersion: undefined, features: { ...(application.features ?? {}), skeletonLoader: manifest?.features?.skeletonLoader ?? false, }, } const app = await updateAppPackage(appPackageUpdates, ctx.params.appId) await, currentVersion, revertedToVersion) ctx.status = 200 ctx.body = app } async function unpublishApp(ctx: UserCtx) { let appId = ctx.params.appId appId = dbCore.getProdAppID(appId) const db = context.getProdAppDB() const result = await db.destroy() await{ appId } as App) // automations only in production await cleanupAutomations(appId) await return result } async function destroyApp(ctx: UserCtx) { let appId = ctx.params.appId appId = dbCore.getProdAppID(appId) const devAppId = dbCore.getDevAppID(appId) // check if we need to unpublish first if (await dbCore.dbExists(appId)) { // app is deployed, run through unpublish flow await sdk.applications.syncApp(devAppId) await unpublishApp(ctx) } const db = dbCore.getDB(devAppId) // standard app deletion flow const app = await db.get(DocumentType.APP_METADATA) const result = await db.destroy() await quotas.removeApp() await if (!env.isTest()) { await deleteApp(appId) } await removeAppFromUserRoles(ctx, appId) await return result } async function preDestroyApp(ctx: UserCtx) { const { rows } = await getUniqueRows([ctx.params.appId]) ctx.rowCount = rows.length } async function postDestroyApp(ctx: UserCtx) { const rowCount = ctx.rowCount await groups.cleanupApp(ctx.params.appId) if (rowCount) { await quotas.removeRows(rowCount) } } export async function destroy(ctx: UserCtx) { await preDestroyApp(ctx) const result = await destroyApp(ctx) await postDestroyApp(ctx) ctx.status = 200 ctx.body = result } export async function unpublish(ctx: UserCtx) { const prodAppId = dbCore.getProdAppID(ctx.params.appId) const dbExists = await dbCore.dbExists(prodAppId) // check app has been published if (!dbExists) { return ctx.throw(400, "App has not been published.") } await preDestroyApp(ctx) await unpublishApp(ctx) await postDestroyApp(ctx) ctx.status = 204 builderSocket?.emitAppUnpublish(ctx) } export async function sync(ctx: UserCtx) { const appId = ctx.params.appId try { ctx.body = await sdk.applications.syncApp(appId) } catch (err: any) { ctx.throw(err.status || 400, err.message) } } export async function importToApp(ctx: UserCtx) { const { appId } = ctx.params const appExport = ctx.request.files?.appExport const password = ctx.request.body.encryptionPassword as string if (!appExport) { ctx.throw(400, "Must supply app export to import") } if (Array.isArray(appExport)) { ctx.throw(400, "Must only supply one app export") } const fileAttributes = { type: appExport.type!, path: appExport.path! } try { await sdk.applications.updateWithExport(appId, fileAttributes, password) } catch (err: any) { ctx.throw( 500, `Unable to perform update, please retry - ${err?.message || err}` ) } ctx.body = { message: "app updated" } } /** * Create a copy of the latest dev application. * Performs an export of the app, then imports from the export dir path */ export async function duplicateApp( ctx: UserCtx ) { const { name: appName, url: possibleUrl } = ctx.request.body const { appId: sourceAppId } = ctx.params const [app] = await dbCore.getAppsByIDs([sourceAppId]) if (!app) { ctx.throw(404, "Source app not found") } const apps = (await dbCore.getAllApps({ dev: true })) as App[] checkAppName(ctx, apps, appName) const url = sdk.applications.getAppUrl({ name: appName, url: possibleUrl }) checkAppUrl(ctx, apps, url) const tmpPath = await sdk.backups.exportApp(sourceAppId, { excludeRows: false, tar: false, }) const createRequestBody: CreateAppRequest = { name: appName, url: possibleUrl, useTemplate: "true", // The app export path file: { path: tmpPath, }, } // Build a new request const createRequest = { roleId: ctx.roleId, user: { ...ctx.user, _id: dbCore.getGlobalIDFromUserMetadataID(ctx.user._id || ""), }, request: { body: createRequestBody, }, } as UserCtx // Build the new application await create(createRequest) const { body: newApplication } = createRequest if (!newApplication) { ctx.throw(500, "There was a problem duplicating the application") } ctx.body = { duplicateAppId: newApplication?.appId, sourceAppId, } ctx.status = 200 } export async function updateAppPackage( appPackage: Partial, appId: string ) { return context.doInAppContext(appId, async () => { const db = context.getAppDB() const application = await db.get(DocumentType.APP_METADATA) const newAppPackage: App = { ...application, ...appPackage } if (appPackage._rev !== application._rev) { newAppPackage._rev = application._rev } // the locked by property is attached by server but generated from // Redis, shouldn't ever store it delete newAppPackage.lockedBy await db.put(newAppPackage) // remove any cached metadata, so that it will be updated await return newAppPackage }) } export async function setRevertableVersion( ctx: UserCtx<{ revertableVersion: string }, App> ) { if (!env.isDev()) { ctx.status = 403 return } const db = context.getAppDB() const app = await db.get(DocumentType.APP_METADATA) app.revertableVersion = ctx.request.body.revertableVersion await db.put(app) ctx.status = 200 } async function migrateAppNavigation() { const db = context.getAppDB() const existing: App = await db.get(DocumentType.APP_METADATA) const layouts: Layout[] = await getLayouts() const screens: Screen[] = await getScreens() // Migrate all screens, removing custom layouts for (let screen of screens) { if (!screen.layoutId) { continue } const layout = layouts.find(layout => layout._id === screen.layoutId) screen.layoutId = undefined screen.showNavigation = layout?.props.navigation !== "None" screen.width = layout?.props.width || "Large" await db.put(screen) } // Migrate layout navigation settings const { name, customTheme } = existing const layout = layouts?.find( (layout: Layout) => layout._id === BASE_LAYOUT_PROP_IDS.PRIVATE ) if (layout && !existing.navigation) { let navigationSettings: any = { navigation: "Top", title: name, navWidth: "Large", navBackground: customTheme?.navBackground || "var(--spectrum-global-color-gray-50)", navTextColor: customTheme?.navTextColor || "var(--spectrum-global-color-gray-800)", } if (layout) { navigationSettings.hideLogo = layout.props.hideLogo navigationSettings.hideTitle = layout.props.hideTitle navigationSettings.title = layout.props.title || name navigationSettings.logoUrl = layout.props.logoUrl navigationSettings.links = layout.props.links navigationSettings.navigation = layout.props.navigation || "Top" navigationSettings.sticky = layout.props.sticky navigationSettings.navWidth = layout.props.width || "Large" if (navigationSettings.navigation === "None") { navigationSettings.navigation = "Top" } } return navigationSettings } else { return null } }