import filterTests from "../support/filterTests" const interact = require('../support/interact') filterTests(["smoke", "all"], () => { context("Screen Tests", () => { before(() => { cy.login() cy.createTestApp() cy.navigateToFrontend() }) it.skip("Should successfully create a screen", () => { cy.createScreen("test") cy.get(interact.BODY).within(() => { cy.contains("/test").should("exist") }) }) it("Should update the url", () => { cy.createScreen("test with spaces") cy.get(interact.BODY).within(() => { cy.contains("/test-with-spaces").should("exist") }) }) it.skip("should delete all screens then create first screen via button", () => { cy.deleteAllScreens() cy.contains("Create first screen").click() cy.get(interact.BODY, { timeout: 2000 }).should('contain', '/home') }) it("Should create and filter screens by access level", () => { const accessLevels = ["Basic", "Admin", "Public", "Power"] for (const access of accessLevels){ // Create screen with specified access level cy.createScreen(access, access) // Filter by access level and confirm screen visible cy.filterScreensAccessLevel(access) cy.get(interact.BODY).within(() => { cy.get(interact.NAV_ITEM).should('contain', access.toLowerCase()) }) } // Filter by All screens - Confirm all screens visible cy.filterScreensAccessLevel("All screens") cy.get(interact.BODY).should('contain', accessLevels[0]) .and('contain', accessLevels[1]) .and('contain', accessLevels[2]) .and('contain', accessLevels[3]) }) }) })