import { AutoFieldSubType, AutoReason, Datasource, FieldSchema, FieldType, FilterType, IncludeRelationship, OneToManyRelationshipFieldMetadata, Operation, PaginationJson, RelationshipFieldMetadata, Row, SearchFilters, SortJson, SortType, Table, isManyToOne, } from "@budibase/types" import { breakExternalTableId, breakRowIdField, convertRowId, isRowId, isSQL, generateRowIdField, } from "../../../integrations/utils" import { buildExternalRelationships, buildSqlFieldList, generateIdForRow, sqlOutputProcessing, isManyToMany, } from "./utils" import { getDatasourceAndQuery } from "../../../sdk/app/rows/utils" import { processObjectSync } from "@budibase/string-templates" import { cloneDeep } from "lodash/fp" import { db as dbCore } from "@budibase/backend-core" import sdk from "../../../sdk" import env from "../../../environment" export interface ManyRelationship { tableId?: string id?: string isUpdate?: boolean key: string [key: string]: any } export interface RunConfig { id?: any[] filters?: SearchFilters sort?: SortJson paginate?: PaginationJson datasource?: Datasource row?: Row rows?: Row[] tables?: Record includeSqlRelationships?: IncludeRelationship } function buildFilters( id: string | undefined | string[], filters: SearchFilters, table: Table ) { const primary = table.primary // if passed in array need to copy for shifting etc let idCopy: undefined | string | any[] = cloneDeep(id) if (filters) { // need to map over the filters and make sure the _id field isn't present let prefix = 1 for (let operator of Object.values(filters)) { for (let field of Object.keys(operator || {})) { if (dbCore.removeKeyNumbering(field) === "_id") { if (primary) { const parts = breakRowIdField(operator[field]) for (let field of primary) { operator[`${prefix}:${field}`] = parts.shift() } prefix++ } // make sure this field doesn't exist on any filter delete operator[field] } } } } // there is no id, just use the user provided filters if (!idCopy || !table) { return filters } // if used as URL parameter it will have been joined if (!Array.isArray(idCopy)) { idCopy = breakRowIdField(idCopy) } const equal: any = {} if (primary && idCopy) { for (let field of primary) { // work through the ID and get the parts equal[field] = idCopy.shift() } } return { equal, } } async function removeManyToManyRelationships( rowId: string, table: Table, colName: string ) { const tableId = table._id! const filters = buildFilters(rowId, {}, table) // safety check, if there are no filters on deletion bad things happen if (Object.keys(filters).length !== 0) { return getDatasourceAndQuery({ endpoint: getEndpoint(tableId, Operation.DELETE), body: { [colName]: null }, filters, meta: { table, }, }) } else { return [] } } async function removeOneToManyRelationships(rowId: string, table: Table) { const tableId = table._id! const filters = buildFilters(rowId, {}, table) // safety check, if there are no filters on deletion bad things happen if (Object.keys(filters).length !== 0) { return getDatasourceAndQuery({ endpoint: getEndpoint(tableId, Operation.UPDATE), filters, meta: { table, }, }) } else { return [] } } /** * This function checks the incoming parameters to make sure all the inputs are * valid based on on the table schema. The main thing this is looking for is when a * user has made use of the _id field of a row for a foreign key or a search parameter. * In these cases the key will be sent up as [1], rather than 1. In these cases we will * simplify it down to the requirements. This function is quite complex as we try to be * relatively restrictive over what types of columns we will perform this action for. */ function cleanupConfig(config: RunConfig, table: Table): RunConfig { const primaryOptions = [ FieldType.STRING, FieldType.LONGFORM, FieldType.OPTIONS, FieldType.NUMBER, ] // filter out fields which cannot be keys const fieldNames = Object.entries(table.schema) .filter(schema => primaryOptions.find(val => val === schema[1].type)) // map to fieldName .map(entry => entry[0]) const iterateObject = (obj: { [key: string]: any }) => { for (let [field, value] of Object.entries(obj)) { if (fieldNames.find(name => name === field) && isRowId(value)) { obj[field] = convertRowId(value) } } } // check the row and filters to make sure they aren't a key of some sort if (config.filters) { for (let [key, filter] of Object.entries(config.filters)) { // oneOf is an array, don't iterate it if ( typeof filter !== "object" || Object.keys(filter).length === 0 || key === FilterType.ONE_OF ) { continue } iterateObject(filter) } } if (config.row) { iterateObject(config.row) } return config } function getEndpoint(tableId: string | undefined, operation: string) { if (!tableId) { throw new Error("Cannot get endpoint information - no table ID specified") } const { datasourceId, tableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId) return { datasourceId: datasourceId!, entityId: tableName!, operation: operation as Operation, } } function isOneSide( field: RelationshipFieldMetadata ): field is OneToManyRelationshipFieldMetadata { return ( field.relationshipType && field.relationshipType.split("-")[0] === "one" ) } function isEditableColumn(column: FieldSchema) { const isExternalAutoColumn = column.autocolumn && column.autoReason !== AutoReason.FOREIGN_KEY && column.subtype !== AutoFieldSubType.AUTO_ID const isFormula = column.type === FieldType.FORMULA return !(isExternalAutoColumn || isFormula) } export type ExternalRequestReturnType = T extends Operation.READ ? Row[] : { row: Row; table: Table } export class ExternalRequest { private readonly operation: T private readonly tableId: string private datasource?: Datasource private tables: { [key: string]: Table } = {} constructor(operation: T, tableId: string, datasource?: Datasource) { this.operation = operation this.tableId = tableId this.datasource = datasource if (datasource && datasource.entities) { this.tables = datasource.entities } } getTable(tableId: string | undefined): Table | undefined { if (!tableId) { throw "Table ID is unknown, cannot find table" } const { tableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId) if (tableName) { return this.tables[tableName] } } async getRow(table: Table, rowId: string): Promise { const response = await getDatasourceAndQuery({ endpoint: getEndpoint(table._id!, Operation.READ), filters: buildFilters(rowId, {}, table), meta: { table, }, }) if (Array.isArray(response) && response.length > 0) { return response[0] } else { throw new Error(`Cannot fetch row by ID "${rowId}"`) } } inputProcessing(row: Row | undefined, table: Table) { if (!row) { return { row, manyRelationships: [] } } // we don't really support composite keys for relationships, this is why [0] is used // @ts-ignore const tablePrimary: string = table.primary[0] let newRow: Row = {}, manyRelationships: ManyRelationship[] = [] for (let [key, field] of Object.entries(table.schema)) { // if set already, or not set just skip it if (row[key] === undefined || newRow[key] || !isEditableColumn(field)) { continue } // parse floats/numbers if (field.type === FieldType.NUMBER && !isNaN(parseFloat(row[key]))) { newRow[key] = parseFloat(row[key]) } // if its not a link then just copy it over if (field.type !== FieldType.LINK) { newRow[key] = row[key] continue } const { tableName: linkTableName } = breakExternalTableId(field?.tableId) // table has to exist for many to many if (!linkTableName || !this.tables[linkTableName]) { continue } const linkTable = this.tables[linkTableName] // @ts-ignore const linkTablePrimary = linkTable.primary[0] // one to many if (isOneSide(field)) { let id = row[key][0] if (id) { if (typeof row[key] === "string") { id = decodeURIComponent(row[key]).match(/\[(.*?)\]/)?.[1] } newRow[field.foreignKey || linkTablePrimary] = breakRowIdField(id)[0] } else { // Removing from both new and row, as we don't know if it has already been processed row[field.foreignKey || linkTablePrimary] = null newRow[field.foreignKey || linkTablePrimary] = null } } // many to many else if (isManyToMany(field)) { // we're not inserting a doc, will be a bunch of update calls const otherKey: string = field.throughFrom || linkTablePrimary const thisKey: string = field.throughTo || tablePrimary for (const relationship of row[key]) { manyRelationships.push({ tableId: field.through || field.tableId, isUpdate: false, key: otherKey, [otherKey]: breakRowIdField(relationship)[0], // leave the ID for enrichment later [thisKey]: `{{ literal ${tablePrimary} }}`, }) } } // many to one else { const thisKey: string = "id" // @ts-ignore const otherKey: string = field.fieldName for (const relationship of row[key]) { manyRelationships.push({ tableId: field.tableId, isUpdate: true, key: otherKey, [thisKey]: breakRowIdField(relationship)[0], // leave the ID for enrichment later [otherKey]: `{{ literal ${tablePrimary} }}`, }) } } } // we return the relationships that may need to be created in the through table // we do this so that if the ID is generated by the DB it can be inserted // after the fact return { row: newRow, manyRelationships } } /** * This is a cached lookup, of relationship records, this is mainly for creating/deleting junction * information. */ async lookupRelations(tableId: string, row: Row) { const related: { [key: string]: { rows: Row[]; isMany: boolean; tableId: string } } = {} const { tableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId) if (!tableName) { return related } const table = this.tables[tableName] // @ts-ignore const primaryKey = table.primary[0] // make a new request to get the row with all its relationships // we need this to work out if any relationships need removed for (const field of Object.values(table.schema)) { if ( field.type !== FieldType.LINK || !field.fieldName || isOneSide(field) ) { continue } let tableId: string | undefined, lookupField: string | undefined, fieldName: string | undefined if (isManyToMany(field)) { tableId = field.through lookupField = primaryKey fieldName = field.throughTo || primaryKey } else if (isManyToOne(field)) { tableId = field.tableId lookupField = field.foreignKey fieldName = field.fieldName } if (!tableId || !lookupField || !fieldName) { throw new Error( "Unable to lookup relationships - undefined column properties." ) } const { tableName: relatedTableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId) // @ts-ignore const linkPrimaryKey = this.tables[relatedTableName].primary[0] if (!lookupField || !row[lookupField]) { continue } const response = await getDatasourceAndQuery({ endpoint: getEndpoint(tableId, Operation.READ), filters: { equal: { [fieldName]: row[lookupField], }, }, meta: { table, }, }) // this is the response from knex if no rows found const rows: Row[] = !Array.isArray(response) || response?.[0].read ? [] : response const storeTo = isManyToMany(field) ? field.throughFrom || linkPrimaryKey : fieldName related[storeTo] = { rows, isMany: isManyToMany(field), tableId } } return related } /** * Once a row has been written we may need to update a many field, e.g. updating foreign keys * in a bunch of rows in another table, or inserting/deleting rows from a junction table (many to many). * This is quite a complex process and is handled by this function, there are a few things going on here: * 1. If updating foreign keys its relatively simple, just create a filter for the row that needs updated * and write the various components. * 2. If junction table, then we lookup what exists already, write what doesn't exist, work out what * isn't supposed to exist anymore and delete those. This is better than the usual method of delete them * all and then re-create, as theres no chance of losing data (e.g. delete succeed, but write fail). */ async handleManyRelationships( mainTableId: string, row: Row, relationships: ManyRelationship[] ) { // if we're creating (in a through table) need to wipe the existing ones first const promises = [] const related = await this.lookupRelations(mainTableId, row) const table = this.getTable(mainTableId) for (let relationship of relationships) { const { key, tableId, isUpdate, id, } = relationship const body: { [key: string]: any } = processObjectSync(rest, row, {}) const linkTable = this.getTable(tableId) const relationshipPrimary = linkTable?.primary || [] const linkPrimary = relationshipPrimary[0] if (!linkTable || !linkPrimary) { return } const linkSecondary = relationshipPrimary[1] const rows = related[key]?.rows || [] const relationshipMatchPredicate = ({ row, linkPrimary, linkSecondary, }: { row: Row linkPrimary: string linkSecondary?: string }) => { const matchesPrimaryLink = row[linkPrimary] === || row[linkPrimary] === body?.[linkPrimary] if (!matchesPrimaryLink || !linkSecondary) { return matchesPrimaryLink } const matchesSecondayLink = row[linkSecondary] === body?.[linkSecondary] return matchesPrimaryLink && matchesSecondayLink } const existingRelationship = rows.find((row: { [key: string]: any }) => relationshipMatchPredicate({ row, linkPrimary, linkSecondary }) ) const operation = isUpdate ? Operation.UPDATE : Operation.CREATE if (!existingRelationship) { promises.push( getDatasourceAndQuery({ endpoint: getEndpoint(tableId, operation), // if we're doing many relationships then we're writing, only one response body, filters: buildFilters(id, {}, linkTable), meta: { table, }, }) ) } else { // remove the relationship from cache so it isn't adjusted again rows.splice(rows.indexOf(existingRelationship), 1) } } // finally cleanup anything that needs to be removed for (let [colName, { isMany, rows, tableId }] of Object.entries(related)) { const table: Table | undefined = this.getTable(tableId) // if its not the foreign key skip it, nothing to do if ( !table || (!isMany && table.primary && table.primary.indexOf(colName) !== -1) ) { continue } for (let row of rows) { const rowId = generateIdForRow(row, table) const promise: Promise = isMany ? removeManyToManyRelationships(rowId, table, colName) : removeOneToManyRelationships(rowId, table) if (promise) { promises.push(promise) } } } await Promise.all(promises) } async removeRelationshipsToRow(table: Table, rowId: string) { const row = await this.getRow(table, rowId) const related = await this.lookupRelations(table._id!, row) for (let column of Object.values(table.schema)) { const relationshipColumn = column as RelationshipFieldMetadata if (!isManyToOne(relationshipColumn)) { continue } const { rows, isMany, tableId } = related[relationshipColumn.fieldName] const table = this.getTable(tableId)! await Promise.all( => { const rowId = generateIdForRow(row, table) return isMany ? removeManyToManyRelationships( rowId, table, relationshipColumn.fieldName ) : removeOneToManyRelationships(rowId, table) }) ) } } async run(config: RunConfig): Promise> { const { operation, tableId } = this let { datasourceId, tableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId) if (!tableName) { throw "Unable to run without a table name" } if (!this.datasource) { this.datasource = await sdk.datasources.get(datasourceId!) if (!this.datasource || !this.datasource.entities) { throw "No tables found, fetch tables before query." } this.tables = this.datasource.entities } const table = this.tables[tableName] let isSql = isSQL(this.datasource) if (!table) { throw `Unable to process query, table "${tableName}" not defined.` } // look for specific components of config which may not be considered acceptable let { id, row, filters, sort, paginate, rows } = cleanupConfig( config, table ) //if the sort column is a formula, remove it for (let sortColumn of Object.keys(sort || {})) { if (!sort?.[sortColumn]) { continue } switch (table.schema[sortColumn]?.type) { case FieldType.FORMULA: delete sort?.[sortColumn] break case FieldType.NUMBER: if (sort && sort[sortColumn]) { sort[sortColumn].type = SortType.NUMBER } break } } filters = buildFilters(id, filters || {}, table) const relationships = buildExternalRelationships(table, this.tables) const incRelationships = config.includeSqlRelationships === IncludeRelationship.INCLUDE // clean up row on ingress using schema const processed = this.inputProcessing(row, table) row = processed.row if ( operation === Operation.DELETE && (filters == null || Object.keys(filters).length === 0) ) { throw "Deletion must be filtered" } let json = { endpoint: { datasourceId: datasourceId!, entityId: tableName, operation, }, resource: { // have to specify the fields to avoid column overlap (for SQL) fields: isSql ? buildSqlFieldList(table, this.tables, { relationships: incRelationships, }) : [], }, filters, sort, paginate, relationships, body: row || rows, // pass an id filter into extra, purely for mysql/returning extra: { idFilter: buildFilters(id || generateIdForRow(row, table), {}, table), }, meta: { table, }, } // remove any relationships that could block deletion if (operation === Operation.DELETE && id) { await this.removeRelationshipsToRow(table, generateRowIdField(id)) } // aliasing can be disabled fully if desired let response if (env.SQL_ALIASING_DISABLE) { response = await getDatasourceAndQuery(json) } else { const aliasing = new sdk.rows.AliasTables(Object.keys(this.tables)) response = await aliasing.queryWithAliasing(json) } const responseRows = Array.isArray(response) ? response : [] // handle many-to-many relationships now if we know the ID (could be auto increment) if (operation !== Operation.READ) { await this.handleManyRelationships( table._id || "", responseRows[0], processed.manyRelationships ) } const output = await sqlOutputProcessing( response, table, this.tables, relationships ) // if reading it'll just be an array of rows, return whole thing if (operation === Operation.READ) { return ( Array.isArray(output) ? output : [output] ) as ExternalRequestReturnType } else { return { row: output[0], table } as ExternalRequestReturnType } } }