import filterTests from "../support/filterTests" filterTests(['all'], () => { context("Change Application Icon and Colour", () => { before(() => { cy.login() }) after(() => { cy.deleteAllApps() }) it("should change the icon and colour for an application", () => { // Search for test application cy.applicationInAppTable("Cypress Tests") cy.get(".appTable") .within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Icon").eq(1).click() }) cy.get(".spectrum-Menu").contains("Edit icon").click() // Select random icon cy.get(".grid").within(() => { cy.get(".icon-item").eq(Math.floor(Math.random() * 23) + 1).click() }) // Select random colour cy.get(".fill").click() cy.get(".colors").within(() => { cy.get(".color").eq(Math.floor(Math.random() * 33) + 1).click() }) cy.intercept('**/applications/**').as('iconChange') cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Save").click({ force: true }) cy.wait("@iconChange") cy.get("@iconChange").its('response.statusCode') .should('eq', 200) cy.wait(1000) // Confirm icon has changed from default // Confirm colour has been applied - There is no default colour cy.get(".appTable") .within(() => { cy.get('[aria-label]').eq(0).children() .should('have.attr', 'xlink:href').and('not.contain', '#spectrum-icon-18-Apps') cy.get(".title").children().children() .should('have.attr', 'style').and('contains', 'color') }) }) }) })