const { processString } = require("../src/index.cjs") describe("Handling context properties with spaces in their name", () => { it("should allow through literal specifiers", async () => { const output = await processString("test {{ [one thing] }}", { "one thing": 1, }) expect(output).toBe("test 1") }) it("should convert to dot notation where required", async () => { const output = await processString("test {{ one[0] }}", { one: [2], }) expect(output).toBe("test 2") }) it("should be able to handle a property with a space in its name", async () => { const output = await processString("hello my name is {{ [person name] }}", { "person name": "Mike", }) expect(output).toBe("hello my name is Mike") }) it("should be able to handle an object with layers that requires escaping", async () => { const output = await processString("testcase {{ thing.[one case] }}", { thing: { "one case": 1, }, }) expect(output).toBe("testcase 1") }) }) describe("attempt some complex problems", () => { it("should be able to handle a very complex handlebars statement", async () => { const context = { "New Repeater": { "Get Actors": { first_name: "Bob", last_name: "Bobert", }, }, } const hbs = "{{ [New Repeater].[Get Actors].[first_name] }} {{ [New Repeater].[Get Actors].[last_name] }}" const output = await processString(hbs, context) expect(output).toBe("Bob Bobert") }) it("should be able to process an odd string produced by builder", async () => { const context = { c306d140d7e854f388bae056db380a0eb: { "one prop": "test", }, } const hbs = "null{{ [c306d140d7e854f388bae056db380a0eb].[one prop] }}" const output = await processString(hbs, context) expect(output).toBe("nulltest") }) })