const env = require("../environment") const { OBJ_STORE_DIRECTORY } = require("../constants") const linkRows = require("../db/linkedRows") const { cloneDeep } = require("lodash/fp") const { FieldTypes, AutoFieldSubTypes } = require("../constants") const CouchDB = require("../db") const BASE_AUTO_ID = 1 /** * A map of how we convert various properties in rows to each other based on the row type. */ const TYPE_TRANSFORM_MAP = { [FieldTypes.LINK]: { "": [], [null]: [], [undefined]: undefined, parse: link => { if (typeof link === "string") { return [link] } return link }, }, [FieldTypes.OPTIONS]: { "": "", [null]: "", [undefined]: undefined, }, [FieldTypes.STRING]: { "": "", [null]: "", [undefined]: undefined, }, [FieldTypes.LONGFORM]: { "": "", [null]: "", [undefined]: undefined, }, [FieldTypes.NUMBER]: { "": null, [null]: null, [undefined]: undefined, parse: n => parseFloat(n), }, [FieldTypes.DATETIME]: { "": null, [undefined]: undefined, [null]: null, }, [FieldTypes.ATTACHMENT]: { "": [], [null]: [], [undefined]: undefined, }, [FieldTypes.BOOLEAN]: { "": null, [null]: null, [undefined]: undefined, true: true, false: false, }, [FieldTypes.AUTO]: { parse: () => undefined, }, } /** * This will update any auto columns that are found on the row/table with the correct information based on * time now and the current logged in user making the request. * @param {Object} user The user to be used for an appId as well as the createdBy and createdAt fields. * @param {Object} table The table which is to be used for the schema, as well as handling auto IDs incrementing. * @param {Object} row The row which is to be updated with information for the auto columns. * @returns {Promise<{row: Object, table: Object}>} The updated row and table, the table may need to be updated * for automatic ID purposes. */ async function processAutoColumn(user, table, row) { let now = new Date().toISOString() // if a row doesn't have a revision then it doesn't exist yet const creating = !row._rev let tableUpdated = false for (let [key, schema] of Object.entries(table.schema)) { if (!schema.autocolumn) { continue } switch (schema.subtype) { case AutoFieldSubTypes.CREATED_BY: if (creating) { row[key] = [user.userId] } break case AutoFieldSubTypes.CREATED_AT: if (creating) { row[key] = now } break case AutoFieldSubTypes.UPDATED_BY: row[key] = [user.userId] break case AutoFieldSubTypes.UPDATED_AT: row[key] = now break case AutoFieldSubTypes.AUTO_ID: if (creating) { schema.lastID = !schema.lastID ? BASE_AUTO_ID : schema.lastID + 1 row[key] = schema.lastID tableUpdated = true } break } } if (tableUpdated) { const db = new CouchDB(user.appId) const response = await db.put(table) // update the revision table._rev = response._rev } return { table, row } } /** * This will coerce a value to the correct types based on the type transform map * @param {object} row The value to coerce * @param {object} type The type fo coerce to * @returns {object} The coerced value */ exports.coerce = (row, type) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins if (TYPE_TRANSFORM_MAP[type].hasOwnProperty(row)) { return TYPE_TRANSFORM_MAP[type][row] } else if (TYPE_TRANSFORM_MAP[type].parse) { return TYPE_TRANSFORM_MAP[type].parse(row) } return row } /** * Given an input route this function will apply all the necessary pre-processing to it, such as coercion * of column values or adding auto-column values. * @param {object} user the user which is performing the input. * @param {object} row the row which is being created/updated. * @param {object} table the table which the row is being saved to. * @returns {object} the row which has been prepared to be written to the DB. */ exports.inputProcessing = async (user, table, row) => { let clonedRow = cloneDeep(row) for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(clonedRow)) { const field = table.schema[key] if (!field) { continue } clonedRow[key] = exports.coerce(value, field.type) } // handle auto columns - this returns an object like {table, row} return processAutoColumn(user, table, clonedRow) } /** * This function enriches the input rows with anything they are supposed to contain, for example * link records or attachment links. * @param {string} appId the ID of the application for which rows are being enriched. * @param {object} table the table from which these rows came from originally, this is used to determine * the schema of the rows and then enrich. * @param {object[]} rows the rows which are to be enriched. * @returns {object[]} the enriched rows will be returned. */ exports.outputProcessing = async (appId, table, rows) => { // attach any linked row information const outputRows = await linkRows.attachLinkInfo(appId, rows) // update the attachments URL depending on hosting if (env.CLOUD && env.SELF_HOSTED) { for (let [property, column] of Object.entries(table.schema)) { if (column.type === FieldTypes.ATTACHMENT) { for (let row of outputRows) { if (row[property] == null || row[property].length === 0) { continue } row[property].forEach(attachment => { attachment.url = `${OBJ_STORE_DIRECTORY}/${appId}/${attachment.url}` attachment.url = attachment.url.replace("//", "/") }) } } } } return outputRows }