// THIS will create API Keys and App Ids input in a local Dynamo instance if it is running const dynamoClient = require("../src/db/dynamoClient") if (process.argv[2] == null || process.argv[3] == null) { console.error( "Inputs incorrect format, was expecting: node createApiKeyAndAppId.js " ) process.exit(-1) } const FAKE_STRING = "fakestring" // set fake credentials for local dynamo to actually work process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = "KEY_ID" process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "SECRET_KEY" dynamoClient.init("http://localhost:8333") async function run() { await dynamoClient.apiKeyTable.put({ item: { pk: process.argv[2], accountId: FAKE_STRING, trackingId: FAKE_STRING, quotaReset: Date.now() + 2592000000, usageQuota: { automationRuns: 0, records: 0, storage: 0, users: 0, views: 0, }, usageLimits: { automationRuns: 10, records: 10, storage: 1000, users: 10, views: 10, }, }, }) await dynamoClient.apiKeyTable.put({ item: { pk: process.argv[3], apiKey: process.argv[2], }, }) } run() .then(() => { console.log("Records should have been created.") }) .catch(err => { console.error("Cannot create records - " + err) })