import * as userSdk from "../../../sdk/users" import env from "../../../environment" import { AcceptUserInviteRequest, AcceptUserInviteResponse, AddSSoUserRequest, BulkUserRequest, BulkUserResponse, CloudAccount, CreateAdminUserRequest, CreateAdminUserResponse, Ctx, InviteUserRequest, InviteUsersRequest, InviteUsersResponse, LockName, LockType, MigrationType, PlatformUserByEmail, SaveUserResponse, SearchUsersRequest, User, UserCtx, } from "@budibase/types" import { accounts, cache, ErrorCode, events, migrations, platform, tenancy, db, locks, } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { checkAnyUserExists } from "../../../utilities/users" import { isEmailConfigured } from "../../../utilities/email" const MAX_USERS_UPLOAD_LIMIT = 1000 export const save = async (ctx: UserCtx) => { try { const currentUserId = ctx.user?._id const requestUser = ctx.request.body const user = await, { currentUserId }) ctx.body = { _id: user._id!, _rev: user._rev!, email:, } } catch (err: any) { ctx.throw(err.status || 400, err) } } export const addSsoSupport = async (ctx: Ctx) => { const { email, ssoId } = ctx.request.body try { // Status is changed to 404 from getUserDoc if user is not found let userByEmail = (await platform.users.getUserDoc(email)) as PlatformUserByEmail await platform.users.addSsoUser( ssoId, email, userByEmail.userId, userByEmail.tenantId ) ctx.status = 200 } catch (err: any) { ctx.throw(err.status || 400, err) } } const bulkDelete = async (userIds: string[], currentUserId: string) => { if (userIds?.indexOf(currentUserId) !== -1) { throw new Error("Unable to delete self.") } return await userSdk.db.bulkDelete(userIds) } const bulkCreate = async (users: User[], groupIds: string[]) => { if (!env.SELF_HOSTED && users.length > MAX_USERS_UPLOAD_LIMIT) { throw new Error( "Max limit for upload is 1000 users. Please reduce file size and try again." ) } return await userSdk.db.bulkCreate(users, groupIds) } export const bulkUpdate = async ( ctx: Ctx ) => { const currentUserId = ctx.user._id const input = ctx.request.body let created, deleted try { if (input.create) { created = await bulkCreate(input.create.users, input.create.groups) } if (input.delete) { deleted = await bulkDelete(input.delete.userIds, currentUserId) } } catch (err: any) { ctx.throw(err.status || 400, err?.message || err) } ctx.body = { created, deleted } } const parseBooleanParam = (param: any) => { return !(param && param === "false") } export const adminUser = async ( ctx: Ctx ) => { const { email, password, tenantId, ssoId } = ctx.request.body if (await platform.tenants.exists(tenantId)) { ctx.throw(403, "Organisation already exists.") } if (env.MULTI_TENANCY) { // store the new tenant record in the platform db await platform.tenants.addTenant(tenantId) await migrations.backPopulateMigrations({ type: MigrationType.GLOBAL, tenantId, }) } await tenancy.doInTenant(tenantId, async () => { // account portal sends a pre-hashed password - honour param to prevent double hashing const hashPassword = parseBooleanParam(ctx.request.query.hashPassword) // account portal sends no password for SSO users const requirePassword = parseBooleanParam(ctx.request.query.requirePassword) const userExists = await checkAnyUserExists() if (userExists) { ctx.throw( 403, "You cannot initialise once an global user has been created." ) } try { const finalUser = await userSdk.db.createAdminUser( email, tenantId, password, { ssoId, hashPassword, requirePassword, } ) // events let account: CloudAccount | undefined if (!env.SELF_HOSTED && !env.DISABLE_ACCOUNT_PORTAL) { account = await accounts.getAccountByTenantId(tenantId) } await events.identification.identifyTenantGroup(tenantId, account) ctx.body = { _id: finalUser._id!, _rev: finalUser._rev!, email:, } } catch (err: any) { ctx.throw(err.status || 400, err) } }) } export const countByApp = async (ctx: any) => { const appId = ctx.params.appId try { ctx.body = await userSdk.db.countUsersByApp(appId) } catch (err: any) { ctx.throw(err.status || 400, err) } } export const destroy = async (ctx: any) => { const id = if (id === ctx.user._id) { ctx.throw(400, "Unable to delete self.") } await userSdk.db.destroy(id) ctx.body = { message: `User ${id} deleted.`, } } export const getAppUsers = async (ctx: Ctx) => { const body = ctx.request.body const users = await userSdk.db.getUsersByAppAccess({ appId: body.appId, limit: body.limit, }) ctx.body = { data: users } } export const search = async (ctx: Ctx) => { const body = ctx.request.body // TODO: for now only two supported search keys; and equal._id if (body?.query) { // Clean numeric prefixing. This will overwrite duplicate search fields, // but this is fine because we only support a single custom search on // email and id for (let filters of Object.values(body.query)) { if (filters && typeof filters === "object") { for (let [field, value] of Object.entries(filters)) { delete filters[field] const cleanedField = db.removeKeyNumbering(field) if (filters[cleanedField] !== undefined) { ctx.throw(400, "Only 1 filter per field is supported") } filters[cleanedField] = value } } } // Validate we aren't trying to search on any illegal fields if (!userSdk.core.isSupportedUserSearch(body.query)) { ctx.throw(400, "Can only search by or equal._id") } } if (body.paginate === false) { await getAppUsers(ctx) } else { const paginated = await userSdk.core.paginatedUsers(body) // user hashed password shouldn't ever be returned for (let user of { if (user) { delete user.password } } ctx.body = paginated } } // called internally by app server user fetch export const fetch = async (ctx: any) => { const all = await userSdk.db.allUsers() // user hashed password shouldn't ever be returned for (let user of all) { if (user) { delete user.password } } ctx.body = all } // called internally by app server user find export const find = async (ctx: any) => { ctx.body = await userSdk.db.getUser( } export const tenantUserLookup = async (ctx: any) => { const id = const user = await userSdk.core.getPlatformUser(id) if (user) { ctx.body = user } else { ctx.throw(400, "No tenant user found.") } } /* Encapsulate the app user onboarding flows here. */ export const onboardUsers = async ( ctx: Ctx ) => { if (await isEmailConfigured()) { await inviteMultiple(ctx) return } let createdPasswords: Record = {} const users: User[] = => { let password = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 22) createdPasswords[] = password return { email:, password, forceResetPassword: true, roles: invite.userInfo.apps, admin: invite.userInfo.admin, builder: invite.userInfo.builder, tenantId: tenancy.getTenantId(), } }) let resp = await userSdk.db.bulkCreate(users) for (const user of resp.successful) { user.password = createdPasswords[] } ctx.body = { ...resp, created: true } } export const invite = async (ctx: Ctx) => { const request = ctx.request.body let multiRequest = [request] const response = await userSdk.invite(multiRequest) // explicitly throw for single user invite if (response.unsuccessful.length) { const reason = response.unsuccessful[0].reason if (reason === "Unavailable") { ctx.throw(400, reason) } else { ctx.throw(500, reason) } } ctx.body = { message: "Invitation has been sent.", successful: response.successful, unsuccessful: response.unsuccessful, } } export const inviteMultiple = async (ctx: Ctx) => { ctx.body = await userSdk.invite(ctx.request.body) } export const checkInvite = async (ctx: any) => { const { code } = ctx.params let invite try { invite = await cache.invite.getCode(code) } catch (e) { console.warn("Error getting invite from code", e) ctx.throw(400, "There was a problem with the invite") return } ctx.body = { email:, } } export const getUserInvites = async (ctx: any) => { try { // Restricted to the currently authenticated tenant ctx.body = await cache.invite.getInviteCodes() } catch (e) { ctx.throw(400, "There was a problem fetching invites") } } export const updateInvite = async (ctx: any) => { const { code } = ctx.params let updateBody = { ...ctx.request.body } delete let invite try { invite = await cache.invite.getCode(code) } catch (e) { ctx.throw(400, "There was a problem with the invite") return } let updated = { ...invite, } if (!updateBody?.builder?.apps && { = [] } else if (updateBody?.builder) { = updateBody.builder } if (!updateBody?.apps || !Object.keys(updateBody?.apps).length) { = [] } else { = {, apps: {, ...updateBody.apps, }, } } await cache.invite.updateCode(code, updated) ctx.body = { ...invite } } export const inviteAccept = async ( ctx: Ctx ) => { const { inviteCode, password, firstName, lastName } = ctx.request.body try { await locks.doWithLock( { type: LockType.AUTO_EXTEND, name: LockName.PROCESS_USER_INVITE, resource: inviteCode, systemLock: true, }, async () => { // info is an extension of the user object that was stored by global const { email, info } = await cache.invite.getCode(inviteCode) const user = await tenancy.doInTenant(info.tenantId, async () => { let request: any = { firstName, lastName, password, email, admin: { global: info?.admin?.global || false }, roles: info.apps, tenantId: info.tenantId, } const builder: { global: boolean; apps?: string[] } = { global: info?.builder?.global || false, } if (info?.builder?.apps) { builder.apps = info.builder.apps request.builder = builder } delete info.apps request = { ...request,, } const saved = await await events.user.inviteAccepted(saved) return saved }) await cache.invite.deleteCode(inviteCode) ctx.body = { _id: user._id!, _rev: user._rev!, email:, } } ) } catch (err: any) { if (err.code === ErrorCode.USAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) { // explicitly re-throw limit exceeded errors ctx.throw(400, err) } console.warn("Error inviting user", err) ctx.throw(400, err || "Unable to create new user, invitation invalid.") } }