function getTestContainerSettings( serverName: string, key: string ): string | null { const entry = Object.entries(global).find( ([k]) => k.includes(`_${serverName.toUpperCase()}`) && k.includes(`_${key.toUpperCase()}__`) ) if (!entry) { return null } return entry[1] } function getContainerInfo(containerName: string, port: number) { const assignedPort = getTestContainerSettings( containerName.toUpperCase(), `PORT_${port}` ) const host = getTestContainerSettings(containerName.toUpperCase(), "IP") return { port: assignedPort, host, url: host && assignedPort && `http://${host}:${assignedPort}`, } } function getCouchConfig() { return getContainerInfo("couchdb-service", 5984) } function getMinioConfig() { return getContainerInfo("minio-service", 9000) } export function setupEnv(...envs: any[]) { const configs = [ { key: "COUCH_DB_PORT", value: getCouchConfig().port }, { key: "COUCH_DB_URL", value: getCouchConfig().url }, { key: "MINIO_PORT", value: getMinioConfig().port }, { key: "MINIO_URL", value: getMinioConfig().url }, ] for (const config of configs.filter(x => !!x.value)) { for (const env of envs) { env._set(config.key, config.value) } } }