const PouchDB = require("../../../db") const Deployment = require("./Deployment") const { Replication, StaticDatabases } = require("@budibase/auth/db") const { DocumentTypes } = require("../../../db/utils") // the max time we can wait for an invalidation to complete before considering it failed const MAX_PENDING_TIME_MS = 30 * 60000 const DeploymentStatus = { SUCCESS: "SUCCESS", PENDING: "PENDING", FAILURE: "FAILURE", } // checks that deployments are in a good state, any pending will be updated async function checkAllDeployments(deployments) { let updated = false for (let deployment of Object.values(deployments.history)) { // check that no deployments have crashed etc and are now stuck if ( deployment.status === DeploymentStatus.PENDING && - deployment.updatedAt > MAX_PENDING_TIME_MS ) { deployment.status = DeploymentStatus.FAILURE deployment.err = "Timed out" updated = true } } return { updated, deployments } } async function storeDeploymentHistory(deployment) { const appId = deployment.getAppId() const deploymentJSON = deployment.getJSON() const db = new PouchDB( let deploymentDoc try { deploymentDoc = await db.get(appId) } catch (err) { deploymentDoc = { _id: appId, history: {} } } const deploymentId = deploymentJSON._id // first time deployment if (!deploymentDoc.history[deploymentId]) deploymentDoc.history[deploymentId] = {} deploymentDoc.history[deploymentId] = { ...deploymentDoc.history[deploymentId], ...deploymentJSON, updatedAt:, } await db.put(deploymentDoc) deployment.fromJSON(deploymentDoc.history[deploymentId]) return deployment } async function deployApp(deployment) { try { const productionAppId = deployment.appId.replace("_dev", "") const replication = new Replication({ source: deployment.appId, target: productionAppId, }) await replication.replicate() const db = new PouchDB(productionAppId) const appDoc = await db.get(DocumentTypes.APP_METADATA) appDoc.appId = productionAppId appDoc.instance._id = productionAppId await db.put(appDoc) // Set up live sync between the live and dev instances const liveReplication = new Replication({ source: productionAppId, target: deployment.appId, }) liveReplication.subscribe({ filter: function (doc) { return doc._id !== DocumentTypes.APP_METADATA }, }) deployment.setStatus(DeploymentStatus.SUCCESS) await storeDeploymentHistory(deployment) } catch (err) { deployment.setStatus(DeploymentStatus.FAILURE, err.message) await storeDeploymentHistory(deployment) throw { ...err, message: `Deployment Failed: ${err.message}`, } } } exports.fetchDeployments = async function (ctx) { try { const db = new PouchDB( const deploymentDoc = await db.get(ctx.appId) const { updated, deployments } = await checkAllDeployments( deploymentDoc, ctx.user ) if (updated) { await db.put(deployments) } ctx.body = Object.values(deployments.history).reverse() } catch (err) { ctx.body = [] } } exports.deploymentProgress = async function (ctx) { try { const db = new PouchDB( const deploymentDoc = await db.get(ctx.appId) ctx.body = deploymentDoc[ctx.params.deploymentId] } catch (err) { ctx.throw( 500, `Error fetching data for deployment ${ctx.params.deploymentId}` ) } } exports.deployApp = async function (ctx) { let deployment = new Deployment(ctx.appId) deployment.setStatus(DeploymentStatus.PENDING) deployment = await storeDeploymentHistory(deployment) await deployApp(deployment) ctx.body = deployment }