import BaseCache from "./base" import { getWritethroughClient } from "../redis/init" const DEFAULT_WRITE_RATE_MS = 10000 let CACHE: BaseCache | null = null interface CacheItem { doc: any lastWrite: number } async function getCache() { if (!CACHE) { const client = await getWritethroughClient() CACHE = new BaseCache(client) } return CACHE } function makeCacheKey(db: PouchDB.Database, key: string) { return + key } function makeCacheItem(doc: any, lastWrite: number | null = null): CacheItem { return { doc, lastWrite: lastWrite || } } export async function put( db: PouchDB.Database, doc: any, writeRateMs: number = DEFAULT_WRITE_RATE_MS ) { const cache = await getCache() const key = doc._id let cacheItem: CacheItem | undefined = await cache.get(makeCacheKey(db, key)) const updateDb = !cacheItem || cacheItem.lastWrite < - writeRateMs let output = doc if (updateDb) { const writeDb = async (toWrite: any) => { // doc should contain the _id and _rev const response = await db.put(toWrite) output = { ...doc, _id:, _rev: response.rev, } } try { await writeDb(doc) } catch (err: any) { if (err.status !== 409) { throw err } else { // get the rev, update over it - this is risky, may change in future const readDoc = await db.get(doc._id) doc._rev = readDoc._rev await writeDb(doc) } } } // if we are updating the DB then need to set the lastWrite to now cacheItem = makeCacheItem(output, updateDb ? null : cacheItem?.lastWrite) await, key), cacheItem) return { ok: true, id: output._id, rev: output._rev } } export async function get(db: PouchDB.Database, id: string): Promise { const cache = await getCache() const cacheKey = makeCacheKey(db, id) let cacheItem: CacheItem = await cache.get(cacheKey) if (!cacheItem) { const doc = await db.get(id) cacheItem = makeCacheItem(doc) await, cacheItem) } return cacheItem.doc } export async function remove( db: PouchDB.Database, docOrId: any, rev?: any ): Promise { const cache = await getCache() if (!docOrId) { throw new Error("No ID/Rev provided.") } const id = typeof docOrId === "string" ? docOrId : docOrId._id rev = typeof docOrId === "string" ? rev : docOrId._rev try { await cache.delete(makeCacheKey(db, id)) } finally { await db.remove(id, rev) } } export class Writethrough { db: PouchDB.Database writeRateMs: number constructor( db: PouchDB.Database, writeRateMs: number = DEFAULT_WRITE_RATE_MS ) { this.db = db this.writeRateMs = writeRateMs } async put(doc: any) { return put(this.db, doc, this.writeRateMs) } async get(id: string) { return get(this.db, id) } async remove(docOrId: any, rev?: any) { return remove(this.db, docOrId, rev) } }