import { DEFAULT_TENANT_ID, getAppId, getTenantIDFromAppID, updateTenantId, } from "./index" import cls from "./FunctionContext" import { IdentityContext } from "@budibase/types" import { ContextKey } from "./constants" import { dangerousGetDB, closeDB } from "../db" import { isEqual } from "lodash" import { getDevelopmentAppID, getProdAppID } from "../db/conversions" import env from "../environment" export async function updateUsing( usingKey: string, existing: boolean, internal: (opts: { existing: boolean }) => Promise ) { const using = cls.getFromContext(usingKey) if (using && existing) { cls.setOnContext(usingKey, using + 1) return internal({ existing: true }) } else { return () => { cls.setOnContext(usingKey, 1) return internal({ existing: false }) }) } } export async function closeWithUsing( usingKey: string, closeFn: () => Promise ) { const using = cls.getFromContext(usingKey) if (!using || using <= 1) { await closeFn() } else { cls.setOnContext(usingKey, using - 1) } } export const setAppTenantId = (appId: string) => { const appTenantId = getTenantIDFromAppID(appId) || DEFAULT_TENANT_ID updateTenantId(appTenantId) } export const setIdentity = (identity: IdentityContext | null) => { cls.setOnContext(ContextKey.IDENTITY, identity) } // this function makes sure the PouchDB objects are closed and // fully deleted when finished - this protects against memory leaks export async function closeAppDBs() { const dbKeys = [ContextKey.CURRENT_DB, ContextKey.PROD_DB, ContextKey.DEV_DB] for (let dbKey of dbKeys) { const db = cls.getFromContext(dbKey) if (!db) { continue } await closeDB(db) // clear the DB from context, incase someone tries to use it again cls.setOnContext(dbKey, null) } // clear the app ID now that the databases are closed if (cls.getFromContext(ContextKey.APP_ID)) { cls.setOnContext(ContextKey.APP_ID, null) } if (cls.getFromContext(ContextKey.DB_OPTS)) { cls.setOnContext(ContextKey.DB_OPTS, null) } } export function getContextDB(key: string, opts: any) { const dbOptsKey = `${key}${ContextKey.DB_OPTS}` let storedOpts = cls.getFromContext(dbOptsKey) let db = cls.getFromContext(key) if (db && isEqual(opts, storedOpts)) { return db } const appId = getAppId() let toUseAppId switch (key) { case ContextKey.CURRENT_DB: toUseAppId = appId break case ContextKey.PROD_DB: toUseAppId = getProdAppID(appId) break case ContextKey.DEV_DB: toUseAppId = getDevelopmentAppID(appId) break } db = dangerousGetDB(toUseAppId, opts) try { cls.setOnContext(key, db) if (opts) { cls.setOnContext(dbOptsKey, opts) } } catch (err) { if (!env.isTest()) { throw err } } return db }