const { BUILTIN_PERMISSIONS, PermissionLevels, PermissionTypes, higherPermission, getBuiltinPermissionByID, } = require("../../utilities/security/permissions") const { isBuiltin, getDBRoleID, getExternalRoleID, BUILTIN_ROLES, } = require("../../utilities/security/roles") const { getRoleParams, DocumentTypes } = require("../../db/utils") const CouchDB = require("../../db") const { cloneDeep } = require("lodash/fp") const PermissionUpdateType = { REMOVE: "remove", ADD: "add", } function getBasePermissions(resourceId) { const docType = DocumentTypes.filter(docType => resourceId.startsWith(docType) )[0] const levelsToFind = [PermissionLevels.WRITE, PermissionLevels.READ] let type switch (docType) { case DocumentTypes.TABLE: case DocumentTypes.ROW: type = PermissionTypes.TABLE break case DocumentTypes.AUTOMATION: type = PermissionTypes.AUTOMATION break case DocumentTypes.WEBHOOK: type = PermissionTypes.WEBHOOK break case DocumentTypes.QUERY: case DocumentTypes.DATASOURCE: type = PermissionTypes.QUERY break default: // views don't have an ID, will end up here type = PermissionTypes.VIEW break } const permissions = {} for (let [roleId, role] of Object.entries(BUILTIN_ROLES)) { if (!role.permissionId) { continue } const perms = getBuiltinPermissionByID(role.permissionId) const typedPermission = perms.permissions.find(perm => perm.type === type) if (typedPermission) { // TODO: need to get the lowest role // TODO: store the read/write with the lowest role } } } // utility function to stop this repetition - permissions always stored under roles async function getAllDBRoles(db) { const body = await db.allDocs( getRoleParams(null, { include_docs: true, }) ) return => row.doc) } async function updatePermissionOnRole( appId, { roleId, resourceId, level }, updateType ) { const db = new CouchDB(appId) const remove = updateType === PermissionUpdateType.REMOVE const isABuiltin = isBuiltin(roleId) const dbRoleId = getDBRoleID(roleId) const dbRoles = await getAllDBRoles(db) const docUpdates = [] // the permission is for a built in, make sure it exists if (isABuiltin && !dbRoles.some(role => role._id === dbRoleId)) { const builtin = cloneDeep(BUILTIN_ROLES[roleId]) builtin._id = getDBRoleID(builtin._id) dbRoles.push(builtin) } // now try to find any roles which need updated, e.g. removing the // resource from another role and then adding to the new role for (let role of dbRoles) { let updated = false const rolePermissions = role.permissions ? role.permissions : {} // handle the removal/updating the role which has this permission first // the updating (role._id !== dbRoleId) is required because a resource/level can // only be permitted in a single role (this reduces hierarchy confusion and simplifies // the general UI for this, rather than needing to show everywhere it is used) if ( (role._id !== dbRoleId || remove) && rolePermissions[resourceId] === level ) { delete rolePermissions[resourceId] updated = true } // handle the adding, we're on the correct role, at it to this if (!remove && role._id === dbRoleId) { rolePermissions[resourceId] = level updated = true } // handle the update, add it to bulk docs to perform at end if (updated) { role.permissions = rolePermissions docUpdates.push(role) } } const response = await db.bulkDocs(docUpdates) return => { resp._id = getExternalRoleID( delete return resp }) } exports.fetchBuiltin = function(ctx) { ctx.body = Object.values(BUILTIN_PERMISSIONS) } exports.fetchLevels = function(ctx) { // for now only provide the read/write perms externally ctx.body = [PermissionLevels.WRITE, PermissionLevels.READ] } exports.fetch = async function(ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.appId) const roles = await getAllDBRoles(db) let permissions = {} // create an object with structure role ID -> resource ID -> level for (let role of roles) { if (role.permissions) { const roleId = getExternalRoleID(role._id) if (permissions[roleId] == null) { permissions[roleId] = {} } for (let [resource, level] of Object.entries(role.permissions)) { permissions[roleId][resource] = higherPermission( permissions[roleId][resource], level ) } } } ctx.body = permissions } exports.getResourcePerms = async function(ctx) { const resourceId = ctx.params.resourceId const db = new CouchDB(ctx.appId) const body = await db.allDocs( getRoleParams(null, { include_docs: true, }) ) const roles = => row.doc) const resourcePerms = {} for (let role of roles) { // update the various roleIds in the resource permissions if (role.permissions && role.permissions[resourceId]) { const roleId = getExternalRoleID(role._id) resourcePerms[roleId] = higherPermission( resourcePerms[roleId], role.permissions[resourceId] ) } } ctx.body = resourcePerms } exports.addPermission = async function(ctx) { ctx.body = await updatePermissionOnRole( ctx.appId, ctx.params, PermissionUpdateType.ADD ) } exports.removePermission = async function(ctx) { ctx.body = await updatePermissionOnRole( ctx.appId, ctx.params, PermissionUpdateType.REMOVE ) }